August 12, 2010

(via wakeupem)
totally off topic but I walk past this advert on my way to work everyday  and I’m obsessed with it! It looks so real and 3D that you don’t actually  know which windows are real and which are drawn on


(via wakeupem)

totally off topic but I walk past this advert on my way to work everyday and I’m obsessed with it! It looks so real and 3D that you don’t actually know which windows are real and which are drawn on

August 10, 2010

Happy Ramadan!

Illustrations courtesy of the ever talented Dubai-based Khalid Mezaina. Find him on twitter @kmezaina

August 5, 2010

Came across these and fell in love. The perfect accessory to spruce up any room.

100% recycled felt handmade cushions from Alexandra Ferguson.

August 4, 2010
Yesterday saw the launch of new clothing line ‘Material Girl’ designed by Madonna’s daughter Lourdes with a little help from her mama! The collection is aimed at tweens or teeny boppers and is actually pretty cute and predictable. The line  itself is HUGE with loads of colourways and styles. 
Check it out at a Macy’s near you or click through to see it online
*photos courtesy of Macy’s

Yesterday saw the launch of new clothing line ‘Material Girl’ designed by Madonna’s daughter Lourdes with a little help from her mama! The collection is aimed at tweens or teeny boppers and is actually pretty cute and predictable. The lineĀ  itself is HUGE with loads of colourways and styles.

Check it out at a Macy’s near you or click through to see it online

*photos courtesy of Macy’s

August 3, 2010
Xmas wishlist : Smythson iPad case

Xmas wishlist : Smythson iPad case

July 31, 2010

trust the americans to take hummus and make it as convenientĀ  as possible - even giving you a choice of 3 flavours!