Did the proprietary wireless technology Z-Wave just do a leap frog move into the smart energy home over a more standards-based approach like ZigBee? Verizon confirmed with me late last week that its inaugural smart home energy pilot will initially be based around Z-Wave. Read More »

There’s long been talk of Nvidia joining the server CPU business, but most believed it would go the x86 route. Instead, it chose ARM. Since ARM’s dominance in mobile devices means it is the processor of the future, other companies need a game plan, and fast. Read More »

The US government’s move to order Twitter to disclose information about users involved with WikiLeaks confirms the network’s status as a real-time information network, but also makes it obvious how much we have come to rely on it, and the implications of that dependence. Read More »

5 Mistakes Entrepreneurs Make When Getting Mentored

Mentorship is a critical catalyst for passage, transition and development as a pre-entrepreneur. But mentorship, like entrepreneurship, can break down in the nitty gritty details. Larry Chiang offers his advice in avoiding the mistakes many entrepreneurs make when they try to get mentored by a VC. Read More »

Amazon last week launched a developer program in advance of its opening of a store for Android apps. The move underscores the opportunities for third parties looking to distribute apps to users of Google’s mobile operating system. But first they must meet a few key challenges. Read More »

Porn producers have been going after BitTorrent file sharers with mass lawsuits, but courts have made it harder to actually unmask users based on their IP address. Some porn studios now think it’s time to fight piracy with cheaper and better online video offerings instead. Read More »

A chorus of complaints about spammy results in Google searches highlights a growing problem the search company is going to have to solve — and doing so will inevitably bring it into conflict with Demand Media, currently planning a high-profile IPO for later this year. Read More »

The Mac App Store saw over 1 million downloads in its first day of availability. That’s a terrific number, but pinning down the effect it’s had for individual developers is a little trickier. Evernote, at least, had tremendous success on launch day. Read More »

Is too much choice a bad thing? LG’s recent entry into the smart TV space means at least 10 platforms are currently vying for consumer, developer and TV OEM attention. Since 10 is officially a crowd, let’s examine the implications of smart tv platform fragmentation. Read More »

Directly connecting Wi-Fi devices to each other is now simple and configuration-free thanks to Wi-Fi Direct. Here at CES, I got a look at demo apps using this peer-to-peer technology, which I expect to see in many phones and consumer electronics devices in 2011. Read More »

More Must Reads

A new press invite from Verizon Wireless is making the rounds, announcing a special media event on Jan. 11 at 11 AM Eastern in New York City at Lincoln Center. The event could be the long-awaited announcement of the iPhone’s arrival on the Verizon network. Read More »

Android’s share of the mobile market might be growing rapidly, but if it really wants to generate Apple-style levels of consumer excitement, it could learn some lessons from the legion of iPhone copycats that are all the rage across China. Read More »

The nominees are out for the 2010 Crunchies awards with contenders like Mark Zuckerberg and Dick Costolo duking it out for the title of CEO of the Year, or Quora and Flipboard for Best Startup or Product. So check out the nominees and vote. Read More »

App analytics firm Distimo reported that 49 percent of the revenue on iPhone apps came from in-app purchases in both free and paid apps. The news underscores the importance of in-app payments and the emergence of the freemium model as a revenue driver for app makers. Read More »

Google Docs users can now upload videos and watch them right within Docs. The upload is limited to 1GB files, and uploads count against your Docs storage. Sounds more like a paid storage solution than a free video hosting service like YouTube, doesn’t it? Read More »