March 31, 2007

Sad news

Filed under: Miscellaneous

Following up from this - the conjunction of lack of a health care system in the U.S. with temp labor conditions = serious consequences.

Monday, March 26, 2007
On the Death of a Fellow Worker…

The vigil will be at 9 P.M. Friday night (3/30/07)
directly in front of the Hatcher graduate library in
the diag. Look for us around the “M”.

Dear friends and fellow workers,

We recently have been informed that a fellow worker of
ours from the cafeteria in the basement of the
business school, James Kirk, has sadly passed away
Friday afternoon. Aswould be expected, a lot of the
workers are absolutely shocked at the news of his
passing. We took it upon ourselves to inform you all
about the news, as I know that most of us (at least
laptop support) go down on our 15 minute breaks to get
a bite to eat, some snacks, or even a hot meal from
the kitchen. But it’s not just the workers who get
their food prepared by these workers every day, it’s
students as well.

We are planning to host a candle lit vigil on the M in
the diag (in front of the Grad Library and shapiro)
and have a moment of silence for James sometime this
week which would include all of the Ross Business
school employees and also the students organizing in
the temps campaign to show appreciation for his work
here at the University. This is an issue near and dear
to us, not only because James was a fellow worker, but
because James might have been able to receive a proper
diagnosis and treatment for his condition had he been
given access to UHS; a struggle closely tied to the
temps campaign.

If you are interested in attending or have any other
ideas of ways to have a remembrance for our fellow
worker and friend go ahead and let us know. You can
call an IWW organizer at (734) 272-2321.

This is a very sad time for all of us, so I believe
staying together and staying strong is a rather
important for us at this time. We will keep everyone

Rest In Peace

The Temps

March 30, 2007

… do workers sell?

Filed under: Miscellaneous

Our labor. No, wait, our labor power. What in the hell is the difference? (more…)

March 29, 2007

… are specific intellectuals?

That’s another term I was excited about when I started this blog. I mention the term here and there but haven’t posted on it. One of my posts (on Agamben and Multitude) is from a badly written old paper that had a discusison of specific intellectuals in it. I’ll have to see if I still have a copy of the whole thing, I’ve changed computers a few time I may have lost it. In any case, Massimo has a post on Foucault and specific intellectuals that’s quite good here, that’s what made me think of this.

(Note to self, might be a bit more notes worth reviewing in the old journal pre-WITH.)

March 28, 2007

… is the IWW as problematic?

Filed under: Miscellaneous

Some notes on IWW history and some of the theory stuff I’m interested in. (more…)

… is the Hymn of Spiritual Hearts?

Filed under: Miscellaneous

It’s an excerpt from Ranciere’s book on Mallarme. (more…)

March 27, 2007

… is general intellect(ual friendship)?

Filed under: Miscellaneous

I used to assimilate recent Italian thought and post-operaismo to Negri. Later, I started to see some of the differences there (as Angela put it, “the significant divergences that did and do exist under that broad heading”, which are some of the most interesting aspects of that work). At either point I’d have been happy to take out a party card, so to speak. Lately I’m much less inclined in that direction. Still, there’s some important stuff in that varied body of work, for which I have a deep and abiding affection. (more…)

March 26, 2007

… preciso?

Filed under: Miscellaneous

(Preciso melhorar meu Portugués. Por este, escrevo um texto corto.) (more…)

March 25, 2007

… is use-o’clock?

Filed under: Miscellaneous

The time of use value, I mean. (more…)

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