Top 5 Posts for August

1. The Daily Mail Embraces The Internet 2. The Skittlebrau Project 3. Crap From My Phone 4. BBC Reporter In “Copy Cat” Bin Incident 5. Student Advice From Twitter Enjoy.

The Most Inappropriate Cover Version Ever?

Thanks to @ManAboutCouch for pointing me in the direction of this awesome example of ‘spectacularly missing the point’. As one commenter wrote “I think this is exactly what Ian Curtis would have wanted”. I’m not sure what my favourite bit is. It’s either the giant teddy bear or the jauntiness of the backing singers’ dance [...]

Miliband of Brothers

Here’s a shot from last night’s BBC News report about the rivalry between Ed and David Miliband. So. Which Miliband brother do you think the BBC is backing? Thinking about it, though, this might have backfired on the BBC. Personally, I’m more likely to vote for the candidate who looks like he’s been up all [...]

Night of the Living Trekkies

I know what I like. You know what I like. Zombies. And Science Fiction. So when this dropped through my letter box: You can understand that I got a Geek-Semi. Yes. You read that right. ‘Night of the Living Trekkies’. Zombies. Star Trek fanboys. Together at last. It’s written by Kevin David Anderson & Sam [...]

Discovered – George Osborne’s Plan To Get People Off Benefits

David’s trip to Cornwall has gone very well. He’s found a tin mine would work very well as an underground lair.

BBC Reporter In “Copy Cat” Bin Incident

Oh. Wait. It’s a furry microphone. Sorry. Carry on.

Stuff My Brain Vomited Up

Once again, real life has got in the way of me doing anything unconstructive. So, in a spectacular moment of vanity, here are some bad jokes/observations I wrote on Twitter that you might find amusing. If you’ve not already seen them. They probably don’t work out of the context. Oh well.   “I’ve just seen [...]

Signs of the Coming Apocalypse Part 4

We’re Doooooooooooooooooooooooooooomed!!!!

The Skittlebrau Project

One of the advantages of this blog is that all the pointless crap that I’ve wanted to do now has a point. Now I can indulge in unconstructive activities, injure myself or destroy property and, as long as I haven’t damaged enough of my short term memory to forget to write about it, I consider [...]

Crap From My Phone

It’s Friday. We’re all winding down for the weekend. So here’s some crap I found in the photo folder on my phone. On our holiday, we went to Colchester Zoo. According to this sign, they’ve discovered a whole new breed of chicken. They’re keeping quiet about it, though. Probably because they’re so tasty. Hmmm. Chicken [...]