The Rest of the World Has Gone Mad — Why Shouldn't Egypt?

Obama is openly calling for the downfall of a 60-year-old regime that has been allied with the U.S. for about 40 years in the most important country in the Arab world. What could go wrong?

The Atom in Pakistan

In Obama’s drive to reduce nuclear weapons, Pakistan, Iran, and North Korea have yet to be bridled, but diplomacy continues apace.

The Egyptian Crisis Continues

Protesters refuse to stop. Mubarak shows no intention of stepping down.

BREAKING: Federal Judge in Fla declares ObamaCare void and unconstitutional

Initial link at the Tatler. Much more to follow as story develops.

The White House, the Muslim Brotherhood, and Alfred E. Neuman

Pace the Pollyannas that determine U.S. foreign policy, the Brotherhood is about instituting sharia, i.e., Islamic law, by means of jihad.

Want to Save Real Money in D.C.?

Women now compose half the U.S. workforce. So let’s do a victory-lap for gender equality and stop the feminist set-asides and quota-mongering.

Egypt: Please, Not ElBaradei

It is not at all reassuring to see the former IAEA chief emerging as a potential leader of the opposition in Egypt. (Update: Read Anne Bayefsky at the Tatler: "The Iranian Frontman")

Egypt: Three Possible Outcomes

It might be the entire Western position in the Middle East that is swept away, and one dictatorship might be replaced by a worse one. I hope this analysis is wrong; I fear that it is accurate.

Who Is Charles Krauthammer?

There's something cryptic and elusive about Krauthammer, like the coy Waldo in the famous puzzle. (And don't miss Steve Green on "Krauthammer Correcting Krauthammer.")

Egypt: What Sauce Will Obama Use When He Eats His Words?

The “unrest” (a polite word for “riots”) we are seeing in Egypt is certainly “popular” unrest. We are supposed to be in favor of unrest when it is “popular,” aren’t we?

WikiLeaks: Catty Embassy Gossip Directed at Azerbaijan's First Lady

A misogynistic attack on Mehriban Aliyeva, an accomplished, independent woman who serves as a stylish role model for young Muslim girls.

Fix Immigration Now

Here's how to do it.

Al-Qaeda to American Muslims: Kill the Infidel, Make a Living!

Al-Qaeda is undertaking a new strategy: encouraging American Muslims to become a self-sustaining arm of the international jihad.

Egypt: What's Happening Now (Updated)

Mubarak not stepping down. "Down Down with Mubarak!" (Also read Roger L. Simon: "Will Iran reignite?" )

Video: SecState Clinton's robotic statement on Egypt

The Obama administration's most detailed comments to date. UPDATED.

Welcome to the Oddball Club

We in the oddball club live two lives, as sort of wandering souls who censor our speech and thoughts hourly.

Obama's Empty Talk Hides the True State of the Union

At this time of great national uncertainty, it would have been better for Obama to be more introspective about the state of our union, rather than the extrovert he was the other night.

The 1998 Rampart Scandal Continues to Reverberate in the LAPD

As is often the case when government inserts itself where it has no business, the best of intentions can yield disastrous results. For L.A., this means more people will be murdered this year than last. (Also read J. Christian Adams at the Tatler: "Steve Rosenbaum: foe of LAPD, friend of New Black Panthers")

Tyler Clementi Act a Serious Threat to Free Speech

An anti-harassment bill being introduced in Congress threatens to stifle freedom of expression even more on college campuses.

New Silicon Graffiti Video: 'Steer the Coverage'

From Kennedy to Katrina, the prefab media template that accompanied the shooting of Gabrielle Giffords was far from the first time the MSM bent the facts like a pretzel to build a narrative around an emotionally-charged event.

The Gray Lady Goes to (Spy) War

Why has the New York Times gotten so obsessed with Duane “Dewey” Clarridge, a retired CIA Operations Officer? Michael Ledeen dusts off his battered Ouija board and contacts the late head of CIA counterintelligence, James Jesus Angleton, for answers.

