Hey! I don't have the time to maintain a whole website anymore, so www.sciencepunk.com is officially in stasis.

I'll still blog over at the ScienceBlogs pages, and on my Twitter feed, and I'll keep writing in a professional capacity for magazines, TV shows and radio for as long as I can before the media crumbles into the rising waters of whatever is supposed to be replacing it.

One day I might try to combine my blogging, writing, book project, TV, radio, speaking stuff, and my Twitter, Posterous and Flickr accounts, into some kind of absurd self-facilitating media node, but honestly, it probably isn't worth the effort. All signs point to the future being one of distributed production and centralised consumption. It's as if restaurant customers started writing their own menus. Maybe that's why they call them feeds.

You can keep track of my latest work at www.frankswain.com.

Those wanting to contact me in a professional capacity can do so by email or phone: +44 787 656 3082

Everyone else can do so by sending me flowers and chocolate.

Surprising though it might be, someone still reads these old posts, so I'm leaving them up. If you really want a blast from the past you should check out the version 4 incarnation of SciencePunk, hand-coded in Notepad. Vintage.

It's not the end of the project though! When SciencePunk first started out, it was made with paper and scissors and glue and called the War On Error. Now it expresses itself by hitting Welsh rugby player Gavin Henson with a 500,000 V bolt of electricity. I can honestly say it never crossed my mind that this might be the end result of picking up that Pritt Stick back in the mid-noughties.

Truly, words are a dangerous thing.