
Welcome to the GitHub Help site. Here we have compiled many guides to help you set up and use git and GitHub.

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Getting started with Git and GitHub

Getting up and running from scratch is easy:

  1. Take a quick crash course on git
  2. Install Git
  3. Generate a keypairIf you have troubles
  4. Set your user and email in git
  5. Create a repo or fork an existing repo

After you’ve created a repo you will presented with the commands necessary to create a new empty repo locally, push an existing local repo, or import an SVN repo.

If you are collaborating on someone else’s repo, you can clone the repo using the command git clone git@github.com:username/reponame.git. You can find this clone URL in the repo’s header when viewing its source page.

To learn more about git’s commands, we highly recommend you check out GitRef, the Pro Git book and the git man pages. If you need help or have any questions, feel free to contact support or ask the community.

Forking a project
How to fork a project, submit changes, and pull from other repos in the fork network
Generating SSH keys
How to generate SSH keys and add them to GitHub
Common issues and questions
Solutions to the most common issues and answers to common questions
Troubleshooting SSH issues
Solutions to common SSH issues
Setting user name, email and GitHub token
Configure your local git installation so that commits are linked to your GitHub account
Removing sensitive data
Dealing with accidentally committed passwords or other sensitive information

Getting help

There are a number of resources available to help you learn git or fix issues with GitHub:



  • Pro Git – The greatest book on git, by GitHub’s very own Scott Chacon. Available online for free.
  • git-scm – The official git website.
  • git man pages – In-depth documentation for every git command.
  • git user’s manual – Concepts and workflows.
  • git ready – Tips and hints for using git.