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Cedar Lounge
For Lefties too Stubborn to Quit

offsite link Fore! 16:42 Sun Jan 09, 2011 | irishelectionliterature

offsite link Sunday Independent Stupid Statement of the Week 11:14 Sun Jan 09, 2011 | Garibaldy

offsite link You?d worry how many will turn up?? 23:05 Sat Jan 08, 2011 | irishelectionliterature

offsite link Dear FG, please copy and paste 14:57 Sat Jan 08, 2011 | Tomboktu

offsite link This weekend I?ll mostly be listening to? Teenage Fanclub, Thirteen 08:51 Sat Jan 08, 2011 | WorldbyStorm

Cedar Lounge >>

Dublin Opinion
It's a group blog. What more do you need to know?


offsite link UpStart - New campaign promoting the importance of creativity in Ireland 22:18 Thu Jan 06, 2011

offsite link RED PATRIOT, 1 JUNE 1974: ELECTION SPECIAL 12:41 Thu Jan 06, 2011

offsite link Emmet O?Connor - Homage to Connolly 00:44 Wed Jan 05, 2011

offsite link Brian Hanley - Socialist Republic debate 21:40 Tue Jan 04, 2011

Dublin Opinion >>

Irish Left Review
Joined up thinking for the Irish Left

offsite link Building the ULA: Reflections on the Past and Proposals for the Future Sun Jan 09, 2011 17:32 | Brendan Young

offsite link Pre-Election Politics Sun Jan 09, 2011 17:14 | Vincent Wood

offsite link Our deluded ESRI | Adrian Kelleher - Village Magazine Fri Jan 07, 2011 14:25 | donagh

offsite link Calls grow for election votes for Irish abroad · Thu Jan 06, 2011 19:25 | donagh

offsite link Our Hollow Export Model Thu Jan 06, 2011 15:09 | Michael Taft

Irish Left Review >>

A shot at bias in the media

offsite link A curse on the zombie establishment Tue Sep 21, 2010 15:11

offsite link 'Officials say', 'officials say', 'according to an official' Tue Jul 27, 2010 17:05

offsite link 'The false reality of news journalism' Fri Jul 02, 2010 13:15

offsite link Israel and its influence on world politics Mon Jun 28, 2010 14:52

offsite link The 'Rock Star' Economist Fri Jun 18, 2010 11:15

MediaBite >>

national / rights and freedoms Sunday January 09, 2011 01:17 by Amnesty1
A job for all of us

Phil is a journalist; Caroline a qualified psychotherapist. Kevin has just graduated with an MA in political theory and for Julie, music is the cornerstone of her life.

They are successful, confident, down to earth people.

But they’ve seen people, even their friends and families, look at them with fear and suspicion because of "those things"; because they had mental health problems.

dublin / miscellaneous Friday December 24, 2010 23:42 by Andrew
A Spectacle of Defiance and Hope!

Several hundred people took part in "A Spectacle Of Defiance And Hope" in Dublin on the night of Friday 10th December to protest the way the government have cut funding to vital community services. Janice Feighery a co-ordinator at an after school computer program for young people said “Community programmes are being devastated by the cuts. Our work with young people is strangled by lack of funds." The spectacle draws to a close the week of protests against the austerity budget.

international / rights and freedoms Wednesday December 22, 2010 15:24 by pat c
Julian Assange interviewed by David Frost on Al Jazeera
Julian Assange interviewed by RT after release of "collateral murder" video

Julian Assange may be imprisoned but Wikileaks is still operational, still releasing the information that Obama and Clinton do not want us to see. False rape charges have been filed against Assange in Sweden so that he might be extradited to there and then on to the US where he would likely face life imprisonment. More likely death as its very easy to arrange murder inside a federal prison.

Those who have collaborated with the attempts to close down Wikileaks have learned there is a price to pay.

Below is a statement from Wikileaks. This is followed by excerpts from other articles regarding Wikileaks.

national / environment Saturday December 18, 2010 23:27 by Rudiger
featured image
The struggle continues

In the next few weeks, more than likely An Bord Pleanála will be announcing their decision on whether to grant permission to Shell to build the onshore section of the Corrib Gas pipeline. Below is a review of the reopened oral hearing that ran from the 24th of August until the 1st of October in 2010 in Belmullet. Again (this is the fourth convening of an oral hearing), opponents of the Corrib Gas Project made lengthy and comprehensive submissions on why they are opposed to the project. A fair few of these submissions can be read in full here:

national / anti-capitalism Friday November 26, 2010 16:38 by IMC Collective

Around the world countries have been betrayed by their politicians who have worked hand in glove with their capitalist partners to systematically destory each economy and then to hand them over to a private financial elite composed of bankers, investors and speculators and other parasites.

