Webinar Video Preview: SBI eLearning -- Building Your Future With An On-line Business
Building an online business is something a lot of people try and few probably succeed at; typically due to their failure to research and fully understand online business models, their monetization and proper marketing. But done right? It could be a success story that many who have suffered their jobs and have lost income in this crazy economy of the last year have no doubt paused to consider. David Edey and Natasha Vincent, Directors of SiteSell Education, joined me recently for a fascinating webinar. They would argue that this could be the best of times for living the dream of starting your own Internet based business. Their webinar message: ANYONE at ANY AGE can have a great business idea. It can come from a long loved hobby, a hard earned skill, or the possession of a body of knowledge that is much sought after by others. SiteSell started with Site Build It!™, a software package designed to help people build business web sites, that has over the past few years become a movement of sorts that is now offered in an online business building curriculum that can be found at The Citadel, The University of Pennsylvania, and some 25 colleges and universities globally. with the introduction of SBI! eLearning in early 2009, the same program has now become available as a 12 week online curriculum that takes students through the process of developing their online business plan, monetizing it, establishing the actual business site, and marketing it through blogs, Twitter posting <b>...</b>