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Struggle to Protect the Holy San Francsico Peaks Continues

District Court Rules For USFS in Save the Peaks Case, Plaintiffs will Appeal

The case known as The Save the Peaks Coalition, et al. v. U.S. Forest Service (USFS) was heard before Honorable Judge Mary H. Murguia and today (December 1, 2010) a decision was made.

The Court ruled against the plaintiffs claims that the final FEIS prepared by the USFS ignores thorough consideration of a number of critical health issues. The plaintiffs contend that a new and thorough FEIS should be filed by the USFS. If this reveals that the use of reclaimed sewage water is a public health risk then snowmaking should not be permitted for the Arizona Snowbowl on the San Francisco Peaks.

Howard Shanker, representing the Save the Peaks Coalition and additional plaintiffs, will file an appeal to the Ninth Circuit Court. According to Shanker, “ the decision misstates the facts of this case and misapplies the law. That’s why there is an appeal process.” Further, according to Shanker, “it is remarkable that the Obama Administration is complicitous in this effort to put treated sewer water on the San Francisco Peaks. Not only is the site sacred to Native Americans in the Southwestern United States, the Forest Service has, at best, no idea what the long term health impacts will be on people who ingest this snow made from treated effluent. Who figured the Snowbowl ski area was ‘too big to fail’”.

To view the full press release and to learn more about this important issue, please visit or Save the Peaks

Update: Dec. 2 - Protesters 'Quarantine' Snowbowl Job Fair in Response to Court Decision. Read the story here.

Fierce Resistance to NSM

Nazis Attempt to March and Rally in Phoenix

A march and rally that was planned through downtown Phoenix by members of the National Socialist Movement (NSM), a neo-Nazi hate group, was met with fierce resistance on Saturday, November 13.

More than 250 people confronted the Nazis and stopped them as they attempted to march to a Phoenix Courthouse for a permitted rally.

Riot police defended the Nazis by attacking the crowd with shields, pepper spray, pepper bullets and tear gas. Two people were arrested for allegedly throwing rocks.

Read more here.

To support those those that have been arrested, please visit N13 Support

Video: Link 1, Link 2, Link 3

There's even a song with video here

Pics: Link 1

Update: One of the arrestees is out, no new info about the other person.

Fighting Erupts Between Workers, Federal Police and Scabs at the Cananea Mine

Miners attacked, 3 seriously injured in latest round of aggression against 3-year strike

Cananea, Sonora - At least three people suffered serious injuries and 26 were arrested when fighting broke out between striking miners and others at the giant Cananea copper mine in the northern Mexican state of Sonora (less than an hour south of the Arizona border). One of the injured, apparently a strikebreaker, was shot in the head but survived, despite initial reports that he had died.

Cananea is the site of a historic 1906 strike that many argue led to the 1910 Mexican Revolution. Since 2008 members of Section 65 of the National Union of Mine and Metal Workers and the Like of the Mexican Republic (SNTMMSRM) have been on strike at the mine. The owner, the powerful Grupo México corporation, regained control of the mine from the strikers after hundreds of police agents stormed the facility on June 6. (As is traditional in Mexico, the strikers had been sitting in at the site.) The company then contracted workers from outside to get the mine back in operation. However, the union won a temporary court order on Aug. 12 allowing strikers to picket at the facility.

The fighting broke out after several hundred strikebreakers attacked a picket-line with clubs and stones, and then laid siege to the Section 65 union hall together with plain-clothed federal and state police. A coalition of Mexican trade unions are calling for a demonstrations and caravans on Sept. 14 and 15, as Mexicans mark the bicentennial of the start of the War of Independence from Spain - as well as a full investigation into the events of September 8 and protection for the striking workers.

More news: Weekly News Update on the Americas
Sección 65 Minero
coverage on Mexico Indymedia (Spanish)

Water is Life

Flagstaff City Council Votes No Drinking Water for Snowmaking / Stuggle NOT Yet Over

Flagstaff, AZ – After 4 hours of meeting, the Flagstaff City Council voted 5-2 to not amend a proposed substitute agreement to sell 180 million gallons of Flagstaff's drinking water to Arizona Snowbowl for snowmaking on the Holy San Francisco Peaks.

More than 150 concerned community members attended the Council meeting including Tribal representatives from Hopi, Navajo and Havasupai Nations.

According to the Arizona Daily Sun the city of Flagstaff uses half the groundwater in central northern Arizona. Snowbowl would have taken about 5 percent of all the potable water the city used. According to City staff, Flagstaff is expected to run out of drinking water by the year 2050.

On Monday, August 30th at Sinagua Middle School more than 700 community members and neighboring Tribal representatives met for 7 hours for spoken public input and presentations by Snowbowl, Flagstaff City staff and other interests. No spoken public input was taken on Thursday except as requested by City Council.

There seemed to be confusion whether the proposal originated from the USDA or City staff. Although it was stated by the USDA that the idea originated from City staff, City manager Kevin Burke tried to defer it to the USDA.

The deal was initially presented as a "less offensive" option for Tribes who hold the San Francisco Peaks holy, but overwhelmingly the Tribes opposed the plan.

The government also offered $11 million taxpayers dollars to offset paying for the higher costing drinking water in a move criticized as a corporate bailout. When pressed, the USDA stated that the funds weren't guaranteed but could be taken from "various sources."

IMPORTANT: There will also be another Flagstaff City Council meeting on Tuesday, September 7th at 5:30pm to further discuss the Snowbowl contract and the uses of reclaimed/potable water. It is encouraged that all people of the Southwest contact the Flagstaff City Council to voice opinions/opposition/concerns related to this issue. Contact information for the City Council can be found here.

For more information and further updates, please visit .

The full press release is available here.

URGENT: No Drinking Water for Recreation

AZ Snowbowl plans to destroy the northern Arizona environment & desecrate sacred sites

On August 30th the Flagstaff City Council will decide whether to allow its original contract to be amended so Arizona Snowbowl (a privately owned business) could use city potable water for snow making on the San Francisco Peaks instead of treated sewage effluent (direct reclaimed water).