Uncle Sam's Dangerous Deterioration

The state of the union is financially weak, and getting weaker.

What Obama Didn't Mention in His SOTU Speech

Climate change? Osama bin Laden? The housing crisis? (Also read "SOTU reax" and "One way to save money: abolish the SOTU" at the Tatler.)

State of the Union Blues

I'm not watching tonight. I'm not quite ready for the 2012 campaign kickoff. (Also read State of the Union coverage by Amy Holmes and Richard Pollock, among others, at the Tatler.)

Bernie Sanders Doth Protest Too Much

The Vermont senator used the Tucson shooting to fill his reelection campaign coffers. But campaign finance data challenges his veracity.

Don't Cry for Olbermann

His tacky little adolescent temper tantrums, euphemistically called Countdown, may be reincarnated somewhere else.

HuffPo's Peter Dreier takes on Radosh and Fails

If you don't have the facts, invent them and/or pound the table. Dreier does both.

The Push to Create Palestine

As Arab regimes fail, misguided countries seek another.

Is the Leftist Media ‘Fair and Balanced’ on Christian Persecution?

Isn't the MSM supposed to be out to help the “underdog”?

Glenn Beck, Frances Fox Piven, and How the New York Times Falsely Depicts the Controversy

Who is the one inciting violence? (Also read Charlie Martin at the Tatler: "More Ring Lardnerism")

What Can We Learn from 2010 in 2012?

Did the 2010 midterms turn "blue" states "red" in time for the 2012 presidential election?

Before Talking About Gun Control, First Learn Something About Guns!

Robert Creamer's latest in the Huffington Post displays the same level of ignorance that certain congressmen and advocates have assaulted law-abiding Americans with for decades.

Did Olbermann Quit or Was He Pushed Out?

The final Countdown.

Free Speech on Trial in Austria ... and Europe

The trial of Austrian anti-Sharia activist Elisabeth Sabaditsch-Wolff for “denigrating” Islam has major implications for free speech in Europe. (Also read Michael Ledeen: "Islamophobia")

Get Ready for an Obama Victory in 2012

The good news? Gridlock, courtesy of a GOP Senate in 2012. The bad news: Well, legacy journalists are busy writing their "Comeback kid" articles even as we speak, and are prepared to go all-in once again next year.

Israel's Left Cracks Up

Will Netanyahu emerge stronger from this pivotal moment?

China: The First Mature Fascist State

For nearly ten years, I have been arguing that China may well be the first example of a mature fascism in power. The highest praise imaginable has been bestowed on this theory, by the People’s Republic itself.

ObamaCare DOA in the Senate? Not so Fast ...

Repeal's chances may be better than they seem.

The War Against Palin Goes On and On and ...

Palin is scary to the left not so much for 2012, but because she could be around for a long time to come.

Patience Not a Virtue as Our Problems with China Grow

Our relationship is based on the notion that China is always right, the U.S. is always wrong, and important problems should be ignored.

Hu Jintao 'Showing His Tail': Visit Will Encourage Further Belligerence

The White House needs to send out a disinvite. They are feeding Hu's arrogance and making him more difficult to deal with in the future.

The Post-Tucson Era

Will Obama 2.0 work? Perhaps, especially if conservatives ornate the Clinton ’96 analogy with their own Bob Dole in 2012.

Introducing...the Tatler (Updated)

Pajamas Media and PJTV's new group blog.

Gov. Rick Perry Blogs the Opening of the Texas Legislature's 82nd Session at the Tatler

Over at PJM's new Tatler blog, Texas Gov. Rick Perry joins the fray, blogging the beginning of the Lone Star State's 82nd legislative session. Gov. Perry will appear in the Tatler once in a while to update us on news and issues of importance to the state and the nation.

Shooting in Tucson

A horrific shooting incident on Saturday has left Rep. Gabrielle Giffords (D-AZ) critically wounded, Federal Judge John M. Roll and five others dead, and 11 others wounded. For Pajamas Media's coverage of the incident, don't miss:

Happy Birthday, Pajamas Media

Pajamas Media makes it to five years old ... with mistakes and some successes too.

