Gay. Republican. President?

Political Consultant and Activist
Karger, who could be the first openly gay person to run for Commander-in-Chief, thinks the time is right for his prospective candidacy. Watch
A New Year in Congress
A New Year in Congress

It will be hard for either party to avoid responsibility for the likely congressional gridlock. But they may be able to work out deals on public education, trade with South Korea, and immigration reform.

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Battling Cancer by Going to Work
Battling Cancer by Going to Work
Global CFO, Morgan Stanley

In dealing with the disease, it's important to get an understanding of the process from people who have been through it. You also need to stay true to yourself. Watch

If We Find Signs of Intelligent Life, Then What?
If We Find Signs of Intelligent Life, Then What?
Director of the Center for SETI Research

The potential detection of signals from outer space raises questions. Who would speak on behalf of our planet? What would they say? Watch

Featured Blogs

What's New at Big Think

Is America—And the Rest of the World—Ready For a Gay President?
Is America—And the Rest of the World—Ready For a Gay President?

From the Op-Ed pages of the New York Times to CNN's The Situation Room, President Jimmy Carter's recent claim on Big Think that America is in fact ready to elect a gay Commander-in-Chief sometime "in the near future" created quite the media stir. However, as political commentator Andrew Sullivan ... Read More


A New Year in Congress
A New Year in Congress

It’s a new year in Congress. With the start of the 112th Congress the Republicans have assumed control of the House. Rep. John Boehner (R-OH) became the new Speaker of the House today, taking over the job from Rep. Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) who will stay on as Minority Leader. The Democrats retain control ... Read More

Age of Engagement

News Attention and Public Concern with Climate Change
News Attention and Public Concern with Climate Change
Communications Professor, American University

Over at the NY Times' Dot Earth blog, Andrew Revkin discusses the analysis of climate change coverage trends that I posted about earlier this week.  In Revkin's post, Drexel University sociologist Robert Bruille is quoted raising an important observation about the the downturn in news attention to ... Read More

Rightly Understood

The Idea of the American University
The Idea of the American University
Professor of Government, Berry College

Three books showed up this week with chapters by ME in them.  Even without those chapters, each would still be a fabulous (although somewhat diminished) book.  So as not to teat your patience, I will feature them one at a time. Bradley C. S. Watson edited The Idea of the American UniversityHere ... Read More

Waq al-Waq

Foreign Policy Survey on Terrorism (my answers)
Foreign Policy Survey on Terrorism (my answers)
Near East Studies Scholar, Princeton University

Several weeks ago the editors at Foreign Policy asked me (and several other people, most of whom are much smarter than me) to participate in a survey on terrorism.  The findings have now been released. And they are very interesting. I have pasted the full survey and my own responses below.  (Note ... Read More

Editors' Choice

Keeping Torture Alive
Keeping Torture Alive
Co-Founder & Editor-in-Chief, The Huffington Post
Were the “Mad Men” Such Bad Men?
Were the “Mad Men” Such Bad Men?
Fellow, New America Foundation

Daily Ideafeed

Masters of the Universe
The New Global Elite

Today’s super-rich are different from yesterday’s: more hardworking and meritocratic, but less connected to the nations that granted them opportunity.

Life Expectancy
Walk Faster, Live Longer

Amazingly, your walking speed is just as good an indicator of how long you'll live as your health history, smoking habits, and blood pressure combined.

Renewable Energy
How to Get Free Solar Panels

A renewable energy startup is making deals that are attracting business. The company helps its clients to get photovoltaics on the roof without putting them on the books.

The Problem of Evil
Most Americans Angry at God

If you've ever responded to tragedy by raging at God, you're not alone. A new study finds that anger at God is a common emotion among Americans.

Viking 1 Lander
Life on Mars After All

More than 30 years after NASA's Viking landers found no evidence for organic materials on Mars, scientists say a new experiment on Mars-like soil shows Viking did, in fact, hit pay dirt.

Trusting Your Gut
The Limits of Intuition

When faced with decisions, our ability to make hunch evaluations varies considerably: Intuition can either be a useful ally or it can lead to costly and dangerous mistakes.

Is Porn Changing Sexual Identities?

The images, messages and stories of the multibillion-dollar pornography industry have seeped into and distorted our genuine sexual identities, says The Guardian's Gail Dines.

Warren Buffet on Berkshire & America

In an extensive interview, the "Oracle of Omaha" discusses who might soon take his job and what he thinks the broader outlook is for the American economy.

Financial Pathology
Is Wealth a Social Disease?

What are the real causes of social pathology—and can affluence actually be part of the problem? David Wilson says solving social ills by spending money rarely works.

Device Tracks Brain Waves

A new device worn on the arm or leg trains you to be aware of your brain function, so you can regain focus when you drift off at work, lose concentration on the back nine, or fall asleep at the wheel.