Because using reclaimed sewage water is proving legally difficult, Snowbowl is looking for an 11 million dollar Federal subsidy to use more expensive and precious potable water. Considering the scarcity of water in Northern Arizona, this is simply an unacceptable prospect. This current proposition is equally offensive to Native American tribes and will result in environmental destruction and cultural desecration, as stated continuously in tribal resolutions (as recent as August 2010) and by spiritual leaders.

Snowbowl owners and administration have proved again and again that deceiving, bullying, and pushing their weight around is never beyond their strategies to make more profits.

It is highly important for the City Council to hear from Flagstaff residents and from concerned out-of-town people that the original contract between the city and Snowbowl should NOT be amended.

Please contact the city council ASAP ( and let them know that they should NOT amend the contract to allow the sale of what they refer to as "recovered reclaimed water" (drinking water). You can also call them at 928.770.7600

Please visit for more information and to learn how to get involved. You can also send a letter of support to and it will be presented at Monday's Council meeting.

For background information, please visit Save the Peaks.

Additional resources can be accessed from the recent Arizona Indymedia Articles: Rally to Save Our Drinking Water and Support Efforts.

UPDATE: Recent article on the United Tribal Front Against Snowbowl Expansion.

Students Storm Candidates Forum for State Superintendent of Public Instruction

Protesters assaulted; Sen. Jon Huppenthal compares indigenous people to children with Downs syndrom

Tucson, AZ- On Thursday, August 12 dozens of students demonstrated and disrupted a debate-style candidates forum for the statewide office of Superintendent of Public Instruction at Tucson's Rincon High School. The forum was attended by Democrats Jason Williams and Penny Kotterman and Republicans Margaret Dugan and Sen. John Huppenthal.

Sen. Huppenthal is the chair of the Senate committee on education and was one of the architects of HB2281, the law banning ethnic studies in Arizona. In addition, he has overseen historic cuts to statewide education, including the complete elimination of adult education programs and all-day kindergarten. Dugan, the "right hand" deputy to current Superintendent Tom Horne, also defended the ethnic studies ban.

During the debate, in addition to advocating further budget cuts and attacks on public education, Huppenthal compared Arizona's indigenous peoples to children with Downs syndrom and autism, who he argued can be "saved" with targeted programs. During closing statements, dozens of students, many of whom were either in attendance or had been rallying outside, began speaking up, while several attempted to enter the building to unfurl banners stating "Defend Ethnic Studies - No to HB2281" and "Money for Education, Not Border Militarization!" (a reference to Obama's signing today of a $600 million supplementary bill for border and immigration enforcement). Some in the crowd attempted to block more students from entering or unfurling the banner, leading to an altercation during which several students were hit, tackled or otherwise assaulted (video). Others in the crowd, including dozens of teachers and various community members, shouted for the students to be allowed to enter. Soon afterward the forum drew to a close.

Democrats Say "F#@K You" to Border Communities

Congress passes border death bill in Machiavellian election year hijinks

Instead of addressing the implicit violence and failures of the U.S. immigration system in any comprehensive or meaningful fashion, Barack Obama today signed a $600 million increase to the Department of Homeland Security budget intended for border and immigration enforcement (including the hiring of more than 1,500 new Border Patrol agents).

Senator Chuck Schumer of New York introduced the legislation on August 5, the very last day of the congressional session, which the Senate proceeded to pass that same day. The House held a special session on Monday, bringing all of their members back to Washington just to vote on the bill.

Deaths on the U.S. / Mexico border are on a record pace this summer with more than 214 recovered remains this year alone (as of July 30). The United States General Accounting Office (GAO) has found that while steady increases in border enforcement over the past few decades have had no correlation with a decrease in unauthorized crossing, they are directly correlated to migrant deaths. Despite these connections, the United States continues to expand the funding of agencies like the U.S. Border Patrol and I.C.E., who are notoriously abusive toward border and immigrant communities, and operate with relative impunity.

Despite what fearmongering politicians claim, crime along the border is down. Period. There are no beheadings in Arizona. Period. Kidnappings are not on the rise. Period. Instead of acting on the DREAM Act or addressing any of the genuine failures and inadequacies of the U.S. immigration system, congressional Democrats seem content to buy into election year hysteria and right-wing hijinks, and have now given away perhaps the only "bargaining chip" they may have had to convince Republicans to go along with any more substantive, comprehensive legislation. So much for "immigration reform". Meanwhile, people will continue dying on the border.

SB1070 in Full Effect

Arpaio-style enforcement actions spread across the state

Tucson, AZ- Although attention in Arizona has been focused during the past several months on SB1070 and Joe Arpaio's increasingly totalitarian anti-immigrant tactics, much of the media coverage has ignored the degree to which Arizona communities have long been under the thumb of SB1070-like enforcement practices.

Programs such as 287(g) and "Secure Communities" already allow local police to cooperate with the feds on immigration enforcement, and have proliferated under the Obama administration. Even more dramatic is the free reign that the U.S. Border Patrol enjoy in southern Arizona, within 100 miles of the border, and the cooperation of municipal police agencies in cities such as Tucson, Yuma, Casa Grande and Sierra Vista in the routine detention and deportation of long-term community members.

Despite a partial injunction, SB1070 has only emboldened such practices and the impunity with which these law enforcement agencies operate. Tucson residents are complaining of unprecedented police harassment and interrogation related to immigration status. Just one week after SB1070 went into effect, in an unprecedented show of force, the Tucson Police Department engaged in a Joe Arpaio-style immigration sweep on Tucson's southside involving a staging ground in Rudy Garcia park more than a dozen patrol cars. Members of Copwatch / Migra Patrol observed police single out people driving with Mexican license plates and detaining anybody without "proper" ID. Confirmed reports in the past week have described similar police actions at the Ronstadt transit / bus station. Although police have claimed that these actions are related to "targeted crime suppression," a video that went viral earlier this week clearly showed a women being placed in Border Patrol custody after a minor traffic stop on Tucson's Fourth Avenue:

Statewide Protests Against SB1070

July 29th Day Of Action Against SB1070

As protests occur throughout the region today, Arizona Indymedia will be compiling news, updates, and links about the protests and actions.

