Things are getting old and grey down there. What should I do?

Kate de Brito

Wednesday, December 15, 2010 at 08:22am

Dear Bossy: I woke up this morning and discovered the most disturbing thing I have seen in many a year. It so disturbed me that I immediately had to address the matter. Never had I seen anything so disturbing!

Now I know that in this day and age there are many things that are now acceptable to talk about, we consider very few things taboo in our social discussions. No longer do we hide from gays, cross dressers, weird and wonderful habits. Even nose picking is something that we will point out and discuss instead of just disdaining the realization that some people indulge in such a thing, and in public no less, and even this becomes a point of humour.

We find these things funny, they become the butt of jokes and are discussed openly if not candidly. However never have I been party to a discussion on this topic which has so disturbed me.  I refer to the realization that yes… yes indeed, we all one day will get the dreaded grey pubic hair!

I found one!  Well more than one actually and immediately I felt a sense of my age, the slow sinking that one feels into the possibility of old age dementia and I panicked.  Immediately I broke out the scissors and the emjoy painful and reduced the little buggers to stubble, if not removing them totally.

Now I have never ever in my entire life had what is commonly termed a bazillion.  You know the one where they pluck and wax every teeny hair from down there.  Hubby had mooted the idea, but no. Once I insisted that if that was something I was going to endure then he was going to endure it right along with me and believe me… he is a dam sight hairer than I am. Needless to say he disdained the idea very quickly.

Now I know that all you youngens out there might find this a bit blase’ but tough. It is an issue that concerns a goodly sized portion of society. So what do you do about those grey hairs? Any suggestions aside from grinning and bearing it.

Does one go immediately to the chemist and ask for a strong dye? I should imagine that conversation with the ten year old on the other side of the counter. It isn’t terribly often that a question like that is asked and details given readily.  I have dyed my hair… the top knot, different shades over the years but in my experience unless I want a brilliant shade of ebony black (which I do not) then the chances of success are questionable. Do they have genteel shades available in suitably gentle concoctions?

Yes this is an issue.... I have a loving man and a healthy sex life despite our ages and we have been together since we were whippersnappers… hmmm.. maybe I should check out the man and see if he has the same problem. That too would make an interesting conversation.  I really don’t mind the few greys in the top knot, but somehow those down in the basement seem like the last straw! What do you and your readers think and do you have any advice for a panicked woman.


Bossy says: I dont think you need a “strong” dye. You probably need something very gentle on the skin. Or you could try lopping off as much of the foliage as possible even if you never go the fiull a “bazillion” (sic).

Alternatiely you could come to terms with what you have. Keep it short and it porbably wont be that noticeable. If it is notceable then you mjust simply embrace your salt and pepper bush as you must surely embrace all other aspects of ageing.

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shave it all off. i would dump a chick that let even a landing strip grow. foul. nothing worse than minge munching on carpet.

remove it. ever heard of stang moot? if youve got the hair, uve probably got the stang....




Dr. Opkick replied to Corporal Truth Teller
Wed 15 Dec 10 (11:10am)

Girls expect a little maintenance from men bossy, we expect some from the ladies too.

It’s got nothing to do with a pre pubescant look, it is all about making an oral experience being performed for the lady by the guy more pleasant for the guy and therefore longer lasting for the job he’s committed to.

Trim Bits = Everybody wins.


jed replied to Corporal Truth Teller
Wed 15 Dec 10 (11:14am)

I sure hope that YOU maintain yourself down there! We don’t like flossing with your crap either!

Mistress D replied to Corporal Truth Teller
Wed 15 Dec 10 (11:22am)

I’m assuming you do the same service for the lady you’re with.

thousand replied to Corporal Truth Teller
Wed 15 Dec 10 (11:28am)

isnt this mr captain truth teller? mr virgin whoz never been anywhere near a landing strip?

get a life mr wanker. stop watching p0rn and get a real gf.

then comment.... loserrrrrrrrr cool mad

uuhhmm replied to Corporal Truth Teller
Wed 15 Dec 10 (11:39am)

I feel exactly the same way Bossy.  I feel really weird with absolutely no hair, like a little girl again and it weirds me out that that would turn people on..

