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January 21, 2011
F-35 Testimony to Canada's House of Commons (Analysis)
In December, CDI Straus Military Reform Project Director Winslow Wheeler was asked by the Standing Committee on National Defence in the Canadian House of Commons to testify on Canada's purchase of the F-35. Wheeler was unable to appear in person but submitted - in early December - a written statement that is now permitted to be released.
January 10, 2011
The Defense Monitor, Volume XXXIX, October/November/December 2010 (Reports)
Beyond New Start: Presidential Nuclear Initiatives (PNIs) • Smaller and Safer: A New Plan for Nuclear Postures • A Treaty Republicans Should Support • Withdrawal from Arms Control Treaties: Can Russia Withdraw from New START? • Bombs Away
October 12, 2010
Tea Party Nightmare: The Defense Budget (Opinion)
For the last two weeks, the advocates of higher defense spending have shown their nervousness that the times may be changing - that the defense budget may go south after the elections. Organizations like the American Enterprise Institute (AEI), The Heritage Foundation and William Kristol's various interlocked organizations have written about the dire consequences of less defense spending. Slaves to the thinking they preach to others, that more money means more defense, they ignore what has been happening in the Pentagon's budget: as we spend more, we become weaker. This is not just a qualitative judgment based on the handiwork of the neoconservatives in international policy-making, it is a quantitative measure of the size, age and readiness of our armed forces, explains Straus Military Reform Project Director Winslow Wheeler.
May 11, 2010
The Sorry State of Congressional Oversight (Opinion)
Oversight is one of the most important things that Congress does, or rather, these days doesn't do. Straus Military Reform Project Director Winslow Wheeler explains some of his observations on the political theater of "oversight" in the modern Congress.
November 14, 2008
"America's Defense Meltdown" - Available on Amazon Kindle (Miscellaneous)
The CDI's military reform anthology "America's Defense Meltdown," is now available on's Kindle.
November 4, 2008
 The Other Meltdown: Little to Show for Huge Defense Budgets (Opinion)
The financial and economic collapse, our deeply flawed healthcare system, the gridlock in Washington, two long wars not going well, and long-term, fundamental problems with energy and Social Security do not complete the list of raging crises the new president must face. Add the ever expanding cost of America's shrinking, aging, less ready military forces, now approaching the meltdown stage. The nature of the problems our defenses face and the basic nature of some possible real solutions are outlined in a commentary Winslow Wheeler wrote for the Nov. 3, 2008 issue of Defense News.
September 18, 2008
It's Not Just the Bases - or the Nukes
A series of commentaries is being sponsored on the Mother Jones website about the sprawl of American military bases around the world and the implications. Straus Military Reform Project Director Winslow Wheeler contributed to this series with a piece entitled "It's Not Just the Bases - or the Nukes."
September 16, 2008
Ask McCain and Obama about Missile Defense (Opinion)
Since President Reagan’s famous “Star Wars” speech in 1983, the U.S. has spent at least $120 billion, $110 billion just since 2003, on missile defense, making it the most expensive defense procurement program in history. Philip Coyle, Senior Advisor for Center for Defense Information, analyzes the future of the U.S. missile defense program, particularly in light of the 2008 presidential elections.
August 29, 2008
Countdown to Air Force Cyber Command Stopped (Analysis)
Air Force Cyber Command (AFCYBER) was intended to become operational Oct. 1, 2008, but the launch of this controversial command has been halted. The Air Force's new leadership has wisely decided to evaluate the command's mission, capabilities and size to be sure that if continued, it will be a reasonable and legitimate command. Although all efforts related to AFCYBER have been suspended, many Air Force officials are confident the command will continue. The Air Force's new Chief of Staff along with the Joint Chiefs of Staff should have a decision on AFCYBER this month. CDI Research Assistant Chelsea Dilley analyzes this recent halt in Air Force Cyber Command development.