My six month old daughter reminds me that the world is our playground.

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It’s in You to Give

One of my goals for 2010 was to donate blood regularly.

I’m proud to report that I donated blood four times in 2010 bringing my life time donations to 20.

I’ve already given blood once in 2011!

Because blood is the most precious gift.

Call 1-888 2 DONATE [Canadians] to make the appointment to save a life.

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Before We Found Our Way

The video is a remix by YouTube member damewse with the explanation “NASA is the most fascinating, adventurous, epic institution ever devised by human beings, and their media sucks.” The audio is the late, great Carl Sagan taken from one version of the audiobook version of Pale Blue Dot. See the YouTube page for full credits.

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Victoria Elementary School Rankings

After hearing it discussed on CBC Radio yesterday, I spent some time looking at the Fraser Institute’s controversial “Report Card on British Columbia’s Elementary Schools 2010” primarily based on BC’s Foundation Skills Assessment (FSA) Testing.

As to be expected, it looked like the Victoria public schools that did the best in 2010, and consistently over the last 5 years are in the “best” neighborhoods.

I’m encouraged that it looked to be fairly equal English and French immersion schools, as we don’t intend to go French immersion. We have heard that if enrolling English consider a full English school.

It’s kind of sad, but expected that our severely underfunded education system would be most successful were supplemented by parents, and where parents put more value on school excellence, and have the energy to be more active in their children’s educations.

I was disappointed, but not surprised that the closest school to our house, Cloverdale Traditional School did not do well. Although, surrounded by some nice neighborhoods, there are also commercial areas close by and (relatively) less expensive homes. I was hopefully that the focus on tradition of the school would give it a significant boost. The reported 49.4% ESL surprised me.

I’m looking forward to reviewing the 2011 reports for elementary and secondary that will come out next month. Atlantic Institute for Market Studies (AIMS) will be doing a report for the Western Provinces for the first time this year, but only for secondary schools.

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Joyent RASH

Just as I was starting to get in a writing flow my shared web hosting at Joyent had a 31 hr outage.

I never really know what I should expect from shared hosting, it’s all Random A$# Shared Hosting (RASH), but this still pained me.

I emailed Joyent support yesterday:

“Regarding why is there no final resolution on that thread? Why did it take ~ 31 hours to resolve this issue? What is being done to prevent this issue in the future?

It’s also upsetting when an issue is downplayed as “performance issues” or “slowness”. I couldn’t publish content to my site at all for over a day and a half, and Google Analytics show that few visitors made it to my site those days and those that made it might be thanks to the front end content delivery network CloudFlare.”

The response only made me feel a little better:

“The why didn’t it get updated would be my fault as I didn’t post when the resilver finished.

The why it took 31 hours, is that is how long the resliver process took (minus the losing 5 hours on the first replacement drive failed and had to be replaced a second time)

Sorry about the issue.”

I know I’m a bottom tier customer, and it was a long time ago that Joyent was really in the shared hosting business, but I still imagined them being able to resolve almost any problem within a handful of hours.

It’s worth noting that Joyent has been pretty good to me these past 5 years. free 30 minute interval:
2011 :ast week uptime:78.40% Downtime:1 day(s) 7 hour(s)
2010: Yearly uptime: 99.96% Downtime:2 hour(s) 52 min(s)
2009: Yearly uptime: 99.71% Downtime:6 hour(s) 31 min(s) – started monitoring only 2009-03

2008: The first half of 2008 was a dark year on textdrive, and I whined to some people I knew at Joyent back then.
2006-2007: was OK on textdrive.

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Super OJ

After having an unhealthy breakfast this morning I had a glass of orange juice. I just realized that ever since learning that the vitamin C in orange juice inhibits the conversion of nitrates to nitrosamines in your stomach, I’ve been viewing OJ as a super food.

OJ can’t save me from poor eating!

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With our second child I’m re-experiencing the wonder I felt at how biologically gregarious we are.

Our baby girl E’s comfort and pleasures revolve around our presence, particularly that of our toddler brother.

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Painful Home Depot Experience

Today, six months in the making, we finally had our Home Depot corner kitchen cabinet installed.

Continue reading

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Just Start Pumping

The chest compressions move enough oxygen to the brain, because the oxygen is already in the body. Studies have shown CCC to be more effective than traditional CPR, possibly because it is much easier to remember and administer, and anyone can do it. Just start pumping.
Marshall Brain, “How Continuous Chest Compression saves lives“, The Seattle Times, Oct 5th, 2010

The video notes not to use this on children under eight, or the rare case of respiratory failure or drowning.

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WordPress does one thing very well…

…allow everyone to easily publish on the Web!

And to make that happen, WordPress must be an easy to develop and design web publishing environment.

Stop! This is comparing apples and oranges. [WordPress] is a honed, refined blogging product that does one thing very well, whereas Drupal is a flexible, extensible CMS plus a huge set of tools for building websites, web applications, and integrating with other tools.
By “jam – Senior Wr….”, “The time is right for Drupal products

It’s frustrating that competitors are still trying to pigeon-hole WordPress. The satisfying irony is that I expect WordPress’s use for non-blog sites is growing faster than the competitors.

Sure, we have biases. We are biases towards familiarity, usability, and not stressing people — letting people be awesome!

A leading example of what you can do with WordPress 3.0 CMS features is what CBS, with the help of VOCE Communications, have already created for nearing 200 CBS Radio and CBS Local properties. Sites like:

There are countless other examples, but a few have been cataloged at

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