AFR replied to Corporal Truth Teller
Wed 15 Dec 10 (11:57am)

I think its odd when women pull out the pre-pubesecent card. Why do you shave your legs? Why do men shave their faces? Do you like your men to look like pre-pubescent boys? I also discovered when I started manscaping that the ladies were much happier to visit L’il AFR. Ladies - keep your full bush, but don’t complain when your man isn’t going downtown.

nick replied to Corporal Truth Teller
Wed 15 Dec 10 (11:57am)

while I wouldn’t dump a girl over something like this, I also prefer smooth and waxed/shaved. I don’t know about other guys, but I don’t want women to look like pre-pubescent girls. With the head as an exception, I just don’t like body hair in general on me or others.

Blah Blah Blah replied to Corporal Truth Teller
Wed 15 Dec 10 (12:15pm)

Oh, snap Bossy.

Chunks replied to Corporal Truth Teller
Wed 15 Dec 10 (12:17pm)

It’s not just one way though Bossy. Hairphobic females are just as bad at making guys get rid of their pubes. Believe me, you should come to my gym and check out the change rooms: 80 per cent of guys between 18 and 40 have shaved or waxed everything off below their bikini line, front and back in some cases. It’s as attractive as a freshly plucked raw chook and looks particularly fetching on really hairy guys who now have a hairline just below their navel. So cool.

T replied to Corporal Truth Teller
Wed 15 Dec 10 (12:21pm)

I think it’s quite acceptable that if you like to receive oral sex, that you should shave.  I don’t think that it makes woman look like pre-pubescant girls, I think it makes them look clean and touchably smooth. I absolutely hate having any sort of hair down there.  It makes me feel dirty and unattractive. What I don’t like though, is guys who shave.  It makes it look all bare and unmanly. I like a guy that really looks like a guy.  Plus it’s not as if guys pubic hair really gets in the way too much anyway…
All I could really suggest, OP, is that you shave it or embrace it.  If you & your hubby are both okay with hair down there, then you’ll have accept that hair turns grey as you age. I wouldn’t recommend putting dye anywhere near somewhere as sensitive as that.

just a suggestion replied to Corporal Truth Teller
Wed 15 Dec 10 (12:25pm)

who on earth would go out with a fella who called it “minge munching?” or even worse, let him near her. yuck.

ByStealth replied to Corporal Truth Teller
Wed 15 Dec 10 (12:42pm)

Shaming language inferring paedophilia Bossy?

Would you use the same on a woman who likes alpha boorish behaviour as you do for a man that likes younger looking women?

Teejay replied to Corporal Truth Teller
Wed 15 Dec 10 (12:53pm)

It’s funny how so many men do not realise that the pubic hair is actually there to assist with lubrication during intercourse!

gatecrasher83 replied to Corporal Truth Teller
Wed 15 Dec 10 (01:00pm)

now now bossy that’s hardly the reason us fellas prefer smoothness, the fact is as long as there is hair, my face will never go there

Danno replied to Corporal Truth Teller
Wed 15 Dec 10 (01:13pm)

I think it’s odd, that women like you Bossy, think men, think shaved fannies, is some love of prepubescent girls. It’s clean and you can see the lot. Nothing wrong with that. Unless it’s one of those outies that looks like a chook’s neck.

Wayne Kerr replied to Corporal Truth Teller
Wed 15 Dec 10 (01:23pm)

C’mon Bossy, there’s nothing wrong with a shaven haven between consenting adults

schmitten kitten replied to Corporal Truth Teller
Wed 15 Dec 10 (01:34pm)

CTTOT - I wonder how old you are.........I am hairy and I wouldnt change it for the world and I have lovers who adore it as well.  Men like you have been conditioned by watching too much porn and thats all it is, conditioning.  I am the antithesis of a porn star (the way I look not the way I behave in bed) and I love being that way.  Never say never - I have known men who might in the firts instance not be too keen on an unshaved area but to actually come to love it.
Also all you pheremones are down there as well and that where a lot of attraction/lust comes from..........

Minstrel replied to Corporal Truth Teller
Wed 15 Dec 10 (02:19pm)

Bossy, Brazilian rocks and if you know any pre-pubescent girls with fully developed breasts I’d avoid the water in that area!

Seriously, hair is there for the removing if you so desire, otherwise why bother with haircuts?  Is it pre-pubescent to wax armpits?  Blokes who shave their face are obviously freaks of society…

I think not, Brazilian is beautiful.

Unless it looks like a badly packed kebab in which case hair to go is acceptable as a warning to those who may wish to enter.

