Last updated: December 25, 2010

Weather: Adelaide 19°C - 32°C . Fine. Partly cloudy.

iPad Opinion


Editorial: True spirit of Christmas

PLENTY of issues compete for attention - and maybe divert attention from - the real meaning of Christmas.

Editorial: Mining needs certainty

THE Federal Government must move swiftly to finalise its new mining tax regime as soon as Parliament resumes next year.

To our Facebook fans, thank you

IT'S been a big year for us at AdelaideNow and this Facebook page particularly, which has grown from 900 'likes' this time last year to 16,000 today.

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Editorial: Come clean on insulation

THE Federal Government's insulation scheme seemed to be a laudable effort when announced in 2009.

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Editorial: Christmas idea is key

NO educational institution should feel under pressure to take the Christ out of Christmas.

Tory Shepherd: A lesson in ignorance

THE battle against bigotry and prejudice begins in the school yard, says Tory Shepherd.

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Peter Vaughan: End shopping mess

IT might be the same old rant, but it remains the same old problem.

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Editorial: Flawed plan can't be fixed

THE "public consultation" phase of the proposed rezoning of land around Mt Barker involved the outpouring of distress from a large part of that community.

Editorial: Weatherill keeping word

EDUCATION Minister Jay Weatherill is scoring top marks among educators.

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Editorial: New era for news

DIGITAL technology is forging a new era for newspapers, creating opportunity for readers, journalists and advertisers alike.

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Education outcomes must lift

LIKE most of the gradual improvements in the life outcomes of Aboriginal people, the increase in school retention rates has been underwhelming.

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Julian Assange is PM's David Hicks

NATASHA Stott Despoja shares her views on free speech.

AN Columnists Promo


Jos Valdman - The Advertiser

Jos Valdman

VALDMAN is the cartoonist for The Advertiser and AdelaideNow. He is fascinated by politicians and other zoo animals – especially Fandango the flamingo. 

Peter MacMullin - The Sunday Mail

Peter MacMullin

SUNDAY Mail artist MacMullin swears to abide by the cartoonists' charter of being forever frivolous and loosely accurate.


Andrew Bolt

andrew bolt

ANDREW Bolt is one of Australia's most successful and provocative bloggers. Love him or hate him, you just can't ignore him.

Andrew Fenton's Turkey Shoot

Andrew Fenton - new thumb

FILM writer Andrew Fenton takes aim at movies and pop culture in a blog named after the timeless Australian B-grade movie Turkey Shoot.

Samela Harris

Samela Harris

EXPLORE features writer Sa Harris's quirky and unique take on life in Adelaide, and the weighty issues of the world.

Guest bloggers

Man in silhouette

ADELAIDENOW frequently hosts guest bloggers – from household names to members of the public. Keep an eye out for some surprises!

News Photos
Story Tips


Christmas Island boat disaster

Christmas Island boat disaster

Up to 50 asylum seekers are feared to have drowned when their boat smashed into cliffs at Christmas Island

Wild weather hits the state


Wild weather has lashed South Australia, bringing down trees, flooding homes and stranding motorists

Christmas around the world


See how other countries around the world celebrate Christmas. Do they do it as well as Australia?