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How much is the U.S. Federal government’s obligation towards funding special education?

When the U.S. federal government passed The Education for All Handicapped Children Act in 1975, the law that has since become the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA), they made...

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Autism and the Affluent

Autism and the Affluent is a piece in today’s Newsweek by Seth Mnookin, author of the upcoming book, The Panic Virus. It lays out how he got started on the book. Here is the first paragraph:

My wife and I first noticed our friends’ preoccupation with autism and...


Festivus isn’t over…

...until someone pins me.

Yes, in my listing of seasonal Holidays I neglected Festivus. (Festivus is a holiday invented by the family of one of the writers of the show Seinfeld and made known through that show). Festivus doesn’t...

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2011 – The Last Year For ARI’s DAN! Doctors

As late as just a few months ago, The Autism Research Institute (ARI), promoted their upcoming Fall 2010 Defeat Autism Now! conference in a monthly newsletter. Note the name of the conference:

“Fall 2010 ARI/Defeat Autism Now! Conference”


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