homoludo » video       @import url( http://web.archive.org./web/20080526022056cs_/http://www.olwill.com/wp-content/themes/diarynotes/style.css );                     homoludo Spiel macht frei  Home About        Archive for the 'video' Category  (Posts Archive) The Dream of the ridiculous man  Posted by homoludo on Mar 14 2008  Posted by homoludo on March 14th, 2008 filed in animation, history, video Comment now »

 Thinking about complicity and “more bigger snacks now!” etc. I remembered this animation, seen as a teenager on late night Channel 4, when they used to show a lot of animation from around the world as opposed to plastic surgery and diets . I googled my memory of it(see earlier post on Google and memory), which was that it was a Dostoevsky story and painted on glass , and hey presto here it is -

 by Alexander Petrov


 While feeling animation; dark but light - the work of David Firth - here’s a link to the brilliant Salad fingers. Great sound design as well.

 If you don’t know him Check him out, really.


 And Ryan by Chris Landreth. A technically amazing film about a down and out animator. Brings to mind the talented ravers I knew who didn’t find a better life through chemistry.



  Gary does this.  Posted by homoludo on Mar 07 2008  Posted by homoludo on March 7th, 2008 filed in Irish bands, garage rock, video Comment now »

 Here’s a video my mate Gary tells me he knocked up in a couple of hours. He’s singer and lead guitar in top punk/garage/pub rock band Moutpiece.



  C4035//  Posted by homoludo on Feb 08 2008  Posted by homoludo on February 8th, 2008 filed in garage rock, metal, music, video 2 Comments »

 WoW  Prince Kong


 WoW Kavi


  3Ahd Lil (The Night Horse)  Posted by homoludo on Feb 02 2008  Posted by homoludo on February 2nd, 2008 filed in africa, maroc, video Comment now »

 Here’s the video for 3Ahd Lil’s (who featured prominently in last weeks Marrocco show) tune mas3oud. Below it are the translated lyrics - Deadpan, hard-hitting, dealing with poverty, rape and terrorism and managing to be funny, very sad while ringing truthfully.



 In a village around Ifrane, an old man passed on his mule. Attracted by the cries of child, he discovered in the bushes a new-born baby, turned blue by the cold. Its cries frightened the mule, which bucked. With its leg, it crushed the leg of the baby. Thus commences the history of Messaoud the cursed, the man never left alone by misfortune. The days passed, and Messaoud grows up in the hut of the old man and his wife, seldom eating with his hunger. The catastrophes followed one another, until a day of tragedy. Messaoud was only five years old. It was a Monday of festival, and he had awaked very content. Wanting to play with a firecracker, he set fire to the blankets. The two old ones died in the fire!

 (Refrain) Why does life go after Messaoud? Why are all the doors closed to him? Why is he marked so much by misfortune? Why him?

 Messaoud lands in an orphanage in Meknès. During 5 years, he was hit in the mouth by all those who passed. His face preserved the traces of them. The school? He understood nothing at all there. Until the day when he had enough and ran off. That evening he slept alone in the cold of a waste ground. Ali Boulahya [a bearded man] passed by there. He lured Messaoud behind the dump and hmm… to the hilt!


 Messaoud lived as a tramp until his sixteenth year. The age of the dreams, even if he had a squint and his nose was bent. Complexed with excess, he saw, one day, a fair one hanging laundry on a balcony. She made him a sign and smiled. The poor one lost his means. Each day, he returned to watch for her under the window. One morning, she finally came down. Having an errand to run, she gave him appointment at 9. Messaoud remained to await it, trembling of excitation. At the appointed time, he had hardly time to see her crossing when she was crushed by a bus which passed!


 Messaoud, destroyed, sank in smoking [hashish] and sniffing [glue]. One day, an Islamist saw him, and led him to a rich person’s mosque. He gave him food to eat, taught him to beg/pray and to express himself. Messaoud, proud of his new function, started to direct people. He made the turn of the mosques, rounded up young people and made a little money. Came the day when he was called for the jihad. He took the plane, very glad to meet Bin Laden. Arrived at the camp, someone give him a weapon and another says to him: “Don’t move any more from here, fire on all that moves, your place in paradise is guaranteed.” Messaoud stays on the spot two days. In one moment of carelessness, zdaou! An American gave him a blow on the head. On waking, he was found himself in cell, with a Pakistani, who smiled to him oddly. Messaoud howled of spite: it was another Ali Boulahya!


 Messaoud spent a difficult year, with Ali Boulahya. Misfortune pursued him as the Americans returned him to Morocco. On returning to the country, unemployed and without shelter, he came very close to madness. It was there that he met Mhammed the violonist. With him, he made a match and reaped some denefits. Mhammed entrusted to him that he had a plan “to burn” [herraga, slang for emigrate] to Spain. Messaoud was very glad with the idea to flee this cursed country. Arrived at the border with Ceuta, they slipped into a fish truck. Mhammed drew some [?], Messaoud died refrigerated. Why Messaoud did he die? Why does misfortune stick to him so much? Why him?

 Taken from the arab culture blog Al-Musharaka (d2) المشاركة

 There are some more of his excellent tunes at the start of last weeks show. If anybody has any info or more translations let me know. Here’s another tune

  3awd lil gmakkoko


 In the same show, there were a couple of tunes from Muslimgauze whose titles range from the beautiful, - ‘A Small Intricate Box, which contains Died Blue Opium Marzipan’

 to the bracing -’Fatah Guerrilla, Return of Black September, Hebron Massacre, Vote Hezbollah, United States of Islam and The Rape of Palestine’

 Here’s an article about him worth reading.


  How much is the Fish?  Posted by homoludo on Jan 23 2008  Posted by homoludo on January 23rd, 2008 filed in Irish bands, video 4 Comments »

 Red Hot Entertainment - Junior Spesh 

 I saw the above posted by Prancehall and thought of this ( the link becomes apparent after a minute or so) -


 Buffulo - Stump(1988)

 The Stump story 


  Garage! Horror! Shock!  Posted by homoludo on Nov 25 2007  Posted by homoludo on November 25th, 2007 filed in garage rock, music, video Comment now »

 The pictures below are links to a couple of videos by The Horrors. The first ‘Sheena is a Parasite’ is one I slept on- video by Chris Cunningham and the second ‘She is the New Thing’ -video by Corin Hardy is also very good(like something drawn by Dave McKean). Both the music and the video’s appeal to my inner goth child and chime with my slight but growing obsession with Bridget Riley(sixties op artist). I’m planning a garage rock temple to her for next summer.


 Click the pics to link to the vids.


 While on the subject of garage rock songs that begin with ’she’, here’s the best one.

 ‘She’s bored with you’ by The Reigning Sound 


  Juke it to the Ground  Posted by homoludo on Nov 23 2007  Posted by homoludo on November 23rd, 2007 filed in music, video Comment now »


 Dj Blaqstar ‘Shake it to the Ground’ remixes are excellent also.

 It’s kind of a Juke track, which is a dance craze coming out of but not confined to Chicago.

 Click on the pics to see the vids.

 The tune this links to ain’t half bad either. 

 It’s seem to be that they’re gettin’ into ravin’. The style is not that unlike the dancin’ in Prodigy videos or when one was on one ‘back in the day’. You know those moments when you go up a gear and start dancing to the 16ths, 32’s etc? Only obviously better ’cause they’re American.

 Also check out new Euro dance craze, ‘Jump Style’




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