Last updated: December 26, 2010

Weather: Adelaide 19°C - 32°C . Fine. Partly cloudy.

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Industry welcomes low-cost, no-frills super

THE superannuation industry has backed the new low-fee MySuper but wants it brought in earlier.

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Super payments to outstrip contributions

THE Australian superannuation system is facing a funding crunch.

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DIY super continues to fall out of favour

NOT-FOR-PROFIT industry funds are set to overtake self-managed funds as fastest growing type of super.

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Workers $200bn off comfortable retirement

Rush to beat the pension deadline

"URGENT need" to increase the superannuation guarantee levy on wages from nine to 12 per cent.

Australians confused by super terms


AUSTRALIANS approaching retirement are confused about the meaning of superannuation terms.

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Super fund member sign-ups slump

bizmoney stock nest egg cash

THE competition to win over new superannuation members is heating up as the number of memberships slumps to the lowest level on record and is expected to go backwards.

Oldies going for broke before retirement

RETIREES with modest super payouts are spending their cash on holidays before surrendering to the mercy of the age pension.

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Cooper calls for data standards in super

Jeremy Cooper

COOPER review chairman Jeremy Cooper wants common data standards in superannuation industry to be legally enforceable.

Super industry told 'pain before gain'

Bill Shorten

BILL Shorten warned super industry leaders to stop 'picking on' the Government's proposed boost to compulsory guarantees yesterday.

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