Egypt, Liberty, and the Filling Pump

A conversation with an Iranian expatriate.

On the Left, It's Fake Sophisticates, Real Snobs

Who will come to liberals' emotional rescue?

The Unconstitutionality of ObamaCare in Black and White

Key excerpts from Judge Vinson's historic ruling.

Watching Egypt Burn: An Israeli Perspective

What is happening now in Egypt has immediate and potentially disastrous consequences for the Jewish state. (Also read Roger L. Simon at the Tatler: "Cluless Israel wakes up on PR (sort of)")

Egypt: Mubarak and the Shah

There are some eery similarities between Egypt 2011 and Iran 1979, and some of them are unfortunately about American leadership.

The New American Fans of the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt

Let's avoid counsel from those who would accept and appease radical Islamists who appear in sheep’s clothing.

After Tucson, Getting Involuntary Commitment Right

We must reverse the damage done by the radical '60s view of mental illness.

What's the Matter with Egypt?

The same thing that is the matter with most of the modern Middle East.

Egypt: The Race for the Keys

As the Mubarak regime goes into the last stages of existence, the race is on for the real treasures of a great state.

The British Disease, Coming Soon to a Bureaucracy Near You

Executive Order 13522 presages another giant engorgement of an insatiable anti-democratic bureaucracy that is teetering out of control.

Egypt and Iran: Will We Again Fuel the Fires of Revolution?

If Obama emulates the horrendous decisions Jimmy Carter made during the Iranian revolution, radical Islam will spread through the region like a forest fire.

Remembering the Iran-Al-Qaeda Link

The connection that Western intelligence agencies fear to make.

Egypt: Revolution? By Whom? For What?

Egypt's destiny will be determined by a fight among Egyptian people, some of whom wish to be free and others who wish to install a tyranny worse than Mubarak's. (Also read Richard Fernandez: "Mubarak Obama")

Should You Kick Your Dog Out of Bed Tonight?

Irresponsible reporting on the chances of your pet giving you a life-threatening disease does far more harm than good.

Barak's Exit Reveals Weakness of the Israeli Left

Israeli liberals have never recovered from the failure of the Oslo Accords and the carnage of the second intifada.

GE's Immelt? Not the Job Change We Can Believe In

The corporate titan cashes in on Obama's big-government ways.

Backward Ran the Photoshops Until Reeled the Voters

Why Time magazine Photoshopped an approving Ronald Reagan next to Barack Obama for their latest cover.

Dustbins I Have Known

There's a possibility that if Mubarak falls, it will have an effect analogous to the collapse of the shah during Jimmy Carter's presidency. (Update: Don't miss Steve Green on "Takin' It to the Streets.")

Rabbis Spend $100K to Slam Beck for Slamming Soros

The fact that Soros is a self-admitted Nazi collaborator who feels no guilt about his actions seems to have escaped the learned rabbis.

Iran’s Defense Minister Vahidi Threatens the West. Remember Who He Is?

He was one of the leaders responsible for the bombing of the U.S. Marine barracks in Beirut, among other horrors.

National Debt Increases by About $100 Million During the State of the Union Address

Yet President Obama offered no serious proposals for reducing spending or debt.

State of the Future

The SOTU address gave me visions of 100,000 new (and unionized) engineering and science teachers criss-crossing rural America in windmill-powered, solar-paneled high-speed trains — questing after the three doctors who will still be in private practice once ObamaCare really takes hold. (Also read Michael Ledeen at the Tatler: "The State of Confusion")

'Climate of Hate' Obsessives Give Culture of Death a Pass

Think Jared Loughner was evil? Meet Kermit Gosnell.

Private Citizens Fight Voter Fraud

Upholding the law when government won't.

The Kevin Bacon of American Jihad

Whenever jihadist groups threaten free speech in America or Europe, you can bet an associate of Revolution Muslim is somehow involved.