Father of Four replied to Corporal Truth Teller
Wed 15 Dec 10 (02:24pm)

To be honest im more a fan of the landing strip!!! I like things to be nicely mainted in the basement, nothing worse than going down there to do some work to find the place has been trashed!!!

Valid point bossy! which is why i much prefer the landing strip to complete baldness

Rabbit replied to Corporal Truth Teller
Wed 15 Dec 10 (03:39pm)

Bossy in all fairness, that is a generalisation.

I appreciate a trimmed and appropriate landing strip, i wont be dissapointed if it is pre-pubescent though. In fact, thats the only way she would receive a southern journey from my mouth.

But most definitely do not stand for the wild west of no razors or waxing dodads.

Mistress D replied to Corporal Truth Teller
Wed 15 Dec 10 (04:26pm)

If you complain about the way an apple is in its natural state, don’t expect someone to peel it for you. Least of all, bake an apple pie for you to eat later on.

BroG replied to Corporal Truth Teller
Wed 15 Dec 10 (04:49pm)

Its not Captain, Its corporal, 2 diff people, embrace corporal’s attack on CTT.

Hair there or not, i dont really care, never been with a shaven though and im keen. nothing to do with pre-pudescent crap what a load.

Its like people against anal sex saying no its an outtie!, and .. whats your vagina ? an inny ? dont you piss out it too, its as much ifnot more outtie than your ass?

Then theres the “sewer plant next to a Playground” line.. bullshit, whos to say your vagina isnt the sewer plant and your ass isnt the playrgound ? seriously, one sided views.

If you dont wanna do it dont do it, dont make up some bullshit to try make a guy feel bad by telling him hes a pedophile.

Wench replied to Corporal Truth Teller
Wed 15 Dec 10 (05:26pm)

Ok I give up, this is almost certainly a daft question but what the hell does stang moot mean?  Never heard this one before.

GenY replied to Corporal Truth Teller
Wed 15 Dec 10 (10:46pm)

I agree with Bossy… if your going to groom, leaving a little bit of hair seems less pre-pubescent.

BTW ‘T’ you say it doesnt look pre-pubescent, however a man who has no hair doesnt look like a guy??? Contradicting much?

Also as a woman I want my hair as it is. Besides, is there evidence to suggest pubic hair gets coarse after many amounts of waxing and shaving? Id rather keep my silky curls forever… maybe Ill plait them? Maybe it will be more attractive? HAHA

BeenThere DoneThat replied to Corporal Truth Teller
Wed 15 Dec 10 (11:16pm)

CTT jnr....

You would dump a girl with a landing strip???? Why? I think it combines the best of both world.... nicely waxed in all areas except for the top, so it doesnt look so pre-pubescent. To get a proper landing strip, it needs to be waxed all around, and the landing strip area given a number 1 buzz cut (although it could be something else).

Anyone growing a landing strip is just growing some regrowth

I think its so odd how men like you want women to look like pre-pubesecent girls

Ha ha, Rabbit, I know I am really just having a go.

Kate de Brito
Thu 16 Dec 10 (10:33am)

embrace your salt and pepper bush as you must surely embrace all other aspects of ageing.

Sorry Bossy, but who’s embracing it ?  Most of us are going down that slippery slope screaming and yelling, in a most undignified manner big surprise

OP - The only thing I’d suggest is keeping the hedges trimmed.  And I know what you mean about the 10 year olds in the chemist !

Angel of Sydney (Reply)
Wed 15 Dec 10 (08:29am)
Robbity replied to Angel
Wed 15 Dec 10 (12:37pm)

LOL Nice one bossy…

Granny I’d embrace the salt and pepper coz so many never get to resemble the seasonings of life....

To clarify, this time 3yrs ago my mates 16yr old daughter was killed in a car accident, she never got the chance and too many other young’uns also meet an untimely end.

I’ve recently discovered that some of my old mates (who would now be 21 with 19yrs experience -aka 40- like me) also met untimely ends in their 30’s, which means they’ll never know what its like to have salt and pepper pubes either.

So in this over commercialised season of love and goodwill to all, spare a thought to those who arent here to share it with us. Some perspective never hurts....

And OP If hubby’s happy with the seasonings you’re providing then there is no issue, really. But if you’re finding them unpallatable then go see a counsellor for your grief over aging (because thats part of why you feel that way) and learn to love the fact that you’ve made it far enough to get *seasoned* in the autumn of your life....

