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The National Democratic Institute is a nonprofit, nonpartisan organization working to support and strengthen democratic institutions worldwide through citizen participation, openness and accountability in government.

Local Groups in Sudan Monitoring Self-Determination Referendum

SuNDE Referedum Monitor

Some 3,000 observers from two nonpartisan domestic observation groups in Sudan are monitoring the ongoing referendum in which Southern Sudanese will decide if they will remain united with the north or separate to form their own country. Following the polling and counting periods, the Sudanese Network for Democratic Elections (SuNDE) and the Sudanese Group for Democracy and Elections (SuGDE) will issue a statement on the conduct of the election. Focus group research by NDI shows that citizens are expected to choose to secede. SuNDE and SuGDE have monitored all stages of the election process and have released statements on the registration period, exhibitions and objections period, and the pre-polling period. Read more about SuNDE and SuGDE»

Democracy Updates

Iraqis Want Parties to Create Jobs, Improve Services

Most Iraqis are moderately upbeat about gradual improvements in security, education, health care and other basic services in their country, but concerns about employment temper the public's optimism, according to recent public opinion research. In addition, sectarian divisions remain a major source of concern and a defining characteristic of Iraqi public opinion.

The research, commissioned by NDI, was designed to help Iraqi political parties develop policy proposals and communications strategies that reflect the needs and interests of their constituencies. The survey, conducted Oct. 25 - Nov. 2 by research firm Greenberg Quinlan Rosner, was comprised of 2,000 face-to-face interviews and based on 16 focus groups.

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New Report Shows Somalis Reject Clan

Somali citizens are eager for peace and security to prevail in their country. They favor a strong national government based on Islamic law, and they see clan divisions as perpetuating the ongoing conflict. They are also evenly divided on the merits of democracy as a political system.

These findings are detailed in Looking Toward the Future: Citizen Attitudes about Peace, Governance and the Future of Somalia. The report compiles the findings of 38 focus groups with average Somali citizens and 35 one-on-one interviews with traditional and religious leaders conducted in June by NDI.

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Partner Spotlights

A year-long examination of freedom of assembly in Kazakhstan found the government cracking down on nearly all forms of political expression, according to a report released in December by the Kazakhstan International Bureau for Human Rights and Rule of Law, a partner organization of NDI. The report, Freedom of Peaceful Assembly in Kazakhstan: Authorization Denied, was released Dec. 13, at an international conference in Astana, the capital, that attracted an unprecedented level of Kazakhstani government involvement, but also highlighted the country's lack of progress on freedom of information.

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In-Country Perspectives

Full integration into Europe – through membership in the European Union and the North Atlantic Treaty Organization – is high on the agenda for Montenegro. But certain membership requirements still must be fulfilled. One area that government ministries are addressing is communication with the parliament, municipal governments and civil society, and they have asked NDI for help. The Institute was approached by the minister of environment and spatial planning for help with internal communication and external outreach. Scott Persons, NDI’s resident director in Montenegro, explains how NDI is helping.

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