Last updated: December 25, 2010

Weather: Adelaide 19°C - 32°C . Fine. Partly cloudy.

iPad South Australia

Man arrested and charged at school


STURT police arrested a man after he allegedly broke into a school and stole property on Christmas morning.

Teen returns home for Christmas

Missing girl Lou'Anne Gill

A TEENAGE girl missing from her Christie Downs home since Wednesday has returned for Christmas.

Another road toll increase likely

road death

SOUTH Australia is on track for a second consecutive increase in the annual road toll.

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Man attempts to steal pets

Police car

A THIEF tried to steal budgies, mice and a ferret from a pet shop early yesterday morning.

Three men arrested for taxi robbery

Police car

THREE men have been arrested for allegedly assaulting and robbing a taxi driver early this morning.

Perfect Christmas weather for SA


SA will have perfect weather for Christmas, while the rest of the nation battles rain, floods, and heat.

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Jobs focus in northern housing hub


A NEW, 12,000-home suburb north of Adelaide, which will house 33,000 people, has been given the go-ahead.

Elderly pedestrian hit by car


AN ELDERLY male pedestrian was hit by a car near Tea Tree Plaza, Modbury, yesterday afternoon.

Police seize hoons' cars


POLICE used anti-hoon laws to seize three cars overnight - one for breaking the speed limit by 45km/h and two others for doing burnouts.

Taxi driver robbed, assaulted


A TAXI driver was robbed and assaulted by three men in the northern suburbs early Friday morning.

Four rescued from boat wreck


FOUR people have been rescued from two boats after they washed up on rocks near Port Bonython.

Hardys wine empire sold for $290m

Earns Constellation Brands

CONSTELLATION Brands will sell the assets of the troubled Hardys wine company in a $290 million deal.

A tale of two real estate markets

Unley Park

THIS year was a tale of two real estate markets for SA, the top end flourishing, the cheaper side failing.

Union protests to continue until 2014


A MAJOR union has used a pre-Christmas newsletter to renew its campaign against savage Budget cuts.

A Christmas feast for 5000 people

Meals on Wheels Christmas

MEALS On Wheels has delivered more than 5000 meals to needy people for Christmas.

Undercover cops bust graffiti gang


COVERT police have busted an alleged graffiti gang vandalising a train at Dry Creek.

Winner answers the call for care

Nurse of the year

MOBILE nursing patients may see only one person on Christmas Day, and it may be the nurse of the year.

Hills hospital shuts, 100 sacked

Blackwood Hospital closure

BLACKWOOD Hospital will close and more than 100 people will lose their jobs on Christmas Eve.

Banned: The young and the reckless


MORE than 21,000 L and P-plate drivers have lost their licences in the past five years, as authorities warn drivers are ignoring the road-safety message.

Hahndorf traders start food fight


HAHNDORF traders fear the historic Adelaide Hills town is becoming too commercialised, as work continues on a Subway sandwich bar.

Man took secret 'up-skirt' photos

William James Smiley

WILLIAM James Smiley tried to make money by invading the privacy of Rundle Mall shoppers and taking "up-skirt" photos with a hidden camera.

Rural councils want a 30-year plan

Victoria Square

REGIONAL councils want a 30-year plan developed for country South Australia and to be treated as equal to their metropolitan counterparts.

Alleged arsonist lit fire as 'signal'


AN alleged arsonist has told a court he was lighting a boy scout signal fire so he could be rescued.

Birds lunch time

News Ltd photographer Jo-Anna Robinson captured this beautiful moment as a mother Willie Wagtail feeds her baby, with the Adelaide Oval as the backdrop.

PM's sky-high pilots grounded


TWO elite RAAF pilots who fly Julia Gillard and other VIPs were suspended following a drunken escapade only hours after a military funeral attended by the PM.

Maywald could run river rescue


SPECULATION is growing that former Riverland MP and River Murray minister Karlene Maywald will take responsibility for a national plan to save the Murray.

When life is the sweetest gift of all


A BELAIR family has been waiting almost a year to take their son Mitchell home.

The 'get real' meaning of Christmas


CHURCH leaders want people to get back to reality this Christmas because they believe the world increasingly is becoming "dehumanised".

Pedophile charged over Facebook contact


AN Elizabeth East man has been charged with breaching a pedophile restraining order by using Facebook.

Bushwalker 'lit fire as SOS'

Charles John Adams

A MAN found trapped in blackberry bushes has told a court he is not an arsonist - he was lighting a boy scout signal fire so he could be rescued.

Female shoppers snapped in Mall

William James Smiley

A MAN used a hidden camera to take photos up the skirts of unsuspecting women shoppers in Rundle Mall to sell online.

New freeway limit for trucks

freeway rollover

TRUCKS will be limited to 40km/h before they reach the South Eastern Freeway descent, with a camera to be installed to ensure they obey the speed limit.

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Heritage Matters: Money talks for today's politicians

Old Parliament House Adelaide

MEMBERS of South Australia's Parliament did not always receive a salary. Today their pay looms large in our lives.

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Christmas video bashes Government

Christmas video

INDEPENDENTS, Liberals and Greens have teamed up to bash the State Government on the eve of Christmas.

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Car thief in fast-food take away


A MAN who sold his car for cash in the car park of a fast-food shop was paid with counterfeit money.

A new life in the face of horror


HABIBULLAH Alizada would have rather died trying to come to Australia than face death at home.

Six arrested for city assault


SECURITY vision has led to the arrest of six youths for allegedly assaulting and robbing a man in the city this morning.

Horror journey to forge new life

Habibullah Alizada

ADELAIDE-BASED asylum seeker Habibullah Alizada said he would have rather died trying to come to Australia than face likely death in Afghanistan.

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Meet the fresh face of our police force

Omomo Omo-Irefo

NIGERIAN-born mother-of-one Omomo Omo-Irefo is the new face of South Australian policing and she says she will not be the last to break down barriers.

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$1.9bn present for retailers

christmas gift

LAST-minute shoppers are predicted to pump an estimated $1.9 billion into the South Australian economy.

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Aussie sled racer heading to Canada

Clint Graham

It may be the wrong climate but that hasn't stopped a South Australian man from heading to the International Sled Dog Championships next month.

Fears over power help for needy


THE State Government has been criticised by its own electricity consumer council for allowing prices to outstrip concessions for poor people.

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Anna adds colour to kids' world

Anna Walker

THERE'S something to be said about playing to your strengths. It helped Anna Walker break into her dream gig of illustrating children's books.

Police take steps against jaywalkers


ADELAIDE workers have been warned to watch their step, or else.

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Christmas Island boat disaster

Christmas Island boat disaster

Up to 50 asylum seekers are feared to have drowned when their boat smashed into cliffs at Christmas Island

Wild weather hits the state


Wild weather has lashed South Australia, bringing down trees, flooding homes and stranding motorists

Christmas around the world


See how other countries around the world celebrate Christmas. Do they do it as well as Australia?