Roo replied to Angel
Wed 15 Dec 10 (01:31pm)

Always remember that grey hair is very distinguished looking!

I started going grey at the carpets and curtains area at an early age (genetic, so pick your parents carefully), and I’ve just learned that keeping things trimmed down there is the best way to deal with it. Personally, I don’t like the idea of a Brazilian, I prefer a small amount of fuzz to prove that I’ve been and done puberty. I know that four children will also prove that, but anyway…

I suppose if you get really desperate and you have an important occasion coming up (hubby’s birthday, anniversary, or such like) you could always try a quick swipe of waterproof mascara in the appropriate shade.

Sheridan replied to Angel
Wed 15 Dec 10 (01:49pm)

embracing ageing is actually liberating..

Sir Locust KTB replied to Angel
Wed 15 Dec 10 (01:52pm)

Sorry Bossy, but who’s embracing it ?  Most of us are going down that slippery slope screaming and yelling,

Screaming and yelling? I think you’re doing it wrong - unless it’s the lady in question thats…


I may have misinterpreted the nature of your comment there.... red face

just a suggestrion replied to Angel
Wed 15 Dec 10 (07:32pm)

that’s a great answer Robbity.

I don’t really worry about how old I am because it is better than the alternative.

Just shave if you don’t want to wax. Geez.

Other than that you will just have to deal with it. We all get older. It’s a fact of life. It’s not as if your hubby is immune to grey hairs either.

Norse of NSW (Reply)
Wed 15 Dec 10 (08:32am)

If this is the biggest problem in your life then seriously you are doing just fine.


Dr. Opkick of Planet Zero (Reply)
Wed 15 Dec 10 (08:33am)

Get a brazillian, I’ve been doing it for 15 years and I dont even know what the hair looks like anymore.. out of sight out of mind.

Jo of Melb (Reply)
Wed 15 Dec 10 (08:37am)
Matthew replied to Jo
Wed 15 Dec 10 (11:34am)

But she wants a Bazillion!

Ha Ha, Grannygrey, I love your turn of phrase. I’ve always wanted a bazillion, but Bill Gates is the only bazillionnaire I know of.

This is a case of mind over matter: if your fella don’t mind, it don’t matter. It’s not like you put your map of tassie on public display....or do you??? It can your dirty little secret!

Thanks for the laugh.

bullwinkle of the bush (Reply)
Wed 15 Dec 10 (08:39am)

Salt and pepper goes good with meat…

amazon (Reply)
Wed 15 Dec 10 (08:41am)
Semiotic replied to amazon
Wed 15 Dec 10 (11:53am)

Love it…

anibee replied to amazon
Wed 15 Dec 10 (12:30pm)

Thanks for that amazon! I totally laughed out loud.

I’d like to see you attempting to compare the the dye to the colour of your healthy foliage in a subtle manner in the chemist…

But seriously, over a certain age ladies are expected to cut their topknot shorter (according to custom anyway) so the answer is simple, do a number one down there. it will have the added benefit of scaring your husband away so he won’t hit you up for sex anymore either, win-win big surprise

Semiotic (Reply)
Wed 15 Dec 10 (08:49am)

Wax it, or keep it very very short…

Lexie (Reply)
Wed 15 Dec 10 (08:50am)

If the Salt and Pepper bush (nice one bossy) doesnt appeal, you have two options.  Dye it in a rainbow of colours...Ask your man what his favorite colour is.  reds, blues, possibly not green.... A different colour every month
OR go the postage stamp Brazillion.  All off front to back except a little band of hair up top which can be waxed into shapes.  Love heart? trapzoid? lighting bolt? frog?

yogi bare of Mullumbimby (Reply)
Wed 15 Dec 10 (08:51am)
Father of Four replied to yogi bare
Wed 15 Dec 10 (02:27pm)

ha ha ha spot on yogi!!! you just described my favourite umm hege design, nice an smooth front to back with a lil bit of fluff up top! hmmmm not too sure about the frog however but interesting idea!

wow that was the most long winded question every I think. Is it really that embarassing? I guess so.

Yeah, either keep it short or get a brazillian, those are fun. No way I’d go near my lady bits with hair dye, no way.

just a suggestion of sydney (Reply)
Wed 15 Dec 10 (08:51am)

Electrolysis. Permanent hair removal.

