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Marc's Voice

building the open web one bit at a time

Mid-Dec blogging ‘10

matt-mullenweg-wordpressThis is a great example of how warped the Silicon Valley world is.  Wordpress has something like 300m unique readers.  They empower a LOT of blogs.  They book a little under $1m a month in revs.  But that’s not good enough for Silicon Valley.  Money is  more important than anything else to these people.  I say FUCK YOU!  The content, the ideas, the software is what’s important - not the money!  I say CONGRATS to Matt Mullenweg - keep doing what you’re doing!

FreedomLeaks - wise words from Doc Searls on others on WikiLeaks

And Jeff Jarvis is just saying……

20 brilliant marketing campaigns

The world’s first menorah made of recycled cell phones

Open Data Hack Day, Enschede

Web Science Trust

We had a great X-Mas party yesterday.  here’s a couple of the trays I did:



Date: Monday, December 13th, 2010 | Time: 5:05 pm
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I hate it when the Sun shoots out plasma trails which are over 400k miles long

From the Huffington Post:

Date: Tuesday, December 7th, 2010 | Time: 8:56 pm
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Blogging in the 2nd week of Dec. ‘10

20 things I learned about browsers and the web

200 countries, 200 years, 4 minutes

Woz’s history of the computer industry

Creating a painting which is based upon the 3 most popular search terms for painting buyers on Ebay.

Microsoft’s journey to the living room - finally pays off - but it ain’t a settop box - not yet - and there ain’t no dashboard or built-in social network - yet.  And they gave away blogging to Wordpress.

Smart things about blogs and making money from Nick Denton

Leaf = $25k all electric car from Nissan

deconstructing “Gimme Shelter”

Nixty, Khan Academy,

Date: Sunday, December 5th, 2010 | Time: 9:39 pm
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Getting ready for 2012

As 2010 winds down and folks are anticipating 2011, folks here in Cleveland are getting ready for 2012.

Not only is the Mayan calendar running out - but:

- the West side market

- the City Club

- the township of Shaker Heights

are all celebrating Centennial 100 year birthdays.

I’m helping out in the usage of on-line tools to organize, plan, schedule and produce events here in Shaker Heights.

Stay tuned.

Meanwhile the West Side market is one of the finalists for the 2012 International conference on Public Markets.  I’m thinking San Francisco, Vienna, London and Boston.  But I’m rooting for Cleveland!

And BTW Shaker Heights - the town of Shaker Heights has given us a free four-year lease on an old car dealership - which is where we’ll set up the LaunchHouse business incubator.  My new company - Digital City Mechanics - will be housed there.  I’ll also set up a computer history museum there - based upon artifacts I’ve collected over the years. I brought them all here from California.

DISCLOSURE: I do not pay pat Patterson anything for his conitnued type proofing of my blig posts.

Date: Saturday, December 4th, 2010 | Time: 11:31 am
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Begining of Dec. ‘10 blogging

ghostsamsterdam3Perhaps the $200k spent on Diapsora - was a waste? Or shall we try it again?  Certainly the cat is out of the bag, the Pandora’s box has been opened - no its just a matter of execution.

Meanwhile it looks like “Google Me” has been delayed

Long live the web

Why work doesn’t happen at work

Cliqset R.I.P.

How to produce an unconference in 6 hours

5 cloud oriented OSes

1st to hack Google TV gets $1k

Persistent Location rising

Ghosts of Amsterdam

The Open Government Data project in London

Activity Streams, Data Visualization, SuperFluid,

Date: Monday, November 29th, 2010 | Time: 11:44 pm

Thanksgiving Weekend blogging ‘10

I really want to do the same deal with Skype, that Facebook has cut. I wonder how much they’re paying them - or what the terms are?  It’s real disappointing that Skype won’t allow ‘normal’ developers to embed Skype into our web apps.

Auren Hoffman and Rapleaf are rolling out APIs to access one’s “digital lifestyle” data.  So now the question is: “do people wanna share this info or not - and can any user’s benefit directly from these APIs?”

Its wonderful to see Facebook and MySpace cooperating together. Too bad it comes so late for MySpace.  If wonder if things would be different for MySpace if they had taken my advice 4 years ago?

Mind altering drugs in culture and society

Harnessing the power of anti-social behavior to make a point and raise money for charities!

And now the price wars begin with Google TV

How Facebook Export works

Why I believe n Cleveland

Wordpress beats our Drupal and Joomla

Research Center for Educational Technology - at Kent State.