Also tune into 12 hours of live radio broadcasting from 10 different cities in the United States and Mexico with the participation of 15 immigrant groups/organizations fighting against the racist policies of the government of Arizona on the live stream from Free Radio Chukshon.

Tune in:
High Fi
Low Fi

  • 7:30PM This concludes our live news alerts. if you have any vital updates please call or txt 262.4216. Thx to participants of today's actions to submit news click on the "Publish" link on the right sidebar.
  • 7:17PM People arrested are being released NOW, head to NW police station on Miracle Mile now for solidarity rally.
  • 6:44PM Change of Plans: Jail Solidarity Rally in support of today's arrestees at NW Police Station on Miracle Mile NOT 29th & Mission 8:30pm.
  • People gathering at 8:30 tonight for Jail Solidarity for arrestees from today, Mission and 29th
  • 6:07PM TPD: Only have room for 40 people in their jail today. Including the 11 already arrested.
  • 5:44PM Police declare entire intersection including sidewalks illegal. Some people are leaving some stayin
  • 5:38PM Police ordering people to disperse again.
  • 5:31PM Critical Mass Bike Ride with 30+ bikers arriving at St. Building.
  • 5:21PM Critical Mass Bike Ride leaving University now.
  • 5:17PM At least 11 arrests made.
  • 5:09PM Riot cops on the scene, Arrests being made.
  • 5:02PM Police have made an order to disperse at Congress and Granada. 400+ protesters in the crowd.
  • 4:48PM Granada and Congress still occupied by protesters, cops idling around.
  • At 5PM Anti-Oppression Critical Mass Bike Ride to begin at UA Flagpoles near Univ. and Park.
  • 4:12PM Granada and Congress intersection occupied by 100+ protestors with 200+ supporters.
  • 2:55PM Protestors kicked out of Jimmy Johns Subs on Congress, police threaten arrests
  • 1:37PM Food Not Bombs serving free lunch at Granada and Congress
  • 1:13PM Brown Berets occupying "A" Mountain despite police orders to leave. Police threatened to arrest everyone, however police have backed down for now. Park was closed for 1 hour earlier with 30 youth on the mountain. Park has been reopened.
  • 10:55AM I-19 Blockade over, no arrests. Protesters used tar, tires and broken glass to shutdown interstate used for deportation. Police have cleared debris. [2] [pics]
  • 10:37AM Rally at Presidio Park, started at 10AM. with speakers and music and voter registration tables, small crowd gathered there
  • 10:25AM Interstate 19 southbound blocked off
  • 9:50AM 300 demonstrators facing off with 100 fascists at Granada and Congress
  • 9:30AM Protests have begun, over 200 people in the streets down 6th Ave
  • 24-Hour Vigil began at 5pm July 28th at State Building. Protesters remained overnight and will be there till this evening.
  • Phoenix:
  • Confirmed: Immigration sweep begins despite protest delay. 5 arrested in sweep so far.
  • Possible that immigration raids may still happen today, however not verified.
  • Sheriff Joe Arpaio cancels immigration raids because of Phoenix Jail blockade
  • 12:38PM More non-violent protesters arrested
  • 12:32PM Sheriff deputies clear the entrance of the 4th Avenue Jail. Several arrests made
  • 12:15PM Sheriff Joe shifts "resources" to 4th Avenue Jail. Police may be losing control. Protesters chant "arpaio racista. eres terrorista!"
  • 11:45AM Protesters continued to be arrested in downtown Phoenix
  • 11:10 4th Avenue Jail still blocked by protesters. Sheriff deputies have been deployed.
  • 10:58AM 4th Avenue Jail blocked by protestors, Police moving quickly
  • 10:49AM 100+ blockading Washington St near City Hall. Riot police moving in.
  • 10:30AM Police are arresting protesters (downtown)
  • 70 people block main thoroughfare in Guadalupe last night at midnight.
  • Stop Hate Banner Drop Over Phoenix Wednesday Night.  [2]
  • Twitter updates fromPuenteAZ and AltoArizona.
  • Flagstaff:

    Community protest planned for 4pm - Flagstaff City Hall Lawn Rt. 66 & Humphreys, Downtown Flagstaff

    Other Places:

  • Anti-SB1070 protest spans entire Brooklyn Bridge
  • 11:40AM LAPD is ready to arrest people on Wilshire & La Brea
  • 11:10AM Wilshire @ Highland (Los Angeles) blockaded by protesters. LA Times
  • Rep. Raúl Grijalva, D-Ariz., has closed his Yuma district office for the day after staff discovered that a bullet had shattered a window earlier Thursday. Link

  • On the Brink

    Judge enjoins parts of SB1070; Law will still lead to broad criminalization. Protests and resistance going forward

    On July 28th at about 10:00 a.m. Federal judge Susan Bolton issued a preliminary injunction against four provisions included in Arizona's anti-immigrant law, SB1070. These provisions include the mandate that law enforcement officers solicit the immigration status of anyone they encounter; the portion that makes failure to carry immigration documents a state crime; the portion that makes it a state crime for undocumented immigrants to perform work in Arizona; and the portion allowing for warrantless arrest of anybody who is suspected of having committed a "deportable offense". Judge Bolton's injunction is only temporary, which means that each of these provisions can still go into effect if the judge decides, after fully hearing the case, that they are acceptable.

