Last updated: December 25, 2010

Weather: Adelaide 19°C - 32°C . Fine. Partly cloudy.

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Latest articles from around the World

World's unluckiest tourists revealed

Unlucky traveller

HORROR cliff plunge ending in a shattered leg and a helicopter crash in the Grand Canyon among worst travel experiences ever.

World's top toilets with amazing views

Loos with Views

AUSSIE toilet makes selection of the most picturesque and bizarre views from loos around the world.

Where to go in Autumn


March to May in Japan, with its clear skies and cherry blossoms, is the most celebrated Japanese season. Experience a Japan that few foreigners see & head for the less populated Central Alps.

Peruvian Alpaca

Peru's peak tourist season is from May to August, which is the dry season in the Andean highlands. It's also the best time to go if you're interested in hiking or mountain climbing.

World's safest airlines


AFTER the latest incidents, is Qantas among list of airlines with the best safety record?

Holiday in Chernobyl will be a blast

Nuclear Power

UKRAINE'S government wants to turn Chernobyl, the site of the world's worst nuclear accident, into a tourism hotspot.

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The highlights of Brazil


TRAVEL experts Lonely Planet have danced, hiked and strolled their way through Brazil's top attractions to come up with this where-to-visit guide.

Download a city guide:


Ultimate New York Christmas list

central park

OVERSIZED trees, Swarovski stars, late night shopping and ice skating are just some of the things that make Christmas in the Big Apple special.

Ex-bomb site becomes tourist hot spot


TAKE an exclusive look at one of the most bombed countries on Earth, which is now a popular tourist destination - but would you visit?

Top holiday hotspots for 2011

Igazu Falls Brazil

BRAZIL, India and the Philippines are among the list of must-see destination in 2011, travel experts have revealed.

Top 10 places for travellers diarrhoea


STUDY reveals a list of the places where holidaymakers are most likely to suffer from Delhi belly - and it's not India.

Authorities lose 119,000 planes in US

Passenger plane, aircraft, aviation

THE US has checked its list, and discovered it doesn't know who owns a third of the nation's aircraft.

Hong Kong by night

Hong Kong by night

GET your party clothes on, because every night is nightclub night in sizzling Hong Kong.

Outrage over Noah's Ark theme park

Ark Encounter

CRITICS are up in arms over plans to build a 7481 square-metre full-scale replica of Noah's Ark in a US town.

The best summer beaches


DIVE into summer with five of the world's best beach deals available, sure to have you lazing around - or out jet skiing - in no time.

Deal of the Week