
TPPWatch is a network of concerned unions, groups and individuals formed to organise and support initiatives to oppose the Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement (TPPA).  Take a look around this site, and sign up to support the campaign here.

Wednesday 19 January, 2011. TPP Watch launches Release The Text campaign.  Campaign page is here, and the media release is here.

Tuesday 18 January, 2011. Audio: Stefan Christoff interviews Jane Kelsey for bilaterals.org.

Monday 17 January, 2011. Jane Kelsey: NZ Government must act now to stop US dictating Internet liability laws through the TPPA.  Read the media coverage here.

Friday 14 January, 2011. The first organising meeting for Wellington’s TPP Action Group is coming up this Thursday January 20th.  Details are here.

TPP Action Group demo, 16 December 2010

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