From Iceland to Lativa to Greece to Ireland the Financial Coup has taken place. It has already long ago taken place in such countries as the USA where big capital and big finance captured their governments long ago where corporations like Goldman Sachs have their own people in government dictating the bailouts. But many other countries are on the list. The austerity which the capitalists smile down on, have already hit most of Europe especially in countries like Spain, Portugal, Hungary and the UK.

The current crisis is the cumlination of a fairly long process starting in the late 1970s when the leading capitalist powers decided to go on the offensive and launched the Neo Liberal era which saw an claw back against all the rights gained by workers in the previous 70 years. At that time they also lent huge quantities of money to corrupt governments in the developing world and this ushered in the era of mega slums and third world debt bringing in the era of financial imperalism allowing the resources of these countries to be hauled away for almost free. continues below
featured image
So below we shall document some of the reactions of the Irish people so far:

Reactions and Events (on Indy):
Social Welfare Defenders group calls for protest against cuts outside the social welfare offices in Hanover Street Cork.
New campaign launched to support Independent candidates. -planning to field candidates in the election.Public meeting Thurs and Fri night
Spontaneous IMF March Cork City was on Nov 22nd
People Before Profit call for General Strike
1% Network calls for National Strike and March next Saturday
Garda attacks TDs - the centre is not holding from the WSM website.
Ireland in crisis: What can be done?
National Strike on Dec 1st anyone?
Protest Against the Bank Bailout - General Election Mon 22nd Nov -see story for what happened
Ógra Shinn Féin activist Injured by State car at IMF protest

Nov 1999: Glass-Steagall Act repealed in US. deregulates the banks leading to financial to wild west in global finance.
Oct 2008: Global finance goes belly up. Celtic Tiger officially dead.
Aug 2010: €27 billion Tranche 1 & 2 loans transferred to NAMA (i.e. to taxpayer). Almost 50% for loans on UK properties See report
Sept 2010: Legal door closes on shifting burden of bailout onto bond holders.
13th/14th Nov: Govt: "There is no bailout."
Thu 18th Nov: Central Bank Governor Patrick Honohan announces for all intents and purposes the EU/IMF bailout.
Fri 19th Nov: IMF arrives in Dublin to help transfer more wealth to the rich.
Mon 22nd Nov:: Greens announce departure from government in Jan.
Wed 24th Nov:: Outline of cuts announced by govt. Pensions taxed. Tax increases + VAT. 1 euro taken from lowest paid workers. Nothing taken from the tax exiles. No tax or royalities on Corrib Gas.
Wed 24th Nov: 24 hr General strike in Portugual against austerity. Nothing similar planned by Irish unions.
Thur 25th Nov: Govt trying to close deal with IMF before they are booted out and before people can challenge the deal
Fri 26th Nov: Speculators driving up interest rates for Portugal and Spain in an effort to break the Euro.
Fri 12am 26th Nov: News reporting that IMF/EU will charge 6.7% interest. Prof Morgan Kelly (IT 8/11) says anything above 2% will sink us. Above 5% and our debt grows faster than we can repay!
Sat 27th Nov: Between 50,000 and 100,000 march against IMF cuts and FF govt in Dublin
Sun 28th Nov: Details of €85 billion deal done with private capital (aka IMF/EU) announced. Interest rate will be 5.8% and we get to handover €17.5 billion of our pension fund. And note that €85 billion includes €17.5 billion of our own money, making the so called bailout actually a high interest loan of €68 billion much of which will be handed over directly to european banks
Sun 28th Nov: Story circulating Anglo was using derivatives mentioned by Pat Rabbit on RTE This Week. Anglo report shows derivatives of €184 billion in total for 2010 up from €167 in 2009. This seems to show why ECB demanded the Pension Fund (€17 billion) as collateral. -i.e. Since 2008, Anglo probably made a bet with derivatives they would get their money back and lost the bet. Hole now is even bigger.
Tue 30th Nov: Opposition claim IMF deal should be subject to a dail vote according to constitution article 25-9-2. "Markets" unimpressed by deal. Italy now being brought into the discussion more frequently in MSM.
Tue 07th Dec: Austere Budget passed targetting the lower paid
Thu 09th Dec: 40 million euro bonuses to be paid to AIB execs. Ireland's rating lowered by Fitch in spite of IMF "deal" (Minister intercedes to prevent payment of these AIB bonuses after major public outrage)

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