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friends of the earth international

We are the world's largest grassroots environmental network. We campaign on today's most urgent environmental and social issues.


More than 1000 people took part in the climate dialogue march

Calling for climate justice in Cancun

The latest UN climate talks have concluded in Cancun with leaders signing up to a package that merely prevents collapse and leaves the Kyoto Protocol on life support.
Read our closing statement
Read our coverage of the talks
Crowds gathered outside the Town Hall after the Climate Dialogue march

latest reports

REDD realities: Why the "Reducing Emissions from Deforestation in Developing Countries" scheme is too good to be true.

The ABC of climate finance: The involvement of annex 1 countries, banks and companies in climate finance.


the 2011 calendar

The Friends of the Earth International 2011 calendar is now available to buy online featuring 14 stunning images on the theme of acting in solidarity and building movements for change. Order yours today for €10

Nyéléni newsletter-hp

the Nyéléni newsletter

If you're interested in the issues around food sovereignty such as, gm crops, land grabbing and agrofuels you'll want to read this bi-monthly newsletter.
Find out more

worst eu lobbying award 1

worst eu lobbyists 2010 revealed

The results of the dual climate and finance categories of the Worst EU Lobbying Awards 2010 have been revealed during a ceremony outside the ISDA office in Brussels.
Find out who the winners are

crucitas mining demonstration

court says no to Crucitas gold mine

Friends of the Earth Costa Rica are celebrating a recent high court ruling that has declared the licence for an open-pit gold mine in the town of Las Crucitas to be invalid.
Find out more

Photo credit: flickr/betobeto


annual report 2009

Have you ever wondered what we do? Where we work? How we differ from other environmental organizations? Our annual report answers all these questions and more. Read it online here


community testimonies

Around the world communities have been talking to our member groups about how they are feeling the effects of climate change, illegal logging, corporate power and much more. Watch the latest videos.

group photo logo

the foei story

Find out about who we are, the global issues that concern us most and how our grassroots and international work is helping to create a sustainable and just world.
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