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Newsweek Now The five Stories that Matter Most

More Seniors Cart Credit Card Debt To Grave

They say you can't take it with you—a saying that these days applies as much to debt as wealth. Two trends are taking place among the nation's retirees. One group is racking up debt at a pace they won't live long enough to pay off, and have few qualms about doing so. More

Chávez Uses Natural Disaster to Grab More Power

Chávez Uses Natural Disaster to Grab More Power

As torrential rains swept Venezuela in early December, leaving some 35 dead and 130,000 homeless, the president wasted no time in leveraging the elements to his advantage. On “humanitarian grounds,” the man Venezuelans know as El Comandante asked—and on Dec. 17 won—Congress’s blessings to rule by decree for the next 18 months. More

Alan Simpson on Feeding Bananas to Congress

Alan Simpson on Feeding Bananas to Congress

First of all, I want to know your reaction to the tax deal that’s before the Congress. It doesn’t have too many elements of deficit reduction.It’s a great disappointment, a tremendous disappointment, because —what is it, $858 billion in two years added to the deficit? More

Salam Fayyad: Palestine's P.M. on Building a State

Salam Fayyad: Palestine's P.M. on Building a State

You’re still working on your plan [to build an independent Palestinian state]. You have nine months left. Will it be ready? I think so. My vision is for better-functioning institutions for the state, more adequate infrastructure, various services. Is there a specific date? More