Oh No! It’s An All Time Top 5! Part 3

Boy George confused me as a young child. “He’s a boy but looks like a girl but he likes boys and girls like boys and boys like girls but he’s got a boy’s name but it can also be a girl’s name like that girl in ‘The Famous Five’ or at least I think she’s a [...]

Oh No! It’s Another All Time Top 5! Part 2

4. Kaylee Frye – Firefly There are a lot of honeys to choose from the Whedon-verse. My Buffy fixation has now passed after I realised that she’d always be out at night and there wouldn’t be much opportunity for ‘quality time’. I’d have no chance with Willow (yet, I feel I’d have a chance with Velma [...]

I Can Help You Lose Weight!

TWO easy tips to a sexy stomach? TWO? Forget cowboys like this site. I can do it in ONE! 1. Eat Less Cake. You will all receive invoices in due course. Are they actually the same person?

Oh No! It’s An All Time Top 5!

I vaguely remember mentioning that I’d do another All Time Top 5 a while ago. Possibly before I started blathering on about Chocolate Hob Nobs. But what to do? What’s going to annoy the most people? Well, an All Time Top 5 Women in SciFi/Fantasy, of course! Absolutely no good can come of this one! [...]

Dave is Good. Dave is Wise.

Daves are good. Daves are wise. Daves are your mate. They always stand their round in the pub and dispense good advice. Do you have a burning question about life? Why not send it in via the Contact Dave page and I will arrange for a Dave of currently indeterminate identity to answer your question. [...]

Star Trek Lied To Me

Captain Kirk was awesome. An intergalactic pick up artist. He cut a swathe through the female population of the universe. Whatever species, no matter how weird, he’d do them. “You don’t look at the mantelpiece when you’re stoking the fire” he told Spock in a scene deleted from “Balance of Terror” And all the while, [...]

Who Makes Steve Guttenberg a Star? We Do! We Do!

There’s a recession on. You need cheering up. A comedy movie would help with that. Eight comedy movies would be even better. But you have no money. What do you do? Have you considered shoplifting?  Tesco have already thought of that: They’ve alarmed the Police Academy boxed set. I know they say that shoplifting is [...]

Attention Irish Tourist Board!

We all know there’s a recession on. People are spending less on things like holidays. So the tourist boards are having to start thinking outside of the box. Can I suggest this to the Irish tourist board? Let Apple buy you. The whole country. Then it’s just a case of simply rebranding yourself as the [...]

Army of Dave Now Recruiting

Hello! Welcome to the new site. Hope you found your way here okay. Do you like it? As you know, I’m a punk fan and red and black are the international colours of anarchy. And Dennis the Menace. I’m still tweaking and sorting out my blogroll list (don’t worry, if you were on my old [...]

Movie Meme

I saw this over at the lovely Laura Anderson’s blog and thought I could kill some time by taking part myself… 1.Name a movie that you have seen more than 10 times. Star Wars Episodes IV – VI (Oh, what a surprise! Man in 30s likes Star Wars shock!) and Dr. Strangelove. And ‘This is [...]