Last updated: February 02, 2011

Weather: Adelaide 20°C - 34°C . Fine. Mostly sunny.

Yasi reaches Queensland

Cyclone Yasi is hours from smashing into Far North Queensland, with high winds already blowing off roofs and tearing down trees. The worst storm this century is expected to hit south of Cairns about 12.30am | Live updates | Satellite map | Cairns Post updates | Video

Biggest waves on record coming

Anna Bligh

GIANT waves more than 6m high have been measured off Far North Queensland, prompting Premier Anna Bligh to warn of major flooding.

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We are all with you - Gillard

Prime Minister Julia Gillard

PRIME Minister Julia Gillard has told the people of far north Queensland all Australians will be thinking of them as tropical cyclone Yasi bears down.

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