Tech at Night: Free Speech, Free Press, Net Neutrality, Louise Slaughter

Tech at Night

Good evening. The Communication Workers of America are making a cowardly little statement in favor of Net Neutrality, as they simply must be team players even though they know the radical left’s agenda threatens to kill their own jobs, but for the most part the left still wants to move on from Net Neutrality. There are good reasons for that.

First, one of our predictions from before is already coming true. They’re coming after content, already. Louise Slaughter is pressing the FCC to institute a sweeping campaign of censorship online. Free Press is on the case, too. Speech that regulators disfavor must be “curbed,” she thinks. Remember when we were assured that the FCC should show “forbearance,” and that the FCC’s Net Neutrality power grab wasn’t a free speech issue at all, but just a network management issue? Of course. Of course.

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Another From the Mail Bag

Subject: Go F**k Yourselves
Date: January 12, 2011 9:57:50 PM EST

What a bunch of freaking weirdos. Good God, and you actually have the gall to call yourselves Christians? You’re f**king fascists, and Jesus doesn’t love you.


Thoughtful, On-Target Palin Responds To Attacks; Left Loses Last Grip On Reality

I know, my use of the term on-target makes me a vitriolic, hateful rhetoric espouser in the eyes of some. It’s not conducive to the “new tone” we are all supposed to embrace for some unfathomable and delusional reason. Of course, this new tone doesn’t apply if one is speaking about Sarah Palin, who is apparently the cause of All Bad Things Ever, in perpetuity. Even here, we are on day three of no school due to snow. In South Carolina. Does Palin’s evil reach have no bounds?!

The Left and the media, as always concentric circles on a Venn diagram, attempted for days to spin a false and odious narrative placing blame for the shooting in Tucson on Sarah Palin and everyone like her. Because, vitriol. Or something. Days of vile political opportunism, on the backs of the dead. Days of disgusting smears the likes of which I’ve never seen before in my lifetime. Days of giddily and gleefully exploiting deaths, including those of a federal judge and a nine year old child, all in an attempt to score political points and to silence and demonize those with whom they disagree.

That the facts did not support such claims even one iota meant nothing. In fact, they absolutely ignored all evidence and truths and proceeded to just make stuff up. All focused on Sarah Palin, who miraculously manages to be a dumb old chick from the sticks and the most evil person alive. She’s kind of like George W. Bush that way, I suppose. Chris Matthews went so far as to put a graphic up during his show last night with Sarah Palin’s picture, reading underneath “Silent: On The Lam.” On. The. Lam. As if some fugitive, implying that she, along with the tea party, is somehow responsible for a massacre perpetrated by a madman.

Today, Sarah Palin released a video statement. It is a thoughtful, inspiring, dead-on (violent rhetoric!) response (the full transcript can be found here):

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From the Mail Bag

The atheists and twinkie eaters at Media Matters, also known as the Westboro Baptist D.C. Branch, are enraged that I dared mention Jesus and the absence of discussing him in the debate over Arizona.

For a great taste of it, you should check my twitter feed. But having just received this, it gives you a good taste of the Godless:

From: Karl Schneider
Subject: F**k you
Date: January 12, 2011 6:10:05 PM EST
To: Erick-Woods Erickson

and f**k your dead god on a stick.


Herman Cain announces presidential exploratory committee

America can be great again

From the diaries by Erick

It begins.

There has been a good bit of ‘presidential’ buzz about Herman Cain in the right online community, and in the conservative camp in general. He’s not been shy about admitting that he’s considering it. Now he’s taking the next step. I had the privilege of speaking with him for a half-hour last night after he was done with his nationally syndicated talk show, and I am pleased to make the following announcement on RedState.

Moments ago, Herman Cain announced on FoxNews’ Your World Cavuto that he is forming an exploratory committee to determine the feasability of a run for President of the United States in the 2012 election.

So who is Herman Cain, when it comes down to it? Once you get past the tremendous speeches and a magnetic personality that is even more from gripping up close, what you come to know is that Cain doesn’t mess around with idle talk. He’s a doer, a problem solver, and he’s got a track record to prove it. When he takes the bull by the horns, that bull is in for it.

Let’s take a closer look.

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Nikki Haley’s Inaugural Speech.

Nikki Haley was sworn in today as South Carolina governor, and of all the annoyances that the Left has been trying to inflict upon us for the last few days over their petulant inability to dictate what can and cannot be said, this one grates most: they made me forget that briefly. We at RedState have been waiting for this moment for quite some time, after all.

Link to video here; text here. Enjoy.

Moe Lane (crosspost)

The Blame Game and my Tirade

So Cornell Belcher, as I mentioned earlier, wanted to accuse the tea party movement and the right of being much more vitriolic than the left.

That kind of set me on a tirade. With great demand from many of you, CNN was kind enough to get the video into an embeddable file. Here now is my tirade:


Illinois: Thank Goodness For Michigan… Or We’d Be Last In Everything

Illinois Democrats (I repeat myself) have still not figured out that raising income taxes when no one has money will continue to pummel their already struggling economy. In the wee hours of the morning, the state legislature managed to force through a 67% tax increase with a vote of 30-29. Several Democrats joined a the Republicans in voting against the bill.