Laser hair removal won’t work on blonde, red, light grey or white hair.


Granny pants to cover your shame raspberry

Sarah R of Brisbane (Reply)
Wed 15 Dec 10 (08:53am)
Mistress D replied to Sarah R
Wed 15 Dec 10 (11:26am)

I know you didn’t mean it the way it appeared....But I am now intrigued by the ‘shame raspberry’.

Be proud of it.
Throw a party, Provide a bowl for carkeys.
Invite all your friends round, then proudly show off your greying muff, like we all did when we got our first pube.
Let it all hang out.
Then have a threesome.

birdy Num Num (Reply)
Wed 15 Dec 10 (08:56am)

One word.  Brazilian....  LOL
He will get so hot for you, you will both feel like kids again....

Es of Mel (Reply)
Wed 15 Dec 10 (09:00am)

Haha this is midly amusing, so you found a grey hair, whoop-di-do! Everyone gets them, why dont you try plucking the little f**ker and then you dont have to do what all us “youngens” are doing.

Embrace your age, on the bright side your hair might just fall out and you will never have to worry about it. But, certainly check out hubby next time you’re doing the dirty raspberry

Stacebags! (Reply)
Wed 15 Dec 10 (09:02am)

Oh get over it!! How ridiculous to even worry about it - stop being so vain - no-one else is going to see your pubes other than your partner and doctor - and neither of them will care........donate the money you would have spent on pube dye to a worthy cause instead!!

Anni-F (Reply)
Wed 15 Dec 10 (09:02am)
K replied to Anni-F
Wed 15 Dec 10 (01:17pm)

Everyone who posted something like Anni-F, kindly get a sense of humour.

If you can’t appreciate the tongue-in-cheek tone in Grannygrey’s letter, and instead feel the need to harp on about “donating dye money to charity” and so on, please don’t even bother posting.

Anni-F - instead of wasting your time posting crap on the internet, why don’t you donate it volunterring to charity? 

Absolutely ridiculous comments from nearly everyone here.

Kill yourself so you don’t get any more.

Wed 15 Dec 10 (09:02am)
jC replied to TOMATOR
Wed 15 Dec 10 (11:38am)

Hahahaha, I scroll through this blog just to find your posts, fuckin’ crack me up all the time. LOL

Lol, bazillion. wink

Lop it all off Gran, your husband will LOVE it.  A little pain, but some serious gain!

Elphaba of The Western Sky (Reply)
Wed 15 Dec 10 (09:03am)
Jake replied to Elphaba
Wed 15 Dec 10 (12:25pm)

It’s all good until it starts growing back, and then you have to deal with spiky bits !!! What’s the female opinion on blokes doing the sack and crack wax?(and back, if necessary !)

Elphaba replied to Elphaba
Wed 15 Dec 10 (04:18pm)

@Jake, hello there!

Well, yes, there’s that hazard.  But with the whole summer thing and swimmers and what not, a waxing is the way to go.  Not all of it though, a landing strip will do.

Hmm, guys and waxing… I don’t know, I don’t see why guys have to do it.  I like guys with hair.  But if they want to do it, go for it.

It looks quite pretty (waxed) in some of the pornos I’ve seen.

I fear I’ve said too much.  red face



Crotchet your pubes into an attractive tea cosy?

bec (Reply)
Wed 15 Dec 10 (09:07am)

Well OP, i have the greatest advice!Finaly something new to spice up your sex life! Why dont you tell your hubby you/santa left him a new xmas present! ‘Yes yes its down there, lower lower, now look for it’.
Tell him Santa left you a pressie & you wana share it! Few snowflakes! Tell him to hurry up they may melt away. Or its more of ‘get it while its hot, it will turn into snow storm,white will takeover!’ But, watch out! Gets slippery! raspberry… Watch your hips!

Come on! Am i the only one with a ‘dirty’ mind? Tell your hubby you have back/ neck issues and he should REGULARLY check for any new gray/white hairs!

Ah.. OP thanks for the laugh. I recon Bossy got skeeeeerd from the sound of jungle and couldnt come up with much funnies. Altho, shes right! Its just age, its just gray hair…

Oh on the other hand… To remove everything with LAZERSSS u need ‘white skin & black hair’. Maybe get it all removed now while you can!

thousand (Reply)
Wed 15 Dec 10 (09:15am)

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Kate de Brito

Kate de Brito

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