Last updated: February 01, 2011

Weather: Brisbane 23°C - 31°C . A shower or two.

Qantas flight to evacuate Australians from Egypt


DESPERATE Australians will be rescued from their Egyptian holidays from hell in government rescue mission.

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My other car is less annoying

bumper stickers

COMMENT: The flags, stickers and other decorations that adorn automobiles in this modern era say a lot about the occupants - and it's not all pretty.

Young paid to have STD test


YOUNGER Australians will be paid to get tested for chlamydia, as health experts look for new ways to combat rising rates of the sexually transmitted infection.

Gillard fights back over levy

Wayne Swan

GILLARD Government ministers have turned up the heat on Tony Abbott and the Opposition in a coordinated attack aimed at arresting the public backlash against the flood levy.

Chartered plane for Aussies in Egypt

egypt unrest

AUSTRALIANS trapped in Egypt can evacuate aboard a government-chartered Qantas flight on Wednesday, Prime Minister Julia Gillard says.

Mum and baby dead in Sydney


A MOTHER and her baby girl have been found dead at a home in Sydney's southwest.

Father returns home with abducted son

ken thompson

AUSTRALIAN who bicycled across Europe searching for his little boy to answer questions at press conference today.

1 comment on this story

Missing swimmer found dead

Police divers

UPDATE 3.29pm: POLICE have found the body a 20-year-old man who went missing while swimming in the Yarra River yesterday.

Swan disgusted by flood aid 'low lifes'

Wayne Swan

AUSTRALIANS who claimed emergency aid for flood victims when all they suffered was a power outage anger Wayne Swan.

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around the news network strap

Daily Telegraph

Ten grand and a massage

Michael Chau

A SENIOR council official allegedly tried to solicit $10,000 from a company to pay for Liberal Party pamphlets and an erotic massage for a roadworker.

Wife defends husband on 'murder'

Trudie Adams

AROUND the time Trudie Adams vanished, a man police suspect was involved in her killing was happily romancing his future wife, a Sydney court has heard.

Jailed Pascoe will sniff out diabetes


PASCOE has been sent to jail and he's only 12 months old. But far from being naughty, this cute little gut is in training to save lives.

'Gunplay was a score to settle'

Bob Knight

A MAN rolled on his former associates, revealing in court how an ambush led to a gunfight between two groups that killed innocent truckdriver Bob Knight.


Support for camera site details

Speed camera

MORE than 82 per cent of Herald Sun readers support warning signs to let motorists know they are approaching speed cameras. 

Price rises sting consumers


VICTORIAN households are paying up to $360 a year - almost $1 a day - for power before they flick a single switch. 

Early fail on myki for Baillieu

Ted Baillieu

THE Baillieu Government has failed to release a promised report into the $1.3 billion myki ticketing system by the end of January.

Mystery hero saved our son's life

Cody Guest

A YOUNG mother desperately wants to thank a good Samaritan who revived her two-year-old son, after he was found face down in a lagoon.


WA man gets three years for racial hatred

racist video charge

THE Jewish victim of a verbal racial attack says a three-year prison term given to the man who called him a "racist, homicidal maniac" is not enough.

Thousands pay tribute to 'beautiful' Amber

Amber Finch

THE tragic death of a teenage girl electrocuted during a storm in WA has prompted thousands of tributes on Facebook from friends, family and strangers.

Hot seas bleach Ningaloo Reef

Ningaloo Reef

ABNORMALLY hot sea temperatures at Ningaloo Reef are bleaching the area's coral, environmental officers say.

Mercanti's mum defends Kingdon

Tammy Kingdom court snap

THE mother of a Perth bikie has supported her son's partner who is awaiting sentencing for stealing trust funds from the children of two dead bikies.


Party turmoil like a TV comedy show


LABOR MPs are comparing the present party turmoil to an episode of the British political comedy series The Thick of It.

Violent parents a danger to schools


VIOLENT parents prompted private security guards to be required 275 times over four years in northern suburbs schools, documents show.

$110m project a 'fuel safety net'


A $110 MILLION bulk fuel facility proposed for Outer Harbor would extend the state's fuel stocks from six days to an estimated two weeks.

No federal cash for Adelaide Oval

adelaide oval

ADELAIDE Oval's redevelopment will get no federal funding as the Commonwealth winds back infrastructure projects.


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