In Tantric Buddhism, the generation stage (T:kye rim, Wyl., bskyed rim; S:utpatti-krama) is the first phase of meditative Buddhist sādhana associated with the 'Father Tantra' (Wylie: pha-rgyud; pa-rgyud) class of anuttara-yoga-tantras of the Sarmapa or associated with what is known as Mahayoga Tantras by the Nyingmapa. An example of a 'Father Tantra' is the Guhyasamāja Tantra.
The generation stage engages creative imagination or visualization as an upaya or skillful means of personal transformation through which the practitioner (sadhaka) either visualizes a meditational deity (yidam) or refuge tree before themselves in front generation, or as themselves in self generation, to engender an alteration to their perception and/or experience of the appearance aspect of reality.
The complement of the generation/development/creation stage is the completion stage (T:dzog rim, Wyl. rdzogs rim; S:saṃpanna-krama).
Front generation is a form of meditative visualization employed in Tantric Buddhism in which the yidam is visualized as being present in the sky facing the practitioner as opposed to the self-identification that occurs in self generation. According to the Vajrayana tradition, this approach is considered less advanced, hence safer for the sadhaka, and is engaged more for the rites of propitiation and worship.
One summer day she went away
Gone and left me, she's gone to stay
She's gone, I don't worry
I'm sitting on top of the world
All the summer worked all this fall
Had to take Christmas in my overalls
She's gone, but I don't worry
I'm sitting on top of the world
Going down to the freight yard
Gonna catch me a freight train
Going to leave this town
Worked and got to home
She's gone, but I don't worry