Washington, DC Independent Media Center : http://dc.indymedia.org
Washington, DC Independent Media Center


Announcement :: Military, Weapons

Campaign to keep The Maryland National Guard home

Calling upon President Obama to reverse the illegal policy of using the National Guard as a backdoor draft

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News :: Police/Legal/Prisons

Detainees Expose Medical Neglect in Death at Piedmont Regional Jail

1/28/09 Farmville, VA – As reported in today's New York Times, immigrant detainees in Farmville's Piedmont Regional Jail have come forward to expose conditions of medical neglect that contributed to death of Guido Newborough in November of last year. Eyewitnesses report that Newborough was in intense pain for two weeks, frequently asking for medical attention. They maintain that he never received that attention, but was instead knocked to the floor by guards and dragged on his back to the isolation unit where he remained until he suffered the massive heart attack and stroke that led to his death.

The People United was contacted by several detainees for help in getting the truth out. "They were outraged when they saw the statement from ICE in the local newspaper," Winder said. "They are afraid of repercussions by ICE or by the jail guards because they are speaking out, but were so moved by Guido Newborough's death that they felt compelled to take the risk and expose the conditions that exist in Piedmont."


Announcement :: Anti-War/Peace : Civil Liberties/Constitution : Foreign Policy/Imperialism

Opponents of School of the Americas Sentenced

Washington, DC Resident Luis Wolf put the School of the Americas (SOA/WHINSEC) on Trial.

Jan 26: Father Luis Barrios, 56, from North Bergen, New Jersey, sentenced to 2 months in federal prison and a $250 fine
Theresa Cusimano, 40 Denver, Colorado, 2 monthes in federal prison and $500 fine
Kristin Holm, from Chicago, Illinois, sentenced to 2 months in federal prison and a $250 fine
Sr. Diane Pinchot, OSU, 63, from Cleveland, Ohio, sentenced to 2 months in federal prison
Al Simmons, 64, from Richmond, Virginia, sentenced to 2 months in federal prison
Louis Wolf, 68, from Washington, DC, 6 months house arrest and $1000 fine

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News :: Anti-War/Peace : Civil Liberties/Constitution : Foreign Policy/Imperialism : Race/ Racism : Right Wing


While the AIPAC resolution was moving through the Congress and was overwhelmingly approved, a counter resolution was introduced by Congressman Dennis Kucinich (D) Ohio.

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Announcement :: Animal Rights

3 Baltimore Animal Rights Activists Illegally Arrested

On Friday Jan 23rd at about 7:45 pm 3 Baltimore Animal Rights activists were arrested while legally and peacefully protesting Foie Gras at The Intercontinental Hotel's restaurant located in the Inner Harbor area. The only available camera was taken by police

UPDATE: Participant tells WSQT Radio police sexually assaulted arrestees, used racial slurs before releasing everyone without charges several hours later

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Announcement :: Anti-War/Peace

William Thomas Dies After 27 Years in Front of the White House

Thomas.jpgWilliam Thomas (known to most as Thomas) passed away this morning. Thomas spent the last 27 years in front of the White House, in Lafeyette Park, protesting the inhumane policies of the US, especially the US nuclear poliicies exemplified by the US dropping nuclear bombs on the civilians of Hiroshima and Nagasaki.

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Commentary :: Gender/Sexuality/Identity

How the Gay Community Got Chicago'd at the Inaugural

Back in the days of the first Mayor Richard Daley, when an alderman got out of line during a City Council debate, the power on his microphone was unceremoniously cut, whether he had the floor legitimately or not. More

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News :: DC Radio Co-op, Free Speech Radio News, WPFW : Gender/Sexuality/Identity

Reportback from Roe v Wade 36 vigil

On Jan 22, supporters or a woman's right to choose (abortion or otherwise) gathered at the Supreme Court to celebrate victory over those who wanted to pack the Supreme Court and threaten Roe vs Wade. With Barrack Obama's inauguration, right wing dreams of overturning Roe are now in ashes! More

WSQT Broadcast Audio

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