    Meanwhile, Judge Bolton allowed a series of provisions of SB1070 to stand. These include the portion that makes it a crime to obstruct traffic while soliciting work as a day-laborer; the portion that requires law enforcement to fully cooperate with immigration authorities and to report anybody they know to be in the country illegally; the portion allowing anybody to sue any jurisdiction they believe is not fully enforcing the law; and finally the portion of the law that makes it a crime to "harbor" or "transort" any undocumented immigrant (this provision is especially designed to target and criminalize mixed-status families). These provisions will go into effect at midnight TONIGHT.

    In response to this partial injunction, protest groups have vowed to go forward with their plans for the 29th. Groups in Phoenix are planning demonstrations starting this evening at the Arizona Capitol and a reclamation of Civic Space Park at 4 p.m. today. A suite of civil disobedience actions are planned for tomorrow morning; targets include the federal courthouse and U.S. immigration offices. For more information visit: Alto Arizona.

    In Tucson, demonstrators plan to gather at the state building this evening at 5 p.m., followed by an overnight vigil. Protests will kick off again at 8 a.m. at the state building, where perhaps thousands are expected to flood the streets. At 4 p.m. calls have been made for mass direct action, to be joined by a critical mass bike ride that will leave from the University at 5 p.m. A text messaging system has been set up whereby people can send updates and follow the day's events in real-time.

    Various groups and institutions across the state are continuing to pledge non-compliance with the law. On Wednesday, July 27th the Tucson Unified School District joined this list of groups, with a 5-0 vote to not allow immigration laws to be enforced on their campuses.

    Solidarity actions are planned on July 29th across the country and internationally. Updates from the streets will be posted to Arizona Indymedia as they develop.

    Seven arrested outside SB1070 court hearing; Arizona groups call for nationwide day of action July 29

    Groups in Phoenix, Flagstaff and Tucson pledge non-compliance with the law, call for protests, vigils, civil disobedience

    On Thursday, July 22nd Judge Susan Bolton overheard arguments both for and against an injunction on SB1070. Hundreds of demonstrators rallied outside against the law, and seven were eventually arrested for blocking the streets immediately adjacent to the courthouse (video) (more video). Several demonstrators also rallied in support of the law, including avowed neo-Nazis like Harry Hughes, seen being interviewed by CNN.

    Judge Bolton is considering two separate lawsuits that request for an injunction before the law goes into effect on July 29th. The lawsuits were filed by the U.S. Justice Department and by a coalition of civil liberties organizations including the ACLU and MALDEF (the Mexican American Legal Defense Fund). The judge made clear during the hearing that she will not enjoin the entire law, although she has yet to rule on a number of specific statutes.

    Organizations in Phoenix, Flagstaff and Tucson are calling for a state and nation-wide day of action against the law on July 29th, which they plan to go forward with whether or not the law is enjoined. In Phoenix a coalition of groups is calling for civil disobedience against a list of targets, while in Tucson an overnight vigil will begin at the state building at 5:30 p.m. on the 28th, and organizers are calling for people to flood downtown at 8 a.m. on the 29th followed by a day of diverse actions scheduled to take place across the city.

    Organizers across the state of Arizona are calling for people to engage in active resistance against SB1070, and for national and international solidarity on the 29th. Stay tuned to Arizona Indymedia for more updates!

    Save the Peaks

    March, Rally & Vigil to be held in Phoenix, AZ July 15-16 against AZ Snowlbowl desecration of sacred land

    Arizona Snowbowl is attempting to expand development on the San Francisco Peaks and make fake snow out of treated sewage effluent on public lands. This wastewater has been proven to contain harmful contaminants such as pharmaceuticals, hormones and cancer causing agents.

    The US Forest Service has ignored public health concerns and approved this development without any tests to determine the health effects if our children eat the wastewater snow. Snowbowl would be the only ski area in the world to use 100% wastewater to make snow. They would use 1.5 million gallons per day, storing and spraying this wastewater on a mountain that is holy to more than 13 Indigenous Nations.

    On July 15 and 16 a series of actions will be held in Phoenix, in advance of a court hearing on July 20th. For the full schedule of events or for more information please visit TrueSnow or contact

    The Save the Peaks Coalition and other groups are continuing their call for support and will be rallying at the Phoenix courthouse on June 20th at 11:00 AM and urging everyone to join them in the courtroom at 1:00 PM. Please check for details.

    135+ Tucson Businesses, Organizations Declare "We Reject Racism", Non-Compliance With SB1070

    Businesses, community groups, neighbors pledge not to allow police to check immigration status on their premises

    Tucson, Arizona – On Thursday, July 8 No More Deaths and the Tierra y Libertad Organization unveiled twin grassroots campaigns against SB1070 entitled “We Reject Racism” and “We Mean Business”. More than 100 local and national volunteers have been mobilized to talk with to businesses, churches, and door-to-door outreach in neighborhoods, encouraging folks to speak out against and commit to non-cooperation with SB1070 and form networks of resistance and mutual aid with those most affected by the law. Already more than 135 local businesses and other institutions have posted a sign declaring opposition to SB1070, with many agreeing that law enforcement will not be allowed on their premises for the sole purpose of checking the immigration status of those within.

    According to Adam Aguirre, a volunteer with the campaign: “We have heard from numerous local shopkeepers that their businesses and livelihoods are already suffering dramatically since Brewer signed SB1070 in April. Our community is being torn apart by many of the practices that SB1070 sanctions. We can no longer afford to stay neutral. Businesses operating in our communities must stand with their employees, patrons and the broader community to send an unequivocal message to the Arizona Legislature that SB1070, and all related enforcement practices, must be repealed for the economic and social well-being of this state”

    The “We Mean Business” campaign maintains and publishes a growing list of businesses who are speaking out against SB1070 and those who have supported it (either through silence or through financial support to its sponsors). The complete list of businesses standing in opposition to SB1070 may be found here.

    Update 7/22: the Plaza Azteca shopping center on S. 12th Ave. and Ajo declares the entire center an SB1070-free zone!

