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5,000 Acre Public Land Give-Away in SW Oregon

Cascadia's Ecosystem Advocates, 08.01.2011 - 18:50
Post Exchange of Common School Fund Land Governor Kitzhaber and Secretary of State Kate Brown will decide at a February 8th 2011 State Land Baord Meeting on whether to move forward on auctioning off 4,920 acres of Common School Fund Land in Josephine and Jackson counties. Most of these parcels if sold would likely be bought by local timber industry interests and subsequently clearcut. In 2010 this has been the case for sales and exchanges of CSF lands in western Oregon. It could happen near you.
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Take action: Jordan Cove LNG

Monica, 05.01.2011 - 23:27
Help reach the goal of 500 public comments to the Department of State Lands to make sure they deny the application for the Jordan Cove LNG terminal.

The Oregon Department of State Lands (DSL) is currently accepting public comments on the application to dredge Coos Bay in order to accommodate the proposed Jordan Cove LNG terminal. The amount of material that they propose to dredge out of the Coos Bay estuary would fill the Rose Bowl stadium in Pasadena nearly 14 times!
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Things to consider for New Year's Resolutions

Message from Nancie & Mark/Good Grief America, 31.12.2010 - 14:48
The good news is that there was sustainable life on this planet before this meltdown and we have the opportunity to look at and commit to redefining who we are, what is important to us and how we can rebuild our Main Streets in America. A few things to consider in your new years resolutions are:

1) Where can I volunteer to make a difference to rebuild my community using my special talents and skills?
2) What new industries will be needed in our communities? What skills do I need to develop?
3) How can I change my buying habits to buy local, recylced and sustainable?
4) How can I assist others in rebuilding our comunities?
5) How can my voice be heard for a better place to live?
6) What are the core values that are really important to me and how do I stay focused on these?
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One More Hour for Political Caroling Season!

Kate Gould, 23.12.2010 - 19:04
(L-R) Beth Gould, Kate Gould, Joanne Navickas, and Mori Samel-Garloff You still have one more opportunity to sing in the holiday season with socially conscious and politically astute carols! On Thursday, December 23rd, the Political Carolers will meet at 248 N. 2nd Street at 12:45 PM. After everyone congregates, the carolers will stroll the streets of downtown Ashland from 1-3 PM with not only holiday cheer but also livening up the discussion about the kind of community, country, and world we all want for the next generations.
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Veterans For Peace White House action has Rogue Valley support

Emmet Band, VfP#156, 17.12.2010 - 14:28
VfP#156 in Grants Pass Boatnik Parade December 16, 2010 Veterans for Peace took Demands to the White House in Washington D.C.. At the same time there were local supportive actions around the country including in Grants Pass, Oregon. Below are the words from Emmet Band, President of Rogue Valley Veterans for Peace Chapter #156--reported by a rogue imc volunteer...

12/16/10--"Rogue Valley Veterans For Peace, Chapter 156, and other groups advocating an end to the wars in Iraq, Afghanistan and Pakistan held a vigil today in front of the Josephine County Courthouse. The participants in the Grants Pass vigil included combat veterans from both the Korean and Vietnam wars and was a show of support for the Veterans for Peace march today in Washington D.C. The Washington march resulted in the arrest of 135 people for chaining themselves to the fence surround the White House in protest of our current war economy."

Keep reading for more from Emmet Band, and a link to view the video from Washington D.C....
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* Homeless March Planned in Ashland, Oregon *

Dear Concerned and Active Citizen Base, from BREATHING ME, 07.12.2010 - 23:00
Homelessness is not a crime Ashland, Oregon SHOUTOUT posted 12/6/10
* Homeless March Planned in Ashland, Oregon *

Dear Concerned and Active Citizen Base: The recent uprising of Ashland's houseless population demands a just, safe, and sane rectification of a endemic social dysfunction, namely the criminalization of homelessness and the necessary acts that accompany that status. It is inevitable that this core social issue gets faced in a way that brings to light the full import of the crisis. Disabled, elderly, youth, family, temporary and chronic homelessness and poverty have reached a critical mass. Now is the time to deal with homelessness and poverty in a peaceable, orderly way so that violence can be ruled out as a viable alternative.


Thanks for being awake.

Tuesday (12/7/10) is City Council meeting... bring tents for a short term demonstration during the afternoon and evening. Demand a town hall meeting to address and resolve the current situation of the homeless being harassed, intimidated, and cited for SLEEPING.

Wednesday (12/8/10) morning is JPR Jefferson Exchange where prospectively, 3 homeless voices/advocates will be expressing the concerns of the plight of the poor and homeless.

Thursday (12/9/10) is a secret, non-public meeting between the mayor, housing commission liaison, police chief and spurious voice of the homeless, Aaron Reed from Community Works. God help his soul being in a closed meeting with such a group of potential denizens. May they all come into the light.

Friday (12/10/10) is this---
Solidarity Rally for the Homeless
on the Plaza, 3:00 PM
Demand Justice

Homelessness is not a crime
PLease come out and show your support
-All are welcome.
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Dark Side of Chocolate Showing in Medford

Ivend Holen, 03.12.2010 - 08:04
Dark_Side_of_Chocolate A nice sized group of more than 20 people turned out Thursday evening, Dec 2nd, in Medford for a showing by Medford Citizens for Peace and Justice of "The Dark Side of Chocolate", and the very informative discussion of the world chocolate trade that followed.

