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  1. @mysmartprice Please redirect your questions about nuggetize to @venkateshks who is the creator :)
  2. If you're reading an article / website and you feel the need for a "tl;dr" version, check out the bookmarklet by
  3. A Wall Street firm using satellite images of parking lots to predict quarterly earnings of retail stores... crazy.
  4. Whipped out a new version of my #flask boilerplate, made a new repo because using git-flow, @boiler_plate and!
  5. Sigh. Could manage only 16km today. Body was weak. Mind was weaker. Need to work on fitness for the next 3 weeks! #running #RunnersHigh
  6. @murthyug Thanks coach! I hope I do well tomorrow :-) #RunnersHigh
  7. Reading @zenx's well-written article in the Deccan Herald on the rise of "weekends for physical activity" trend
  8. I like that phrase, catchy! :-P #byteofvim RT @pritesh_j_shah Vimmers are winners! Check out the free ebook:
  9. @abisheknair Check out the List of apps that @achitnis uses - - he suggests Pulse for RSS.
  10. Did an easy conversational-pace ~10km today, gearing up to run a half marathon (21 km) tomorrow morning. #RunnersHigh
  11. @vinayakh My first and only reaction was "Huh?" :)
  12. @roxtar Not really :)
  13. @mysmartprice I did nothing! I hadn't even registered a complaint.
  14. Hard to imagine, but most likely reason RT @raghubk @swaroopch threat of number portability making everybody understand customer service
  15. Since quite a few people were curious, here's a photo of the package I received from Airtel