    Tens of Thousands March in Phoenix Against Arizona Race Laws and the Criminalization of Immigrants

    Demonstrators from across Arizona and the United States fill downtown Phoenix to demand freedom, dignity and justice

    Phoenix, AZ- Between fifty and a hundred thousand demonstrators marched in Phoenix on Saturday May 29th to protest federal and state laws that criminalize undocumented immigrants and target the state's Hispanic and indigenous populations.

    Chanting: "You haven't heard our thunder yet!" and "undocumented, unafraid!" demonstrators marched from Steele Indian School Park to the State Capitol, filling downtown streets. Participants came from across Arizona, as well as California, Texas and other states, in the largest show of opposition yet to SB1070 and the climate of criminalization and hate that it represents.

    In addition to SB1070, marchers held signs in opposition to HB2281, which forbids ethnic studies curricula in Arizona public schools; others spoke out against federal enforcement efforts such as 287(g) agreements, border militarization and the Obama administration's record number of deportations. Various proposals are circulating for continued resistance all summer long, including calls for a "freedom summer" and organizing in neighborhoods and communities across Arizona - in addition ongoing boycott efforts and civil disobedience.

    Photos: 1, 2; Video: 1, 2

    110 Deaths in the Arizona Desert as Obama Deploys 1200 National Guard Troops to the U.S./Mexico Border

    Deaths on record pace, 71% higher than at this point last year

    With a great deal of fanfare President Barack Obama announced on Wednesday May 26 his plan to deploy 1,200 National Guard soldiers to the U.S./Mexico border, as well as request $500 million in additional funding for "border security". This maneuver seems to have been an attempt to appease the nativist right and their Republican champions, including Sen. John McCain, who has made deploying the National Guard a centerpiece of his re-election campaign against uber-nativist J.D. Hayworth. In addition to such cynical political moves, the Obama administration has been deporting more people than any administration in history - 400,000 last year alone, or more than 1,000 people a day removed from their families, homes and communities.

    Meanwhile, here in Arizona, 2010 is shaping up to be the deadliest year ever along the border. Tucson's Coalición de Derechos Humanos reports more than 110 deaths as of the end of April, a 71% increase over the same period last year - this despite the hottest and deadliest summer months lying ahead. More than 5,000 people have died crossing the border since the launch of Operation Gatekeeper in 1994. Rather than confront the politics of hatred and fear that have become ascendant in Arizona, the Obama administration is playing games with peoples lives, continuing to escalate militarization and violence in communities border-and nation-wide.

    (See also: No More Deaths)



    Tucson, AZ – More than a dozen people occupied Border Patrol headquarters at Davis-Monthan Airforce Base today in an act of peaceful resistance. The group includes members of Indigenous

    Nations of Arizona, migrants, people of color and white allies. Six people used chains and other devices to lock themselves in the building. These Arizona residents disrupted the Border Patrol operations to demand that Border Patrol (BP), Immigration Customs Enforcement (ICE), their parent entity, the Department of Homeland Security (DHS), and the Obama administration end militarization of the border, end the criminalization of immigrant communities, and end their campaign of terror which tears families apart through increasing numbers of raids and deportations.

    The protesters also call on the State of Arizona to repeal the racist Senate Bill 1070 that criminalizes immigrant communities on the state level, makes it illegal to transport or harbor an undocumented person regardless of family relationship, requires police agencies to engage in racial profiling, and ultimately is an attempt to ethnically cleanse Arizona of those with brown skin. This act of civil disobedience was only the latest in an increasing wave of direct action targeting the federal government’s terrorist immigration policies.

    Update: After nearly 4 hours the protesters were cited and released. Read the press release here.

    To read the original press release click here.

    For updates and pictures please visit AZIMC or

    Watch a video clip from the action here.

    Sit-in and Rally at John McCain's Tucson Office to Urge Passage of the DREAM Act

    Three undocumented student leaders arrested and likely to face removal proceedings, in response to push for reform

    Tucson, Arizona- On May 17th, the anniversary of landmark civil rights case Brown v. Board of Education, Arizona law enforcement arrested three undocumented leaders of the immigrant student movement and one supporter. Arizona native Raul Alcaraz; Lizbeth Mateo of Los Angeles, California; Mohammad Abdollahi of Ann Arbor, Michigan; and Yahaira Carrillo of Kansas City, Missouri, were detained in Tucson, Arizona, after staging a sit-in at Senator John McCain’s office. These four leaders defied local and federal anti-immigrant laws and are risking deportation from the United States in the hope that this action will make a significant contribution to the fight for immigrant rights.

    Dozens rallied all afternoon in front of McCain's office to show support for those inside ( photos). Vigils and demonstrations are planned nationwide over the coming days to show solidarity with immigrants in Arizona, and urge passage of the DREAM Act (Development, Relief, and Education for Alien Minors) as the standard for immigration reform. The DREAM Act would normalize the status of many who graduate from U.S. High Schools and entered the country as minors, as well as allowing them to pay in-state tuition at colleges and universities... read more>>>

    Supporters are urged to pack the Pima County Court on Mission, north of 29th street tomorrow at 8:30 am for the students' initial arraignment. In addition, a national press conference will be held at 9am Tuesday morning in front of John McCain's office, 407 West Congress Street.


    Governor Signs Bill Banning Ethnic Studies; Students Shut Down Meeting Between TUSD and State Superintendent Tom Horne

    Meeting canceled after 700+ students walk out of classes and blockade TUSD headquarters. Fifteen arrested during occupation of Arizona state building

    Breaking: On Tuesday, May 11 Arizona Governor Jan Brewer signed HB2281, a bill that legally prohibits ethnic studies programs from Arizona public schools, equating such classes with sedition and removing state funding from districts that offer them.

