Saw Palmetto, Beta Sitosterol, and other herbs for Prostate Treatment, Enlargement and Cancer "An herb by the name of Beta sitosterol is better. Here's why Even the best Saw Palmetto additions are composed of 99% greasy acids and one percent sterols. The sterol component is where the therapeutic benefit lies ( therefore the name Beta Sitosterol ). Briefly by taking Beta Sitosterol, you'll be getting only the active part of Saw Palmetto that's in charge of its medical properties. Beta sitosterol is thousands of times stronger than saw palmetto. Other advantageous nutriments and additions include : lycopene, pygeum, stinging nettle, and cornsilk. Regarding food for good prostate health, contemporary research by the authoritative US State Cancer Institute exposed that men who consumed more than 0.33 rd of an oz. of onions, scallions, garlic, chives each day were far less likely to have prostate cancer. To conclude, don't wait for prostate trouble alert signs or appearances of other prostate issues to turn up before you do something about it. On the other hand, if you're already experiencing possible indications of prostate issues, do not panic. This is a particularly treatable condition if caught in its early stages. Just ensure you take acceptable action and talk to your GP about it straight away so you don't become a statistic. Rochester, New York, Portsmouth, Virginia, Wagga Wagga, Australia Wangaratta, Victoria Providence, Rhode Island Denmark, Copenhagen Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Turkmenistan, Ashgabat San <b>...</b>