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When the Regulator Believes in Fairies, Who Protects the Public?

January 22, 2011
By Le Canard Noir
When the Regulator Believes in Fairies, Who Protects the Public?

Experts who advise regulators on alternative medicine need to take a rational and objective view of risks. Practitioners, themselves, are not the right people.

It would appear to be a common mistake in the regulation of alternative medicine to assume that those trained in the subject, and who practice it, can be considered experts in the subject. And that those experts can help formulate good regulatory practices. The nature of expertise has plagued philosophers since the time of Plato,...
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The Homeopaths’ Response to the CBC Marketplace Programme

January 16, 2011
By Le Canard Noir

This week, the Canadian consumer affairs programme Marketplace devoted its episode to looking at the claims, practices and regulation of homeopathy. It is a pretty damning account and the homeopaths are up in arms about it, as we shall see. This prime time programme...
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In Five Years, the Society of Homeopaths Have Learnt Nothing

January 5, 2011
By Le Canard Noir

Hat tip to the Quackometer on BBC Newsnight…   Before they reconsider their damning response. here it is… with annotations in red   Society of Homeopaths does not endorse “preventative” treatment in serious tropical diseases The Society of Homeopaths, the UK’s largest register of homeopaths with 1,500 members, does...
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The New Age Medicine of Prince Charles

December 19, 2010
By Le Canard Noir
The New Age Medicine of Prince Charles

Imagine the not too distant future. You book an appointment with your GP, as you have had a persistent and bad headache for a while now, and before you talk to the doctor, you are encouraged to see a number of in-house ‘experts’ who...
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Escaping the Cult of Homeopathy

December 13, 2010
By Le Canard Noir
Escaping the Cult of Homeopathy

How are we to understand the persistence of alternative medicine beliefs? Despite the absurdity of many of the claims of the various superstitious medicines, we see very entrenched positions amongst believers, hostility to criticism and an imperviousness to external mainstream views. Why do people...
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TED Quacks

December 8, 2010
By Le Canard Noir
TED Quacks

The TED talks are a treat. TED runs a series of conferences around the world where interesting people are invited to speak about “ideas worth spreading”. You can view hundreds of these talks online from great thinkers, such as Richard Dawkins, the inspirational, such...
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Homeopaths Find The Solution – Hire PR Consultants.

December 6, 2010
By Le Canard Noir

Under the banner of One Vision, One Voice you can watch the conference as it used a PR Consultant to brainstorm a set of ‘themes’ for how homeopathy should tackle its problems. There is nice insight at the end to see how they think...
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I Have Been Putting on my Shoes

November 22, 2010
By Le Canard Noir
I Have Been Putting on my Shoes

The Internet does not forget. This is, arguably, the single most important techno-sociological change that we, as individuals, corporations, celebrities and politicians, have had to learn over the past decade. And it is a lesson that appears not to have sunk in at all....
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On the The Reckless Physicking of Amateur Females.

November 16, 2010
By Le Canard Noir
On the The Reckless Physicking of Amateur Females.

It would appear to be important for homeopaths to show how the rich, blue blooded and famous are supporters of homeopathy. One might suggest that in lieu of meaningful scientific evidence for homeopathy, appeals to the beliefs of the influential and celebrities are all...
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Can “Neuro-Electric Therapy” Treat Drug Addiction?

November 16, 2010
By Le Canard Noir
Can “Neuro-Electric Therapy” Treat Drug Addiction?

I have been sent an email where a recruitment consultant was looking for someone to train as a ‘drug worker’ using a technique called Neuro-Electric Therapy (NET) to work on a Scottish substance misuse programme. The idea appears to be that by passing small...
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Why Libel Laws Must Change

November 10, 2010
By Le Canard Noir
Why Libel Laws Must Change

Let me tell you a few stories about how I have nearly stopped blogging. Some of these stories you may know; others I have not talked about before. The events behind these stories have all hinged on England’s illiberal and antiquated approach to defamation...
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Chiropractors at War with their Regulator, the GCC

November 1, 2010
By Le Canard Noir
Chiropractors at War with their Regulator, the GCC

From Richard Lanigan’s blog, we learn that the head of the four chiropractic associations have written to the GCC to state that their members have no confidence in their regulatory abilities. Richard Brown, President of the British Chiropractic Association has written the letter, co-signed...
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