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OLL Blog

Breaking News

Posted by: Lindsey Grant on 12/17/2010

A long post-NaNo nap

Our office will be closing on December 23 for some quiet time. We will be back on January 3rd, bright eyed and bushy-tailed and ready for more creative adventures!

The online store will remain open for your purchases and questions, however. Buying a holiday gift? Check the shipping FAQ to be sure your order will arrive in plenty of time.

While OLL naps, here are three great things to do in December:

-Declare your Big, Fun, Scary Adventure(s) for 2011.We did!

-Revise. Rewrite! And submit! The Amazon Breakthrough Novel Awards are fast approaching!

-Fill out the NaNoWriMo 2010 Participant Survey if you haven't already!

We hope you have a wonderful year-end nap, and an an equally awesome New Year celebration.

We'll see you in 2011!


I Wrote a Novel, Now What?

Check out our annual collection of tips on revision and resources for life after NaNo!

2,872,682,109 collective word count for 2010.


Posted by: Lindsey Grant on 12/08/2010

Shout outs & Outtakes

Thank yous! And so, so many bloopers.

In The Store

NaNoWriMo Merit Badge Buttons

This is a button-pack version of our popular set of NaNoWriMo Merit Badges. Earning these buttons will require a novelist to complete 10 challenges unique to the NaNoWriMo... more

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