Roger Coghill and the Aids test

June 28th, 2008 by Ben Goldacre in PhDs, doctors, and qualifications, bad science, competing interests, electrosensitivity, express, herbal remedies, magnets, roger coghill, statistics | 94 Comments »

imageBen Goldacre
The Guardian,
Saturday June 28, 2008

It’s the big stories I enjoy the most. “Suicides linked to phone masts” roared the Sunday Express front-page headline this week. “The spate of deaths among young people in Britain’s suicide capital could be linked to radio waves from dozens of mobile phone transmitter masts near the victims’ homes.”
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Perpetual truths

July 7th, 2007 by Ben Goldacre in adverts, bad science, magnets, perpetual motion | 51 Comments »

Ben Goldacre
Saturday July 7, 2007
The Guardian

You might remember an Irish company called Steorn: in August 2006 they took out a full page advert in the Economist to announce that they had discovered a source of free energy, a perpetual motion machine no less, in triumphant defiance of that stuffy first law of thermodynamics. Read the rest of this entry »

Bring me a God helmet, and bring it now

June 16th, 2006 by Ben Goldacre in bad science, magnets, references | 22 Comments »

Ben Goldacre
Saturday June 17, 2006
The Guardian

One of the biggest disappointments of my so-called adult life is the sad realisation that I can neither fly nor move objects with the power of my mind. This definitely sucks. But for all their broken promises, as the prison ships become more and more crowded, when I am prime minister of the One World Government, the psychics will be left well alone.

They’re just too much fun. Up in Scotland, the Evening Mail has been teasing “Angela’s Live Psychic Line”: the adverts say Read the rest of this entry »

Animal Magnetism

March 11th, 2006 by Ben Goldacre in adverts, alternative medicine, bad science, magnets | 64 Comments »

Ben Goldacre
Saturday March 11, 2006
The Guardian

So last week, it was all about the magnetic ulcer bandages that were suddenly officially available on the NHS: they are made by Magnopulse, who also sell a magnet for the ladies that will give you “softer skin, shiny hair and stronger nails”, and a dog bowl magnet: “given the choice, your pet will always choose to drink magnetic water”. This absurdity didn’t seem to worry the NHS Prescription Read the rest of this entry »

Magnetic Sex Appea… Shhhh

March 4th, 2006 by Ben Goldacre in alternative medicine, bad science, magnets, placebo | 92 Comments »

Ben Goldacre
Saturday March 4, 2006
The Guardian

If there’s one thing that irritates a scientist, it’s not knowing. This week, the Prescription Pricing Authority decided to authorise magnetic bandages for ulcer treatment on the NHS: and I have no idea why. They won’t tell me what the presented evidence was, because that’s not their policy. Shhh. It’s a secret. Read the rest of this entry »

Magnet Therapy On The NHS

February 26th, 2006 by Ben Goldacre in alternative medicine, bad science, magnets, placebo | 85 Comments »

Amusing to see that the NHS Prescription Pricing Authority have apparently put Magnet Bandages on the formulary:,,2087-2058902,00.html

(Even more amusing to see the Times mentioning that old “iron in blood is magnetic” chestnut again Read the rest of this entry »

Just Keep Wearing The Tinfoil Hats

December 10th, 2005 by Ben Goldacre in bad science, cash-for-"stories", magnets, statistics, very basic science | 28 Comments »

Ben Goldacre

Saturday December 10, 2005

The Guardian

The reason that I am so fabulously wealthy (girls) is, of course, that I am paid by the government and the pharmaceutical industry to rubbish alternative therapies and MMR conspiracy theorists, and thusly maintain what you clever humanities graduates like to call “the hegemony”. Read the rest of this entry »

What is science? First, magnetise your wine …

December 3rd, 2005 by Ben Goldacre in adverts, bad science, magnets, very basic science | 72 Comments »

Ben Goldacre
Saturday December 3, 2005
The Guardian

People often ask me [pulls pensively on pipe] “what is science?” And I reply thusly: science is Read the rest of this entry »

Tangled Webs

October 2nd, 2005 by Ben Goldacre in PhDs, doctors, and qualifications, alternative medicine, bad science, bbc, magnets, references, very basic science | 46 Comments »

Ben Goldacre
Saturday October 1, 2005
The Guardian

The plot around a BBC online health correspondent gets thicker. Last week, you will recall, we were pondering the ethics and wisdom of Jacqueline Young dishing out preposterous, made-up, pseudoscientific Read the rest of this entry »

Imploding Researchers

September 24th, 2005 by Ben Goldacre in PhDs, doctors, and qualifications, alternative medicine, bad science, magnets, very basic science, water | 30 Comments »

The Guardian | Saturday September 24 2005
Ben Goldacre
The au pair said something very funny about my dinner parties the other day: oh hang on, wrong column. Didn’t they tell you? We’re all written by the same person. So I’ve been reading the BBC’s Read the rest of this entry »