Bringing democracy to Iraq with an epidemic of birth defects
The carnage inflicted by the US on Falluja in 2004 was one of the worst atrocities in the war on Iraq. Now another report indicates that the legacy of that attack is a dramatic increase in cancers and birth defects, with the finger of blame again pointing at the US Army's use of depleted uranium and white phosphorous weaponry.
Gaza and the struggle for justice and freedom
The Israeli-imposed, Egyptian-enforced siege of the Gaza Strip, plunges 1.5 million people into a desperate and isolated existence, but, says Jody McIntyre, the Palestinian people in Gaza are not objects of an isolated humanitarian cause, but partners in the struggle for justice and freedom throughout Palestine.
Video: Protest at Israeli Embassy on 27 December 2010...
Message to gay community: Don't go. Don't kill.
Anti-war activist Cindy Sheehan, whose son was killed in Iraq, is a defender of gay rights But she says: I want to bang my head against a wall when another young gay person commits suicide as a result of despicable bullying, yet people within the same community have fought hard for the right to openly join the world's biggest bully: the US Army.
Hollywood, the Pentagon and perceptions of mass murder
The Pentagon recognises the power of celluloid dreams and encourages Hollywood to create heroic myths; to rewrite history to suit its own strategy and as a recruiting tool to provide a steady flow of willing young patriots for its wars. This 47 minute video shows how the Pentagon shapes perceptions of mass murder.
Gaza: Two years later
Gaza's people die slowly, its children are malnourished, its water contaminated, and yet not even a word of sympathy from the US President.
Will Obama destroy Wikileaks?
Obama wants to convince people that the true criminals are those who expose acts of high-level political corruption and criminality, rather than those who perpetrate them.
Islamophobia spans continents
An anti-Muslim network, from Tea Party activists in the US to the European far right, unites right-wing ultra-Zionists, Christian evangelicals, and racist British soccer hooligans.
Unite against Islamophobia
Writer Henning Mankell says: Wasn't this exactly what we expected? The desperate and furious attacking the West that for so long had humiliated Muslim countries.
Losing America's longest war
How can a bunch of lightly-armed mountain tribesmen in turbans, fighting only part-time, battle the world's most powerful armed forces to a standstill?.
Four killings and a rape
A US soldier serving five life terms for raping and killing a 14-year-old Iraqi girl and killing her parents and sister, blames US Army dehumanisation of Iraqi civilians.
Obama is blind, stupid or a liar
Obama says Afghanistan is "on track to achieve our goals". It isn't, as the CIA, Red Cross, 15 Afghanistan experts and 60% of Americans have told him.
Obama's remote control war
Since receiving the Nobel Peace Prize, Obama has put George W Bush's warmongering in the shade, not least in the drone attacks on Pakistan.
Torture of a truth-teller
He hasn't been charged, but the treatment in prison of Bradley Manning, the alleged source of the Wikileaks revelations, is inhumane and by the standards of many nations, torture.
Myth of Tony Blair's "good war"
Far from being Tony Blair's "good war", Nato's assault on Yugoslavia was in its own way as immoral as the assault on Iraq. There were solutions other than war.
Israel and Wikileaks' "illegality"
Visa, Mastercard and Paypal stopped donations to Wikileaks, claiming it acted illegally. So what did they do about donations to Israel's illegal settlements in Palestine?
What Obama doesn't say
The war is a catastrophe and the US and its allies should get out now, say 15 experts on Afghanistan, in an open letter to President Obama.
Michael Moore and Wikileaks
Wikileaks exists to terrorise liars and warmongers. Perhaps the next war won't be so easy because the tables are turned -- now it's Big Brother who's being watched. By us!
Why I support Julian Assange
Jemima Khan says there's a fundamental injustice here: punishment (execution even) of the man reporting war crimes, but not for those that perpetrated them.
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