The Official Publication
of the IAPL


News & Statements

IAPL demands immediate release of U.S. Atty. Peter Erlinder

"Int’l lawyers group [IAPL] urge trial of PGMA for plunder, HR abuses" (News article which appeared in Dateline Philippines on 03 June 2010)

IAPL Condemns Israel's Attack on the Free Gaza Flotilla

IAPL Calls on Human Rights Lawyers to Defend the Rights of the Arrested Health Workers

IAPL condemns abduction of Kobad Ghandy

Preliminary findings and recommendations of IAPL International Fact Finding and Solidarity Mission in Randonia, Brazil

Contract Workers of Chhattisgarh Oppose Corporate Land Grab and Salwa Judum

IAPL's Tribute to Honorable Crispin "Ka Bel" Beltran

Serious violations continue against the poor peasants in Brazil

IAPL's tribute to Atty. Romeo T. Capulong

Filipino government’s attempt to revive Anti-Subversion Law slammed

Malasian Police Attacks Lawyers' March on Human Rights Day

IAPL Condemns the State Terror Unleashed Against Poor Peasants in Northern Brazil

Peasants and Workers’ Organizations Condemns the Repression of Peasants and Poor People in Southern Para

IAPL condemns attacks on lawyers, judges, and activists in Pakistan

IAPL's delegation returns from its Finding Finding Mission in Chhattisgarh, India

IAPL demands justice for Abu-Mumia Jamal

IAPL's Message Of Support To The Permanent Peoples’ Tribunal

IAPL Condemns the Brutal Killing of Filipino Human Rights Lawyer, Atty. Gil Gojol

IAPL's Solidarity message to the Asian Peasant Coalition (APC) 2nd General Assembly

Security, Freedom and Democracy: Justification for the State Terrorism

  more news & statements  

IAPL's Communiqué
on its 4th Congress, which was held on 29-30 May, 2010, in Utrecht, NL

Read More

Report of the IAPL Fact Finding and Solidarity Mission to Rondonia, Brazil
December 2008

Also check out
Brazil, Randonia FFM PHOTO GALLERY

A documentary produced by IAPL about:

1. Forced displacement of tribal people in Chhattisgarh, India,
2. Corporate invasion of tribal lands,
3. Salwa Judum Campaign,
4. Indian state terrorism, and
5. Concentration camps for the tribal people.

Report of the IAPL Fact Finding Mission on the human rights situation in Chhattisgarh, India: Observations and findings about the Salwa Judum Campaign and the tribal peoeple

IAPL demands immediate release of U.S. Atty. Peter Erlinder

IAPL is deeply concerned about the situation of Peter Erlinder, a law professor and attorney, who was arrested in Kigali, Rwanda on May 28.


IAPL Condemns Israel's Attach on the Free Gaza Flotilla

WHEREAS, at dawn on May 31, in the Mediterranean Sea, in international waters, the Israeli Army and Navy attacked the Free Gaza fleet, consisting of three ships carrying 750 people from 50 countries and three others with 10 tons of cargo, containing building materials, food, medicine, toys and books;


IAPL Calls on Human Rights Lawyers to Defend the Rights of the Arrested Health Workers

The IAPL denounces in the strongest possible terms, the illegal arrest, continued illegal detention, torture and inhuman treatment of forty-three (43) Philippine health workers who were abducted by the Philippine military in the morning of February 6, 2010 in Morong, Rizal, Philippines.


Report of the IAPL Fact Findin Mission to Rondonia, Brazil is published

IAPL published its report of the Fact Finding Mission (FFM) to the Rondonia state of Brazil.

Peasants in Rondonia state of Brazil

The IAPL was invited to form an international delegation and visit the state of Rondonia, Brazil to conduct an Fact Finding and Solidarity Mission. The delegation was invited by the Brazilian organizations Núcleo dos Advogados do Povo (NAP) and Centro Brasileiro de Solidariedade aos Povos (Cebraspo) in order to investigate and verify reports on human rights violations against the poor peasants in the region.

The delegation was composed of lawyers from Argentina, Belgium, Bolivia, Brazil, the Netherlands, the Philippines and Turkey. The Mission took place on December 1 to 4, 2008.