Date: Sunday, November 28th, 2010 | Time: 10:55 pm
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Connect Your Community comes through!

Congrats to Scott Rourke, OneCommunity and the Cleveland Housing Network (and Pahniti Tosuskri) on getting machines into the hands of 75+ graduates of the ‘Sustainable Broadband Adopter’ program.

This is broadband stimulus money being put to work!

Date: Wednesday, November 24th, 2010 | Time: 2:27 pm
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Mid-November blogging ‘10

dantheCivicCommons.com is live

Instagram - simple, limited, software - for today

Path - even more limited, exclusive software - for today

Lots of evidence of Google Me:

- Google Voice for iPhone

- Marketing experiment with Google Googles

- Google Hotspot - local recommendations from your friends

- Android phones will be credit cards - - Nexus S

- more over reaching designs and architectures from Facebook - proving how little they respect the open web

- leading the open web - with white papers like “Promoting Free Trade for the Internet Economy”

Can any of you read the tea leaves?  This is war.

A culture of civic engagement in Chicago

The Human Cloud and the future of work

I love this animated map - I just wish it displayed which year…………..

ThinkUp, the Eventernet,

Date: Tuesday, November 16th, 2010 | Time: 11:41 pm
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I’m proud of Michael Arrington

The battle over our data has been raging for years.  I remember Michael Arrington cynically remarking from the front row of LeWeb08 that “user’s don’t want their data, they’re happy being locked into Facebook.”

Now he’s found the error of his earlier ways and come out swinging at Facebook, speaking a truth that I’ve rarely heard him elucidate.

1. It’s what users want, and it’s the right thing to do.

2. Facebook is so large now that health-of-ecosystem and user needs must be considered when Facebook makes product and policy decisions.

3. They’re lying to press and users, even today, about their motivations for retaining data. This is not about protecting users.

4. The data export tool they released last month is a red herring.

5. They have a very small window of opportunity to do this, before Attorneys General and class action litigators see too big of an opportunity to pass up.

Right on dude!   Welcome to the open web.

It must be weird for Dave Recordon right now.  He’s “our man” on the inside at Facebook, in charge of their ‘open standards’ efforts.  As much as Dave does the right thing, none of that obliterates the harsh reality that Arrington raps out:

That’s the same argument that they used two years ago with Scoble. But since then Facebook has been quite willing to allow “mass exports” of “friends’ private email addresses” if the terms are right. They did it with Microsoft, they’re doing it with Yahoo, and possibly other partners. Facebook violated their own privacy policy with the Microsoft relationship. The policy has since been updated.

The truth is Facebook doesn’t see this data as your friends’ private email addresses. They consider it their data. They own it. Literally. So when they say “A person has no more right to mass export all of her friends’ private email addresses than she does to mass export all of her friends’ private photo albums,” what they really need to do is add “, unless it’s with a partner that’s making it worth our while.”

What happens next?

I gotta believe Zuck is smart enough to know when to back off - cause of this movie release and everything else is fucking with the grand scheme! He’ll still be worth just as much, Facebook will still give Google a run for it’s money - and all of the investors and employees will still make out like bandits.

But they gotta do the right thing!

Clearly Mike sees this as a major story to cover - and god bless him for it.

Ehat amuses me the most - is how public and real this has become.  This is not me ranting at some conference where people then walk up to me and ask: “ahnd zo, vat ist die bizneez model fur zuch openness?”

Scoble chides “will the real Michael Arrington stand up?”


Date: Wednesday, November 10th, 2010 | Time: 3:37 pm
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Blogging 2nd week of November ‘10

Lev Gonck’s keynote at the Internet2 conference - if you want to know what’s up in Cleveland and NEO - Lev is the MAN!

One way to lock municipalities into your solution - and fight off Cisco - give away $500m worth of services.  And imagine the tax writeoff!

Dan Moulthrop’s op-ed piece - post election Nov. 2010.

I’m preparing today for my colloquium tomorrow at the Cog Sci department.

It looks like I’ll be applying for some grants via Kent State’s RCET (Research center for Educational Technology.) The first thing they clued me onto is the standards based “21st century skills” efforts. In any of my readers knows about these efforts or knows of any implementations - please contact me.

Tee Hee Hee - its great to see the issue of user’s data become such a passionate issue!  It should be!

The story of electronics

Universal subtitles = very relevant for the Civic Commons.

As well - VoiceThread

Movieclips sounds awesome!


Date: Tuesday, November 9th, 2010 | Time: 10:55 am
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