Drunkblogging the State of the Union

President Obama makes his second State of the Union speech tonight. The Vodkapundit is ready — martinis in hand. (And for wall to wall live video coverage, check out PJTV, which is carrying both the SOTU and GOP responses live, as well as plenty of commentary, beginning at 5:00 PM Pacific/8:00 PM Eastern.)

Is Science Fiction Getting More Conservative?

Two legends and two newcomers weigh in.

This Article Is Guaranteed Not to Incite Violence

If you commit violence, at least tell everyone you were inspired by a Dave Barry column and not me.

Is President Obama Shifting Right, or Being Shifty?

He's playing both ends against the middle. Nuts? Don't bet on it.

Competitiveness Where It Counts

Does Obama have 2012 in the bag? Not so fast; it's still the economy, stupid.

Why Does the American Conservative Union Welcome Suhail Khan?

Lots of virtual ink has spilled over GOProud attending CPAC. But then there's Suhail Khan, self-appointed GOP Muslim ambassador to the conservative world. Remember the story of the wolf in sheep’s clothing? Keep it in mind as you ponder Mr. Khan.

America the Broke

Here comes a reckoning we won't soon forget.

The Moscow Bombing: More Changes in Airport Security Coming?

People simply have to congregate somewhere in airports, whether at the terminal or the curb. We have to prevent bombings with better intelligence. (Also read Roger L. Simon on the Moscow bombing.)

Muslims of the Americas' New Target: Gullible Christians

How the MOA is using a front group that performs outreach to Christians in order to obscure its radical, anti-Semitic activities.

Philadelphia Authorities Discover Abortion House of Horrors

"Prolife, Kermit Gosnell isn't ours. He's yours. Bravo," one leftwing blogger tweeted last week, in an echo of the left's attempt to redirect the blame for the Tuscon gunman earlier this month.

Beware of Bureaucrats Bearing Gifts

When a bureaucrat calls for accountability, it means he has found a way to game the system.

Out with Churchill, in with the Saudi Gift Bonanza

The Saudis gave Obama, his family, and members of his administration more than $300,000 worth of presents in 2009.

Obama's Mandela Moment

Why the president's approval ratings have skyrocketed this month.

A Case of Possession?

Is it possible that the left is in the grip of a Satanic possession? (Also read J. Christian Adams at the Tatler: "Foul becomes fair.")

ESPN to Men: 'No Man, No Problem'

ESPN is the new Democratic Party, and female privilege is the new equality.

Human Rights Imperialism: Leftist Satire or Moral Collapse?

Watching the Guardian try to wish universal human rights into the cornfield, I realized that this was the modern left finally taking its last inevitable step into the abyss of moral oblivion.

Obama Admin Lobbying Honduras To Allow Zelaya Back In? Are You Kidding?

What could possibly be the motive behind this lunacy?

France’s 'Far Right' Gathering Support … on the Left

New National Front leader Marine Le Pen is riding high in the polls. And the French Socialists are concerned.

Many Students Learn Little to Nothing in College. Surprise?

No kidding. The big surprise is that this is news to anybody.

China's Regional Ambitions Threaten U.S. Allies

Let's not forget Taiwan, Japan, and other U.S. friends in the region.

The Photograph—Updated, with an Additional Photo

This past Christmas, thanks to a photograph I received from out of the blue, I was able to turn to my wife and sons and say, “There’s my childhood.” And to tell myself: even though it was nearly a half-century ago, it was real. Update 1/20/11: Per the request of the readers, another photo referenced in the article has been added at end of the piece.

How Bad Does a Nazi Have To Be ... To Be Bad?

Himmler's assistant Bernhard Frank has been living in plain sight in Germany for decades, until Mark Gould got him to talk on camera, in a video now online at the PJ Institute. And yet for some in the American MSM, Gould himself is the story and not Frank.

Radical-in-Chief: PJTV Interviews Stanley Kurtz (Part One)

In this groundbreaking three-part interview, PJTV's Richard Pollock discusses Barack Obama's deep socialist ties with author Stanley Kurtz.