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Saturday, January 15 2011 @ 09:40 AM UTC

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Dreams of Power and Flying: Jared Lee Loughner and the Columbinization of Political Assassination

Anarchist Opinion

By now everyone has seen the picture. Smiling -- beaming, even -- and wide-eyed in the first photo taken of him by Pima County Sheriffs Department, Jared Lee Loughner defies what everyone wanted him to be. One hesitates to speak too soon, given that more information surely will come out. But all the evidence so far suggests that, rather than a tea bagger nutcase Nazi, Loughner might just be yet another in an increasingly long line of run of the mill psychopaths that each have taken their fifteen minutes of fame in a blaze of bloody, homicidal glory. The kind of psychopath we're getting increasingly familiar with in the US. Since news of the shooting first broke, the country has struggled to overcome its assumptions about the man alleged to have attempted to assassinate Representative Gabrielle Giffords and to have murdered and wounded nearly twenty others in what surely will mark one of the worst tragedies in recent Arizona history.

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Support Traditional Elders at Pine Ridge

Infoshop.org and other organizations are organizing mutual aid on behalf of Cante Tenza and the traditional Grandmothers and Grandfathers on Pine Ridge for this winter season.

From Cante Tenza:

"Currently, we have only 7 of 13 Elders with propane, and that is probably only a month's worth. If we had more resources, we could also cover more Elders - but for now - these 13 are our (Cante Tenza's) top focus.

At the same time - the corrupt Oglala Tribal Council is withholding heating money for the Elders, likely as retaliation for their stand against tribal officers who were disrespecting the Elders and the children. It's a bad situation.

Also, we have 9 pallets of new coats, snow boots, pants, hats, etc in Milwaukee, Wisconsin that was donated by several WWE wrestlers. We don't have the money to go get those either.

So, I would like to enlist the help of mutual-aid orgs, infoshops, etc. to help put together a short and long term effort to ensure the traditional Lakota people, including the Cante Tenza warriors, have the resources to continue preserving tradition and resisting.

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Third undercover police spy unmasked as scale of network emerges

The StateThe unprecedented scale of undercover operations used by police to monitor Britain's political protest movements was laid bare tonight after a third police spy was identified by the Guardian. News of the existence of the 44-year-old male officer, who was involved in a sexual relationship while undercover, comes as regulators prepare two separate official inquiries into the activities of this hitherto secret police surveillance network. The latest officer, whose identity has been withheld amid fears for his safety in other criminal operations, worked for four years undercover with an anarchist group in Cardiff.
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Eric McDavid - 5 Years Imprisonment


Yesterday marked the 5th year of Eric's arrest and imprisonment. Every year, at this time, we are forced to reflect on all that has happened. It is never an easy process, but this year feels different. This year we know that Eric will be in prison for the duration of his sentence. All of his appeals have been exhausted. 5 years is a long time – but we aren't even halfway there...

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Wage Theft in America – Two Approaches

Fire Your Boss

Mercedes Herrerra is a 39-year-old Mexican immigrant living in Houston, Texas. Working primarily for staffing agencies, she first started cleaning houses and sports facilities in 1996. Paid meager wages, working long hours and travelling some distance to get to new job sites, her staffing agency charged her as much as $100 per week for gloves and cleaning supplies.

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An Anarchist’s Top Five for 2011

Anarchist Opinion

The 2000’s have been a mixed bag for this movement that seeks to alter globalization. Of course 9/11/01 radically shifted the direction – and changed the dynamics, while slowing the momentum – of a movement that started the 2000’s still coasting off the fumes of Seattle ’99. We could consider 2011 as a time to reconsider what anarchism is, jettisoning the useless, and building on the valuable and useful and imaginative aspects.

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CAP Your Landlord!

Practical Anarchy

The Cooperative Action Project (CAP) is working in the five boroughs, organized using a model popularized by the folks in the Seattle Solidarity Network. CAP is a network of volunteers in New York City that use collective action to win battles against bosses and landlords.

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Climate Justice Action Internatonal Meeting 2011

Climate Change

2010 was yet another year packed with global resistance to the causes of the climate crisis. Actions, protests, events, conferences and counter summits are among some of the examples of the tireless activism that took place last year.

