news and action

11 May 2007 >> News

Tuesday 20 November, 7.30pm, Oxford Town Hall
Speakers: Martin McCluskey, Oxford University Student Union
President ; Ruqayyah Collector, NUS Black Students Officer; Scott Cuthbertson, NUS LGBT Officer; …

6 May 2007 >> Comment

Today, anti-fascist campaigners have called on politicians to refrain from adding to misinformation and hysteria on social policy issues such as housing.

6 May 2007 >> Comment

Ken Livingstone, trade union representatives and anti-fascist activists highlight increases for fascism on the back of racism

27 Apr 2007 >> News

Today the Muslim Council of Britain (MCB) will call for a vote against the
fascist British National Party (BNP) during Friday prayers and distribute
leaflets, …

24 Apr 2007 >> Comment

The Corporation forces the BNP to present an alternative broadcast

21 Apr 2007 >> News

Fascist party linked to violence and criminality as it falsely blames multiculturalism for crime

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