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Help Young People Follow their DREAMs!

By Jobs with Justice-National /// Posted on Rogue IMC by Southern Oregon JwJ, 29.11.2010 - 06:12
The Development, Relief and Education of Alien Minors Act, commonly known as the DREAM Act, would give young people a chance to have an equal opportunity at the American Dream in the only place they know as home: the United States.

The week of Monday, November 29th the U.S. House of Representatives is scheduled to vote on the DREAM Act.

Senator Harry Reid has pledged to bring the DREAM Act up before a stand-alone vote in the Senate before the end of the 2010 Congressional session.

Tell Congress to Support the DREAM Act!

Call Representative Peter Defazio's Eugene Office toll free and weigh in with your support for the Dream Act! -- CALL TOLL FREE RIGHT NOW 800.944.9603

**Calling Guide for DREAM** – **Updated 11/28/10**  http://www.dreamactivist.org/
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Protecting Mobile Home Homeowners in Oregon

Peter Ferris, Oregon Manufactured Homeowners, 27.11.2010 - 19:00
Protective Laws Needed! Protecting Homeowners in Mobile Home Communities--Needs to Be Addressed Next Year

11/27/10--by Peter Ferris, Executive Director & Lobbyist, Oregon Manufactured Homeowners United (OMHU)

Every chance I have I talk to Oregonians about the precarious nature of living in land- leased communities without real protections. In the past six years I’ve never encountered one that wasn’t mystified about why our State would not step up to protect this vulnerable population.

I have drafted a bill for the 2011 session that is fair, comprehensive, and is paid for by the tenants and landlords themselves. It is sponsored by Representative Peter Buckley (D-Ashland) and establishes a program that resolves disputes, including rents increases, by a two-step process—mediation and then a hearing before an administrative law judge if the parties can’t agree. Lack of compliance of the judge’s ruling by either party can result in fines up to $500 a day.
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Oregon State Bank Discussed at Medford Forum

Ivend Holen, 23.11.2010 - 07:23
Oregon State Bank Information about a proposed Oregon State Bank, the need for it, and ways to help bring it about, was the focus of one of the work groups at a Community Forum hosted by Oregon Action at the Medford Public Library Monday evening, November 15.

The next local meeting of supporters for an Oregon State Bank is Monday evening, November 29, at 7 PM in the second floor conference room of the Woolworth Building in downtown Medford, 33 North Central.
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Text KSKQ "This week" January 4, 2011
04-01-2011 21:48

Image Obama: Issue foreclosure moratorium now!
02-01-2011 18:47

Image Happy New Year!!!
31-12-2010 21:26

Text KSKQ "This week" December 29, 2010 New Years
30-12-2010 03:49

Image Wisconsin GOP Declares WAR on Working People!
21-12-2010 18:07

Image Defeating Censorship: Alternate Wikileaks Links (2 comments)
16-12-2010 00:54

Text KSKQ "This week" December 15, 2010
15-12-2010 21:16

Text The Empire Has No Clothes
12-12-2010 20:40

Text DOWNLOAD Carbusters #42
11-12-2010 22:33

Text Cascadia Commons Mission Statement Survey
09-12-2010 20:30

Text KSKQ "This week" December 8, 2010
08-12-2010 05:03

Image Obama's Tax Cut Deal Absolutely Unacceptable (1 comment)
07-12-2010 04:40

Image Single-Payer Health Insurance for Oregon
06-12-2010 01:59

Image Extend Unemployment Benefits for Jobless! (1 comment)
01-12-2010 21:56

Text KSKQ "This week" December 1, 2010
01-12-2010 03:20

Image Campaign to Create a State Bank in Oregon
29-11-2010 21:56

Text KSKQ "This week" November 24, 2010
25-11-2010 02:38

Text 11/22; Last Day 4 Public Comment on GE Salmon
22-11-2010 21:35

Text KSKQ "This week" November 17, 2010
17-11-2010 05:38

Text The Great American Paper Boycott Guide Lines
16-11-2010 19:15

Image Affordable Health Care for All Oregon Act
15-11-2010 05:47

Image Radical Botany- Geology and Oregon Grape
14-11-2010 01:43

Text U.S. Plans to Export LNG
12-11-2010 20:52

Image The Great American Paper Boycott (1 comment)
12-11-2010 00:57

Image Korean Free Trade Agreement on TV in Southern Oregon (2 comments)
10-11-2010 14:15

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Text Mafias immobilières
07-01-2011 09:46

Text Arrest of Julian Assange/Attacko pressfreedom
07-01-2011 02:22

Text Notable WikiLeaks cables worth reading...
03-01-2011 05:54

Text Dead Sea Scrolls Secret Exposes Ancient Lies
01-01-2011 09:03

Text Déterminismes et automatismes
31-12-2010 10:36

Text Say No to Drugs Holiday Classic
30-12-2010 03:54

Text USDA; Try "Coexistence" w/ Monsanto; HELL NO!
29-12-2010 16:08

Image Police State USA (rock music video) Released
26-12-2010 22:25

Text Prison des idéologies
25-12-2010 12:03

Text NV; Fatality from Ruby Pipeline Construction
22-12-2010 15:52

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