• I started… So I’ll finish it !

    Taken from Animal Issue 1 -1997 “If you have an Organisation with an avowed policy of doing nothing then, eventually, even the most serious of the serious tendency is bound to ask, as they do now, “Why do we need an Organisation to do nothing?” Get Serious In the early days Class War (C.W.) was [...]

  • The Workers’ Committee: An Outline of its Principles and Structure

    Class War Classix has published J. T. Murphy’s great contribution to the working class movement because the issues are as relevant as ever. Born in 1888 he was 29 when he wrote this pamphlet, working in Vickers, Brightside 1902-1918. He was a member of the Amalgamated Society of Engineers, the chief craft union in the [...]

  • Sunderland Working Class Bookfair

    Beer, BBQ and books at one of Sunderland’s best pubs! Loads of books to choose from including local and general history, Environment, football and other sport, culture, railways, mining, fiction, social science, economics, anarchism, socialism, Marxism and trade unions. There will also be plenty of other stalls selling all types political merchandise.

  • Popular front Anti Fascism

    Thompson saw active service during World War 2, and this was to be integral to his later thought. His scarred memories were in the place between necessity and desire, where human agency found a resting place of honour, however diminished by later events and machinations; “We were disgusted by war but we assented to its [...]

Libertarian Socialism: Means and Ends

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Taken from Animal Issue 1 – 1997

Libertarian socialism has many different interpretations, but it’s primary meaning is found in opposition to a range of bureaucratic tendencies within a hierarchical society to seek ever increasing levels of control over work, social life, and personal relationships. For the purpose of this exposition the term ‘bureaucracy’ refers to a range of institutional arrangements by which a dominant stratum, the state, or the slick operators of the market, seek greater control over people’s objectives, where people are treated as means or instruments whose own objectives are regarded as insignificant.

I started… So I’ll finish it !

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Taken from Animal Issue 1 -1997

“If you have an Organisation with an avowed policy of doing nothing then, eventually, even the most serious of the serious tendency is bound to ask, as they do now, “Why do we need an Organisation to do nothing?”

Get Serious

In the early days Class War (C.W.) was often called a “comic” by it’s detractors on the left. We didn’t mind. We would stand next to the leftie paper sellers shouting ‘get your gutter rag fuckin’ stupid anarchist comic here’ and the punters would queue up – we had the product they wanted, the lefties didn’t.

Revolutionary Justice

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Taken from Animal Issue 1 -1997

Crime & justice are in the news everyday. The police always getting a good press (with 1 or 2 exceptions), & they’re always supposed to be doing something about a ‘terrorist’ scare or the latest burglary or murder. Which in reality means they wander around like bumbling fools cos they don’t know who did it. Or worse they put it ‘on file’ & don’t follow it up. The reality is that it is the public who inform on most cases & save the police a job (sometimes a good thing to get the real problem cases sorted out.) Then the police present the ‘clear up rate’ of crime as something which the police deserve our thanks for, for getting all these nasty criminals off the streets. Reality is that most crimes are economic, & a vast percentage of women prisoners in Holloway prison are there for fine non payment cos they are WORKING CLASS. You see the police portray themselves as managing society & without them it would be a lot worse. Bullshit! They don’t really want to improve things, & reduce crime cos if they did they would be out of a job & it would be such a vast change in the police institutional culture & beliefs as to be impossible.

We Reclaimed the Streets and Caused Chaos in Central London! Ha ha ha

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From Animal Issue 1 – 1997

(Should Special Branch be reading this – note that the original copies of the reports which have been combined in this article have been destroyed. Our sources remain, as ever, confidential. All identifying features have been removed.)

Account 1: It was a lovely day, the bright spring sun had encouraged a huge number of people out to Kennington Park in South London to support the Liverpool Dockers, Social Justice and Reclaim the Streets.

Class War Readers Reunion

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The fucking tories are back again,the fucking Tories are going to attack us all again. Let’s have a pint, meet old and new Class War readers and see what’s possible.

Durham Miners Gala

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The 126th Durham Miners Gala takes place in Durham on July 10th. The worlds largest annual gathering of workers is a splendid family event with stalls, food, drink, fairground and more. The march features approx 80 Miners banners and bands, and starts at 9am in the city centre and proceeds to the Racecourse by the river. Last year the march took 6 hours! Many stop for food and drinks along the way, and to listen to the many bands. This year Ken Livingstone and Jeremy Corbyn are among the speakers from the Trade Union movement.

The Workers’ Committee: An Outline of its Principles and Structure

Posted in Class War Classix, Featured | Posted by Editor | No Comments »

Class War Classix has published J. T. Murphy’s great contribution to the working class movement because the issues are as relevant as ever. Born in 1888 he was 29 when he wrote this pamphlet, working in Vickers, Brightside 1902-1918. He was a member of the Amalgamated Society of Engineers, the chief craft union in the industry. Originally intending to enter the Civil Service family commitments meant he stayed in engineering, where he was to read Marx, Connolly and others for hours at a time whilst turning propeller shafts and gun barrels at work. The large factory effectively hid him from the gaze of foreman supervisor who walked the centre of the shop.

Sunderland Working Class Bookfair

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Beer, BBQ and books at one of Sunderland’s best pubs!

Loads of books to choose from including local and general history, Environment, football and other sport, culture, railways, mining, fiction, social science, economics, anarchism, socialism, Marxism and trade unions.

There will also be plenty of other stalls selling all types political merchandise.

Popular front Anti Fascism

Posted in Featured, Mayday | Posted by admin | No Comments »

Thompson saw active service during World War 2, and this was to be integral to his later thought. His scarred memories were in the place between necessity and desire, where human agency found a resting place of honour, however diminished by later events and machinations; “We were disgusted by war but we assented to its political necessity, a necessity which might – Although we hoped most ardently that it would not – entail our own deaths’.

His older brother was a Communist party member too;

“Then as now there was an active democratic temper throughout Europe. There was a submission of self to a collective good. Then as now there was a purposive alliance of resistance to power, ‘a popular front’ which had not yet been disfigured by bad faith. And there was also an authentic mood of internationalism which touched the peasants in the Umbrian (Italy) villages and the troopers in our own ranks”.

Only the ‘realists’ are out of touch with humanity

Posted in Featured, Mayday | Posted by admin | No Comments »

There are 2 poles of anarchism, which deserve criticism; one of the saddest things about ‘fashionable anarchism’ is that it tries ‘the most radical gesture’, or sometimes judges on supposed fashion/relevance, and ‘respectable’ ‘opinion’. This was and is very largely true of the old guard leaderships and wannabe followers of an imaginary respectable holy grail. There are those ‘melancholy realists’ too, who never escape from bulletin boards, who write nothing which is published, nor do they participate in any serious politics beyond the web, who police the rest of contributors with their self appointed and self referential holier than thou attitudes. Their ultra leftism paralyses them into inaction. They must be; got around, ignored, or usurped, if politics is to develop more naturally in the 21st century. So here is a reply to issues such as these, it is necessarily ‘unfinished business’ and this is borrowing very heavily from the tradition that Class War originated in and developed with, and that is in the work of E.P. Thompson. Whose classic “The Making of the English working class” is probably the most, or amongst the most influential history books in the world.