Notion Ink

Slow n steady, But with Dogged Persistence!

Posted in Uncategorized by Rohan Shravan on January 8, 2011

Hello All,

I read somewhere over the net, “Gravitation is easily demonstrated, evolution is not!”. But we figured a way out to silence our major critics, directly speak to them and let them review what we have. That is why we released info first to Android Police. Here in CES we then met with Slashgear and then with Engadget who is known for their honest opinion. And the last one was the Crunchgear. I am glad everyone was impressed!

Notion Ink will go slow and steady but with dogged persistence. I read a few comments on how we are marketing and how other companies are, but then we are missing a point here. We are not here to sell in millions in the first year and quickly become the billion dollar company. That doesn’t happen and shouldn’t as well. We will prefer the learning curve along the way, because we are here for centuries. I am honest with my plans and I know we can’t beat Apple in one day, which is the benchmark in most of the things. It takes time, effort and most importantly the experience to nurture the talent in to a beautiful art. We have the talent, we have proved that, and now it’s all about learning and implementing with perfection.

With a good product you can kill whole army, but with a dream you can build Nations. Someone wrote in the comments, they don’t care what dreams we have. I would say if that’s the case, we have seen 100s of tablets in CES, and we all are free to opt for one. But if you want to become a part of a unique history, sense the evolution, hang on, because we are here to do different things, and in unique ways!

For those who are with us since long, I wish you were there when they were reviewing your product. You could see awe and surprise in their minds and eyes. But there is a lot to do! And now we will focus back on our work!

With Warm Regards

Rohan Shravan

Posting from Adam

Posted in Uncategorized by Rohan Shravan on January 7, 2011

A photo taken from Adam!

Well you saw how the day went! :) Only disappointment was that Xoom showed video of the UI instead the real Honeycomb. Took some time to take pictures while on the way back to CES, and here is one for you!

With Warm Regards

CES, here we are! Did you see the site?

Posted in Uncategorized by Rohan Shravan on January 5, 2011

Greetings and Happy New Year to the Whole World!

First let me post the much awaited images coming straight from the camera (to those who will check the meta-data, they were opened in GIMP to re-size). This is what we are going to show to the World today!

Now we will let the world comment on the device. This is the first time Eden will be shown to anyone.

With Warm Regards

Rohan Shravan

More in Portrait

Posted in Uncategorized by Rohan Shravan on January 1, 2011


Posting one more video showing the browser now in portrait mode. Most of the apps where you will read a lot, portrait mode is enabled. This video is also our small thanks to our Un-Official Forum, Notion Addicts. Avo and others are doing a very good job in keeping everyone informed and community active! Let’s take a look at the video:

With Warm Regards

Rohan Shravan

Introducing Eden – VIII (Adam says Happy New Year! :)

Posted in Uncategorized by Rohan Shravan on December 31, 2010

Hello All,

This is second in the series of what we posted yesterday. Most of the video (I think this is the best of what we have posted so far) is self-explanatory and answers few of your questions like 3rd party application installation, portrait mode, launching applications, pinch-to-zoom on the browser, auto re-alignment in the browser when you zoom, etc. Let’s take a look:

I will try to post one last video before I leave for CES, but if I don’t, this would be the last one (this might be the last post as well before CES, as I fly out on 3rd). We have one more coming as the official release.

Wishing everyone a Very Happy New Year 2011. Let’s make it special! :)

With Warm Regards

Rohan Shravan