Cameron refuses to deny Coulson resignation offer

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The prime minister has refused to deny allegations that Andy Coulson has offered his resignation over the phone hacking row.

Asked whether the Downing Street director of communication had offered to step down on the Today programme this morning, David Cameron replied: "I don't go into private conversations."

The comment will further fuel speculation - promoted by Labour MPs - that Mr Coulson is preparing to give in to the news story that simply will not go away.

It emerged on Friday that the Crown Prosecution Service (CPS) would re-examine the evidence it held on the matter, once again opening up the possibility of legal repercussions for the former News of the World editor.

Mr Coulson had already resigned from his position on the paper over allegations of phone hacking.

"He is, as anyone would be, extremely embarrassed about what happened," Mr Cameron said today.

"He's effectively been punished twice for the same offence. I gave him a second chance. Sometimes I think it's right to do that.

"Working for the government, I think he's done a good job."

Downing Street insisted yesterday that Mr Coulson had not offered to resign.

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