    On the morning of May 12th state superintendent Tom Horne, who for years has advocated eliminating ethnic studies, tried to hold a meeting with Tucson Unified School District officials to discuss the district's curriculum. Rumors began circulating around 10:00 a.m. among Jr. high and high school students that Horne was in Tucson to immediately "pull the plug" on their classes.

    In response, more than 700 spontaneously walked-out of their classes, with participants from Rincon, Cholla, Tucson and Pueblo high schools. Students then marched to TUSD headquarters and proceeded to surround the building and blockade the entrances to prevent Horne from entering. Shortly thereafter, school district officials canceled their meeting, claiming that Horne, who is running for state Attorney General, had turned it into "a political event".

    After learning that the meeting was canceled, about 200 among those gathered left TUSD and marched through downtown Tucson to the Arizona state building, where Horne was scheduled to hold a press conference at 2pm. More than a hundred entered and occupied the building lobby, and fifteen were ultimately arrested for refusing to leave.

    In addition to HB2281, student demonstrators spoke out against SB1070 and SB1097, a bill that would force school districts to check the legal status of all students and eliminate public funding for those undocumented. A statement was circulated at the rally encouraging others around the country to engage in protests and direct action on Friday, May 14 in solidarity with students in Arizona.

    See also: SB1070: Battle at the Grassroots

    The Suns of Anarchy

    Phoenix Suns protest SB1070, and State Senator Russell Pearce blankets bill opponents as "anarchists"

    From "Fires Never Extinguished: Journal of the Phoenix Class War Council":

    It's that time of year again, the NBA playoffs are in full swing, and we at PCWC are closely following our favorite sports team, the Phoenix Suns, as they battle it out with the San Antonio Spurs in the Western conference semi-finals. Game two was tonight, and it was a fantastic game, and not just because the Suns took down our biggest rivals for two games in a row ("rivals" may be too kind to describe the vitriol Suns fans reserve for the Spurs, "immortal enemies" may be a better fit), but we're pleased for their actions off the hardwood. Yesterday the Suns organization came out against the racist bill SB1070, sponsored by state senator Russell Pearce, signed into law a couple of weeks back by Governor Brewer, and the focus of numerous protests locally, and solidarity demonstrations, rallies, walkouts, boycotts, and direct actions across the US.

    In an act of solidarity with the state's immigrant and Latino communities, the Suns donned their "Los Suns" jerseys, originally worn as part of the "Noche Latina"promotion, tonight it was an act of defiance to the terror being spread by the reactionary and white supremacist political and social forces at work in Arizona. Suns general manager Steve Kerr made the Suns' case at a press conference yesterday:

    "It's hard to imagine in this country that we have to produce papers," Kerr said. "It rings up images of Nazi Germany. We understand that the intentions of the law are not for that to happen, but you have to be very, very careful. . . . It's important that everyone in our state and nation understands this is an issue that needs to be explored. So, we're trying to expose it."... read more>>>

    Click here to see video of Suns players discussing the organization's statement on SB1070, and Sen. Pearce's reaction.

    TUSD Students Protest HB2281 with 24-hour Vigil

    150+ students remain overnight in front of Tucson High School to defend ethnic studies

    Breaking: Dozens of TUSD students are maintaining a 24-hour protest vigil in front of Tucson High School against a law that would forbid ethnic studies curricula in Arizona public schools. Although the protest began at 4:00p.m., students continued to rally late into the evening. As of 11:00 p.m. (May 6), more than 150 remained, holding protest signs, candles, and speaking out in defense of their schools and their teachers.

    For those who would like to pretend that Arizona's SB1070 is not about racism, HB2281 forbids ethnic studies courses from being offered in any school district in Arizona, lumping such classes together with sedition and "promoting the overthrow of the United States government."

    HB2281 is specifically targeted at the Tucson Unified School District, whose raza studies students have previously organized protests of Arizona State Superintendent Tom Horne. While the law has passed both houses of the Arizona legislature, Governer Brewer has yet to sign HB2281 into law, although she is likely to do so in the coming days. As with the struggle against SB1070, students continue to lead the way in fermenting resistance to Arizona's emerging apartheid regime.

    Related: Flagstaff High School and Middle School Students Stage Walkout to Protest SB1070
    1,000+ University of Arizona students rally against SB1070

    Mayday!!! 8,000 March in Tucson, 10,000 in Phoenix

    Flagstaff City Council votes to sue state over SB1070, UofA students organize rally for tomorrow; resistance is fermenting across the state

    On Saturday, May 1 more than 8,000 people marched in Tucson against SB1070 and a suite of racist, anti-immigrant and anti-worker laws in the state of Arizona (photos: 1, 2, 3; sweet video). In Phoenix, as many as 10,000 marched to the (recently privatized) State Capitol.

    Meanwhile, on Tuesday, May 4th the Flagstaff City Council voted unanimously to take legal action against the state over SB1070. The City of Tucson has also voted to sue the state, and Pima Couny Sheriff Clarence Dupnik has stated he will not enforce the law. The city of Phoenix is considering a separate lawsuit.

    A rally is planned for May 5th at the University of Arizona, where students are demanding that president Robert Shelton condemn the law. Shelton has previously stated that he will instruct UAPD to comply with the SB1070, and demonstrators vow to continuing ratcheting up pressure until the University reverses course.

    Hundreds of thousands of May 1st demonstrators across the country demanded an end to deportations, ICE raids and other practices that terrorize immigrant communities. In many cities, those marching voiced outrage at SB1070, and declared solidarity with those resisting in Arizona, including: Buffalo, Los Angeles, Minneapolis, and San Francisco.

    Welcome to the New Arizona

    Many people have been talking about leaving the state since 1070 was passed. Others are talking about fighting. Something is new here.

    In the midst of the Arizona state government passing the most outrageous anti-immigrant law since the Chinese Exclusion Act of 1882, several happenings pass unnoticed by the national media. At a packed Flagstaff City Council meeting discussing the law, waves of people declare publicly that they are undocumented, practically daring law enforcement officers to arrest them. At the same meeting, a member of a radical immigrant rights group receives thunderous applause for demanding the repeal of all anti-immigrant laws and declaring the right of all people to “live, love, and work wherever they please.” Even the most conservative city councilman admits he liked the notion.