The full report is available here.


The International Association of People's Lawyers (IAPL) strongly condemns the unlawful abduction, torture and threat to life of India political leader Kobad Ghandy.


IAPL Condemns Listing of Human Rights Lawyers in the Philippine Military's Order of Battle

The International Association of People's Lawyers (IAPL), condemns in the strongest terms the listing of human rights lawyers in the Philippine military's Order of Battle. The Order of Battle was reportedly presented through a power point prepared and released by the 10th Infantry Division of the Philippine Army in Southern Mindanao.

READ MORE about the listing of Human Rights Lawyers in the Philippine Military's Order of Battle

Preliminary observations of the IAPL's
Int. Fact-Finding & Solidarity Mission
on the situation of peasants in Rondonia, Brazil

Brazil, Rondonia, IAPL Fact Finding Mission Press Conference

IAPL has concluded its International Fact Finding and Solidarity Mission to Randonia, Brazil with a press conference that it held in Rio de Janeiro on 05 December 2008.

IAPL was invited to a mission by the Brazilian organizations Núcleo dos Advogados do Povo (NAP) and Centro Brasileiro de Solidariedade aos Povos (Cebraspo) in order to verify and investigate reports on human rights violations in the countryside of Brazil, particularly in the state of Rondonia and especially concerning the poor peasants movement.

READ MORE about the Mission's preliminary findings and recommendations.

Contract Workers of Chhattisgarh Oppose Corporate Land Grab and Salwa Judum

On 23rd November, hundreds of contract workers demonstrated in the industrial city of Bhilai against the economic policies of the Centre and State Governments.
Prostests also voiced anger about massive displacements and Salwa Judum.

Read more.

Invitation to the Fact Finding Mission in Rondonia, Brazil

Brazil Map, Rondonia

The attacks of the landlords against the poor peasants in the Amazon region of Brazil have increased in intensity and scale. Land grabbing and the expansion of big landlords reach ever bigger scales with cattle raising, soy crops, and wood and ores extractions while populations of poor peasants and indigenous people are evicted from their own land in ever larger numbers.

Moreover, the peasants’ movement is facing a vicious criminalization campaigns by the monopoly media. The criminalization of the peasant organizations is used to further legitimize the state repression and the criminal actions of the state and paramilitary forces.

As the repression of the poor peasants is worsening in the Amazon region of Brazil, the International Association of People’s Lawyers (IAPL) and its Brazilian Chapter (People’s Lawyers Nucleus), along with the Brazilian Center of Solidarity to the Peoples (Cebraspo), extend an invitation to an International Fact Finding Mission in Rondonia, Brazil on December 1-6, 2008.

Read more about the mission objectives, tentative agenda, and other preparatory information.

Read more about the background of peasants’ situation in the region.

Serious violations continue against the poor peasants in Brazil

The criminalisation of the peasant struggle by the reactionary press and the cruel repression against the peasants in the northern part of Brasil

Read more.

IAPL Condemns the State Terror Unleashed Against Poor Peasants in Northern Brazil

Brazil, state of Para, peasants moment, landless peasants, repression of poor peasants, land occupations, evictions, Brazil state terrorism

Since November 17, 2007. massive operations have been unleashed against the peasants in the south of Para state, Northern Brazil. The operation, so-called “Operation Peace on the Countryside”, involves a number of repression organs and aims to hunt peasants who are struggling bravely for the right to the land against notorious landlords, who have repeatedly been accused of serious violations of human rights. Read more.

Preliminary observations and findings of the IAPL team on the human rights situation in Chhattisgarh, India

The IAPL delegation for the international fact finding mission in India’s Chhattisgarh region has returned. The delegation was invited by the Association of Peoples’ Lawyers in India to investigate the situation of displaced indigenous people in Chhattisgarh State of India.

The delegation’s visit throughout the region, first hand observation and interviews, as well as the study of previous reports and commentaries by human rights organization, women’s groups, doctors, and experts on the ongoing conflict in Chhattisgarh reveals a widespread and systematic violations of rights of the tribal people in the region.

For more information, read the press statement issued by the IAPL delegation.