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MythTV Current Release:
0.24.0 on 10-Nov-2010
Development Status : Roadmap or Timeline
Check out Trac for development of 0.25 and the 0.24-fixes branch.
Unless otherwise noted, the wiki documentation refers to the latest released version. Check the Manual of Style for more information.
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The latest Official MythTV news can be found on the website [Add News Item]

ARTICLE - A 8 page article is released by the german Linux User Magazin 12/2010 [1] describing the installation and basic use of MythTV. A workshop series will follow in the next upcoming magazines --Ernst Reiter 21:20, 18 November 2010 (CET)

ARTICLE - A workshop focusing on post-install steps took place in Paris (France), on the 11th of September, 2010; it featured dvb scan, remote control, wake-up, plus a guided tour of latest advanced functions. Slides and a/v capture of the workshop are now available on-line. IRC channel #mythtv-fr may deliver additional support. Proceedings are directed at MythTV enthusiasts with skills in French. --Golffies 01:10, 5 October 2010 (UTC)

RELEASE - Freemote Control for iPhone & BlackBerry version 1.0 released 24-Jul-2010. Control MythTV using your iPhone or BlackBerry over wifi. Includes programmable buttons and mouse/keyboard control.--rrossi 17:40, 27 Jul 2010 (UTC)

RELEASE - LinHES R6.03.00 is available for download since 6-June-2010. LinHES R6.03.00 includes MythTV 0.23-fixes and many other fixes. As advised by Cecil Watson "if you are running an earlier release of LinHES to upgrade, simply: sudo pacman -Sy linhes-scripts then sudo".

LinHES "is an attempt to provide an appliance that flows in its look and feel, through the same libraries as MythTV, from install to configuration to daily use, thanks to its graphical installer and Service Menu", according to Cecil Watson. It is based on Arch Linux. --Golffies 01:06, 7 September 2010 (UTC)

RELEASE - Mythbuntu 10.04 Lucid Lynx is available for download, including the second MythTV 0.23 release candidate & the ArcLight theme as well as better integration with Upstart.--Keithamus 08:10, 01 May 2010 (UTC)

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