    Down in Phoenix, high school students spontaneously organize a school walkout through mass texting, without direction from the established immigration reform organizations. This infuriates the organizations because it pre-empts “their” planned protests. And then these same students chuck water bottles at cops when they arrest one of their own. Welcome to the new Arizona.

    Welcome to the new Arizona...

    Protests and Resistance Continue Against Arizona's Racist Legislation

    Activists and community members pledge non-compliance, boycotts and legal challenges; marches and rallies are planned throughout this coming week

    Demonstrations have continued across Arizona in response to the governor's signing of SB1070. On Saturday, 4/24 more than 400 people gathered at a rally organized by U.S. Representative Raul Grijalva in Tucson. On Sunday, 4/25 upwards of 3,500 people marched and rallied at the state capitol, vowing continued resistance to the bill.

    SB1070 is not scheduled to go into effect until August 2010. In the meantime, several nationwide groups have committed to working through the courts to block implementation of the law. Some are calling for an international boycott of Arizona until SB1070 is repealed. Others are gathering signatures for a pledge of non-compliance with the law.

    In Tucson, a demonstration is planned today against Arizona Governor Jan Brewer, who is giving a talk at the Double Tree hotel. Large Mayday protest marches are expected this coming Saturday in both Tucson and Phoenix.

    Solidarity demonstrations have been held across the country, including: Minnesota, San Francisco and New York.

    Click here to see a video roundup of the past week's protests and resistance in Arizona.

    Apartheid in Arizona: Governor Signs "Juan Crow" Bill into Law

    SB1070 becomes law as thousands protest across state

    At 1:30pm today Arizona Governor Jan Brewer signed SB1070, Arizona's racial profiling bill, into law.

    Thousands of demonstrators have mobilized across the state for days now to urge the Governor to veto the legislation. In Phoenix, thousands gathered at the state Capitol for the fourth day in a row. In Tucson, more than 1,500 students walked out of their high schools to protest at state and federal buildings.

    Demonstrators vow continued resistance to this and a slew of other racist laws being implemented across Arizona. Others have pointed out that SB1070 is merely an extension of a number of policies that are already being implemented in Arizona and across the country.

    More updates from Arizona Indymedia will be forthcoming.the past week's protests and resistance against racist legislation in Arizona

    Breaking: 2,500+ Students Walk-out on Thursday Against SB1070

    Students from Across Phoenix Valley Converge on State Capitol

    PHOENIX – On Thursday, hundreds of students walked out of school to protest the controversial immigration bill which is awaiting the governor's signature. As many of 300 students left Cesar Chavez High School at Baseline Road and 40th Avenue at 11 a.m. The move came despite loud speaker warnings from their principal to stay in class. Up to 700 students also left Trevor Brown and Maryvale high schools to protest the bill, alongside others from Tolleson High School, Carl Hayden High School, Metro Tech High School, and North High School.

    By 3:00 pm upwards of 2,500 had gathered at the Arizona State Capitol building (video). Meanwhile, Sheriff Joe Arpaio and other racists are urging the governor to sign the immigration bill ASAP.

    The controversy surrounding Arizona's latest immigration legislation continues to grow as religious leaders, lawmakers, activists, residents and law enforcement across North America continue to come out against the legislation. Earlier in the week, Los Angeles archbishop Roger Mahony criticized the proposed law, comparing the move to "German Nazi and Russian Communist techniques whereby people are required to turn one another in to the authorities." read more >>>

    Communities Continue to Mobilize Against SB1070

    Marches, rallies and walkouts planned all weekend across Arizona

    Communities across Arizona are organizing rallies and marches against SB1070. Among other things, SB1070 would:

    *require all persons in the state of Arizona to carry ID or else face arrest
    *mandate racial profiling by requiring all state and local police to detain and inquire as to the immigration status of anyone they suspect may lack it
    *transform a lack of federal immigration status into a state crime (immigration violations are currently civil, administrative violations)
    *outlaw day labor solicitation
    *make transportation of someone lacking status, for any reason, into a crime

    There is still time to stop SB1070, as Governor Jan Brewer has not yet signed it into law. Anti-SB1070 rallies are planned across the state over the next few days, including:

    Flagstaff: Thursday, April 22, 5:00pm, in front of Flagstaff City Hall; Friday, April 23, 5:00pm, in front of Flagstaff City Hall; Saturday, April 24, 3:30pm, in front of Flagstaff City Hall

    Tucson: Thursday April 22 2pm rally in front of federal courthouse in support of those arrested during 4/15 ICE raids and against SB2010; Friday April 23, 2010 Meet at Armory Park at 2:00pm, march to downtown Federal Building at 3:00pm and rally!; Saturday, April 24th at 9am, Rally at Congressman Raul Grijalva's Office, 452 S. Stone Ave

    Phoenix: Sunday, April 25th 12pm Rally at State Capitol

    Opponents of SB1070 should call Jan Brewer at (602)542-4331 and 1-800-253-0883, urging her to veto the legislation

    Students Walkout Against SB1070

    Hundreds of Students Walk Out Tuesday to Call on Governor Brewer to Veto SB1070

    Tuesday, April 20 at 11am, high school, University of Arizona and Pima Community College students joined community members to march on the State building in downtown Tucson to demand the Governor veto SB1070.

    Many high school students reported that administrators used fear tactics to keep them from participating in today's action. Students from Tucson High were put on lock-down for a time to impede them from taking to the streets on behalf of their families and communities.

    Students marched to the State building in downtown Tucson to demand a meeting with a high-level member within Brewer's staff. The students continued to wait and hold vigil until a meeting occurs or until Brewer vetoes SB1070. Throughout the morning and afternoon chants could be heard throughout the downtown area while passerby's honked in support.

