Indymedia Wiki

Drupal Development

Information about the migration, steps and notes throughout the process, and a storage place for resources to help in this process.

Drupal Development

Torrance has also set up a project tracking/ticketing system called Trac here: Might move all website development work to here if it proves practical.

Aotearoa Indymedia Book Project

Space to plan the AIMC Book

2010 Diary Project

Space to plan the Aotearoa Indymedia 2010 Diary

Website Backup

Torrance is currently taking nightly incremental snapshots of the AIMC drupal filesystem and database onto his server.

Old Wiki

Located here:

Spammer List (needs updating…)

Please help with transferring across worthwhile parts. You can pull the entire page by viewing the old version in “Raw Edit” then cutting and pasting the code, a general tidy is all that is needed after that.

start.txt · Last modified: 2010/07/10 07:45 by
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