Last updated: December 01, 2010

Weather: Sydney 19°C - 22°C . Rain at times.

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Building approvals rocket but risk remains

AUSTRALIAN home-building approvals rose in October for the first time in seven months.

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Save don't spend, says RBA boss

AUSTRALIANS should save as the economy surfs a ''once in a century" tidal wave of prosperity.

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We could work harder, say CEOs

COMPANY bosses admit they under-perform at work despite taking home massive pay packets.

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Workers take sickies to go Xmas shopping

Christmas present

WORKERS are taking sickies and approved time off to fit in Christmas shopping.

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Slow recovery for banks' funding source

Guy Debelle

THE securitisation market is unlikely to return to its former health soon, the Reserve Bank says.


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Little cheer in nation's new home sales


NEW homes sales have improved slightly but not enough to lift the  cloud hovering over the industry.

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Save for a set goal

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Buying a property

GET your foot on the property ladder.

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