    As the day began one participant, named Angel, prepared the group saying, "Are we ready for this? We understand the implications and what this means for our communities and what this means for us. There are no groups, no organizations here today. We are here in unity, as the community of Tucson, AZ. We are here to represent the larger community of Arizona. This is our moment. Our voices will be heard."

    Click here for photos from the event.

    A second demonstration was also hastily organized for Tuesday afternoon outside the state building in Tucson. More than 200 attended. For more see: Afternoon rally in Tucson against SB1070

    See also: April 15 ICE Raids in Phoenix and Tucson

    Senate Bill 1070 Protestors Arrested

    Nine Students Arrested for Chaining themselves to AZ Capitol Doors

    Tuesday - Nine people have been arrested for chaining themselves to the Old Arizona Capitol building doors in protest of Senate Bill 1070.

    All nine are students. Six are from Arizona State University, two are from Pima Community College and one is from South Mountain Community college.

    All nine had their own attorneys.

    "It was a symbolic gesture to block out the hatred and bigotry that has emanated from the passage of this bill to keep it from entering the executive branch," attorney Antonio Bustamente said.

    Arizona Gov. Jan Brewer has five days to sign the bill, veto it or do nothing and allow it to become law. Brewer said she'd be reviewing the legislation over the next several days, indicating that she will likely take the maximum time allowed to her before taking action.

    Faith leaders and community groups organized a large protest at the Capitol Tuesday.

    The Border Action Network and Reform Immigration FOR America said they had 50,000 petitions calling on Brewer to veto the legislation. Leaders said the "moral implications of this harsh and ineffective bill that would create fear and mistrust throughout Arizona's Latino community, while doing nothing to address the broken immigration system."

    Video of the student lock down can be found here.

    More information related to SB 1070 can be found at:

    Updates: A solidarity demo for those arrested will be held Tuesday at 6pm at the 4th Ave. jail. Reports say that some of them won't get out until around 11pm. CORRECTION: 85,000 petitions were delivered. See also: Civil Disobedience in Protest of SB1070

    Struggle to Protect Sacred Sites Continues

    District Court Rules For USFS in Save the Peaks Case, Plaintiffs will Appeal

    The case known as The Save the Peaks Coalition, et al. v. U.S. Forest Service (USFS) was heard before Honorable Judge Mary H. Murguia and today a decision was made.

    The Court ruled against the plaintiffs claims that the final FEIS prepared by the USFS ignores thorough consideration of a number of critical health issues. The plaintiffs contend that a new and thorough FEIS should be filed by the USFS. If this reveals that the use of reclaimed sewage water is a public health risk then snowmaking should not be permitted for the Arizona Snowbowl on the San Francisco Peaks.

    Howard Shanker, representing the Save the Peaks Coalition and additional plaintiffs, will file an appeal to the Ninth Circuit Court. According to Shanker, “ the decision misstates the facts of this case and misapplies the law. That’s why there is an appeal process.” Further, according to Shanker, “it is remarkable that the Obama Administration is complicitous in this effort to put treated sewer water on the San Francisco Peaks. Not only is the site sacred to Native Americans in the Southwestern United States, the Forest Service has, at best, no idea what the long term health impacts will be on people who ingest this snow made from treated effluent. Who figured the Snowbowl ski area was ‘too big to fail’”.

    The suit asserts, among other things, that the FEIS ignores the possibility of human ingestion of snow made from treated sewage effluent. Snowbowl would be the only ski area in the world to use 100% wastewater to make snow. They would use 1.5 million gallons per day, storing and spraying this wastewater on a mountain that is holy to more than 13 Indigenous Nations.

    For the complete press release and more information, please visit


    Stories and Photographs 2007-2008 Posted by Slain Tucson Activist

    Posted below are links to all of the stories Sally Grace Eiler posted to AZ Indymedia over the two years she was in Oaxaca. Sally's memory will live on in the hearts of those who continue to struggle...

    July 2007: Update on Oaxaca: news and photos,
    August 2007: Oaxacan Women´s March; Memorial March, Oaxaca; Oaxaca... In defense of the forest and community life
    September 2007: 11th years of imprisonment
    October 2007: October in Oaxaca
    November 2007: Nov.2nd, Oaxaca, one year after the All Saints Battle; November 25th, one year later
    June 2008: Army out of Chiapas, Oaxaca, and the country!

    More of Sally's photos from Oaxaca


    Arizona Indymedia Correspondent Murdered in Oaxaca

    Marcella "Sali" Grace Eiler, activist and correspondent with Arizona Indymedia, was found dead last week in Oaxaca with signs of a brutal rape and murder.

    Sally had lived between Tucson and Oaxaca since 2006. When in Arizona, Sally helped raise awareness and support for the struggle in Oaxaca, as well as engaging in solidarity work on the U.S. / Mexico border and in the Tucson community.

    Although the situation surrounding her death is still coming to light, news of Sally's brutal murder has left many in the Tucson community in shock and struggling for answers. Several impromptu memorials have taken place since September 26, when we learned of her death, including one on Sunday that brought together dozens of people who were touched by Sally's life, either as an activist, a dancer, a friend, a fighter, a musician or artist.

    Whenever Sally was in Oaxaca, she posted regularly to Arizona Indymedia. Unfortunately, in recent months we've been unable to publish her updates, because our website has been down due to technical difficulties. Sally Eiler's final story, Army Out of Chiapas, Oaxaca and the Country! was submitted on June 21, 2008. In the coming days Arizona Indymedia will post a features archive of Sally's stories and photographs.

    More coverage: Justice for Sali!, Hasta Siempre, Sally Grace, Mexican Activists Turn Over Mexico City Man to Police in Sally Grace Eiler Murder Case

    Update: On September 30th, the day Sali would have turned 21, a march was held in Oaxaca demanding justice for Sali and an end to violence against women.

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