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Sydney: Invitation to anarchist summer school school


You're cordially invited to attend Anarchist Summer School in Sydney, February 18th to 20th! see http://anarchistsummerschool.weebly.com/index.html - draft program will be on the website soon, have a look!

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The Rent’s Still Too Damn High — Here’s How to Lower It


I frequently argue that, far from being the result of the “free market,” the recent speculative bubble was the result of over a century’s worth of government intervention. The bubble resulted from vast disparities of wealth — disparities of wealth created by the state and its enforcement of privilege — with a growing share of income going to classes looking to use it for investment rather than consumption.

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Planet Overkill

Anarchist Opinion

Back in the Cold War days, a useful myth was that of extreme Soviet supremacy. Surely, if the godless communists, hell bent on world domination, were allowed to surpass US military might…well, you get the picture. Author Edward Herman once defined the "Soviet threat" as "a large and formidable beast of prey, the size of whose claws and fangs varied with the demands of the Military-Industrial Complex." As journalist Ken Silverstein explains: "It’s now virtually undisputed that the menace once attributed to the Red Army was greatly overrated."

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Celebrate Victory! - MLK Day March Against Wage Slavery


After 3 years of marches, petitions, and other actions, the IWW and its supporters have made one of the wealthiest fast food companies cave to the workers' demand for holiday recognition for Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Day, which falls on Monday, January 17th this year.

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Tunisia: The Revolution Will Not Be Televised

A mass wave of riots by ordinary people against the government have swept Tunisia for the last three weeks under a near-total media blackout in the West. We look at what's been happening and why it's being kept off our TV screens.

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Secret government informer "Karen Sullivan" infiltrated Minnesota activist groups

Spying on You

The Twin Cities activists who had their homes raided by the FBI last September are starting to learn more about why they're being investigated by a Chicago grand jury in relation to material support of terrorism.

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Interview with Mike Harris of the WSA


Mike Harris is a founding member of the WSA and one of its predecessor organization, the Libertarian Workers Group, from New York. Following the WSA Continental Conference last May (see report Workers Solidarity Alliance Holds Continental Conference), we approached him for an interview, as a founding member, a long-standing anarchist militant and as the current corresponding secretary for the WSA. We began by asking about the conference, and took off from there discussing the anarchist movement, the labor movement, and some historical comparisons between today and the period around when the WSA was founded.

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Marseille, France - 1,000 people march shouting "Ben Ali murderer " in solidarity with the movement in Tunisia

AfricaBetween 700 and 1,000 people, according to police figures and organizers, marched in Marseille, shouting " Ben Ali murderer " in solidarity with the movement in protest against the regime in Tunisia.
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Climate Activists Disrupt Keynote Address of Biomass Trade Show

Earth FirstYesterday morning we stormed in on and disrupted the keynote address at the Pacific West Biomass Conference and Tradeshow, an expensive gathering for the wealthy elite and the timber industry to figure out how to best exploit the planet. We blew whistles and shouted that despite all their lies and greenwashing, we will never compromise. We made a scene until they physically removed us.
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Nazis attack, Czech cops sleep

FascismAttacks by nazis in the Czech Republic don't merit much police work by the local gendarmes. It's not like at other times in history. In the early days of Hitler's Germany (and before) German police too failed to find anyone to prosecute crimes committed by nazi thugs against Jews, communists, union activists, and others. We know where that led and that is just one reason why this report merits your attention.
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Richmond Police Withdraw Lawsuit Against Anarchists

Police StateThe Richmond Police Department and the City of Richmond have dropped their lawsuit against us. Yay? Sorry, I guess I’m not as excited as I should be. This is the best possible thing the RPD could have done… for themselves. Why? Because it puts this situation out of the public eye as quickly as possible, and allows them to attempt to save face before exposing themselves to even more public ridicule and calls for the resignation of Chief Norwood. (Not from us – we’d like to give him a “Best Anarchist of the Year” award for drawing so much attention to anarchist projects happening in the city. Thanks and keep up the good work!)
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