Illinois is currently ranked 48th nationally in job creation. They are swimming in debt, and rather than figure out what they can cut, they intend to enact a 17% spending increase over the next four years… which should work out well after they drive the businesses (read: employers) out of their state with the 45% corporate tax hike.

This drive Illinois state income tax up to the 4th highest in the nation, according to State Senator Matt Murphy, who vowed on Twitter to file a fight for repeal by the end of the week.

“You may think your [sic] stabilizing this budget but you’re not,” said Republican Sen. Matt Murphy . “You’re bankrupting our state with this bill.”

Dear Illinois: get better representatives.

Suddenly the Media is Concerned About Tone

Last night on John King USA I tried very hard to keep my blood from boiling. Cornell Belcher, a very good guy, tried to claim that the right’s history of rhetoric is worse than the left’s.

I’ll meet you half way on that, just for the sake of argument, and say the left and right can at times be equally vile, but only for the sake of argument.

But really, maybe the right’s history of rhetoric is greater if only because the left goes beyond rhetoric to outright violence.

And that’s the jumping off point here for the media. Because suddenly the media wants to talk about changing the political tone in this country — a tone the media itself has helped contribute to with its selective sensationalizing of subjects.

When Kos gloated over the deaths of Americans in Fallujah, the media wasn’t interested in changing the tone.

When groups showed up outside Karl Rove’s house to protest, the media was not interested in changing the tone.

When SEIU protestors showed up on the front porch of a Bank of America Executive’s house, the media was not interested in changing the tone.

When leftists attacked a military recruiting office, the media was not interested in changing the tone.

When arsonists burned down Sarah Palin’s church, the media was not interested in changing the tone.

When rioters tried to burn down Seattle during a free trade summit, the media was not interested in changing the tone.

But when Jared Loughner, a mentally unstable Karl Marx reading registered independent whose friends described him as a leftist, guns down a Bush appointed federal judge and tries to take out a Congresswoman, suddenly the media is interested in changing the tone, but only because the tea party movement had something or other to do with something that didn’t have anything to do with Jared Loughner.

Oh yeah, the tea party movement won in November. That’s why we suddenly have to change the tone.

The CPAC Controversy and the End of Fusionism

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Today on Coffee and Markets we’re joined by Matt Lewis of Politics Daily to discuss the recent controversy over the CPAC gathering among conservatives and whether the 2012 field will mark an end to Fusionism on the right.

We’re brought to you as always by Stephen Clouse and Associates. You can find our iTunes feed at If you’d like to email us, you can do so at coffee[at] We hope you enjoy the show.

Related Links:

Lewis: FRC Explains Boycott
Lewis: Keene Response to Social Conservatives
Weigel: Heritage Isn’t Skipping CPAC Because of GOProud
WashTimes: CPAC Exposes Rift on Right
National Journal: CPAC Boycott Won’t Stop 2012ers
Follow Matt Lewis on Twitter

Obama’s Tucson speech preempted by THAT WOMAN.

Mister President, here’s the bar that you have to clear.

It’s a high one. A much higher one than your attendants are telling you that it is. They are almost certainly telling you to concentrate on the ‘blood libel’ comment - which, by the way, will immediately resonate with at least 40% of the population of the country, mostly because it is darned accurate* - but what you really need to do is take note of the fact that she’s saying the things that the President should be saying right now about the need to come together, the glory of this country - and, yes, that the Democratic party is acting like a bunch of [expletive deleted] right now, and that they need to stop.

Call in your speechwriters. Make them watch this speech. Tell them that you need one just like it, only twice as good. Because if you don’t - if you go with your usual scheme where you try to set yourself up as the only rational solution in a world full of the irrationa - you will merely hasten your irrelevance.

(See also here: I promoted, but I had more to add).

Moe Lane (crosspost)

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Sarah Palin: “America’s Enduring Strength”

Promoted from Diaries - Moe Lane.

Great stuff (you can get to the video on her Facebook page). I don’t think I’ve seen this better said.

Naturally, the Left has started targeting Palin (and targeting is the right word) for her use of the phrase “blood libel”, although the phrase is quite appropriate.

Politico was the first to mention it, using the phrase in their headline. The Hill was next. In their piece, they quote Rep. James Clyburn (D-SC), who naturally, decides to go into the gutter [emphasis mine]:

“You know, Sarah Palin just can’t seem to get it, on any front. I think she’s an attractive person, she is articulate. But I think intellectually, she seems not to be able to understand what’s going on here.

It’s quite obvious Palin, intellectually, gets it. I’m sure that Clyburn, intellectually, gets it. But Clyburn is so hung up on exploiting this tragedy for his and his party’s political advantage that he is compelled and reduced to fling insults at Palin.

This will be added to the Left’s “narrative”, as was done by Taegan Goddard, just wait and see.

President Obama is set to speak later today in Tuscon. I hope he summons up enough good sense to leave the politics completely out of his speech. Unlike Palin, nobody has accused him of being even partly responsible for the recent tragedy.