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international / economy Friday December 10, 2010 15:01 by Coordination Européenne d'Anarkismo
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Solidarité !

Communiqué des organisations européennes en Anarkismo : Federazione dei Comunisti Anarchici (Italie), Alternative Libertaire (France), Organisation Socialiste Libertaire (Suisse), Liberty & Solidarity (Grande Bretagne), Workers Solidarity Movement (Irlande), Libertære Socialister (Danemark), Libertäre Aktion Winterthur (Suisse), Motmakt (Norvège)

Ces dernières semaines, les signes de la colère des peuples d'Europe se multiplient. Si les mots d'ordre peuvent varier d'un pays à l'autre, la révolte a partout la même origine : le refus des peuples de payer une crise dont ils ne sont pas responsables, en encaissant des plans de rigueur qu'on leur fait porter seuls, pour ne pas avoir à faire payer les capitalistes...

Nous devons répondre par la lutte et la solidarité entre les travailleurs et les travailleuses des pays touchés. Face à ces attaques, l'internationalisme est plus que jamais nécessaire : nous avons besoin d'un mouvement social européen.

[English] [Ελληνικά] [Deutsch] [Dansk] [Italiano][Castellano]

international / imperialism / war Saturday December 04, 2010 18:42 by Dara
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"In order to make any sensible decision you need to know what's really going on, and in order to make any just decision you need to know and understand what abuses or plans for abuses are occurring.” (J. Assange)

In the face of perception management, WikiLeaks is information sabotage; disrupting the control that state and corporate bodies exert over information.

The institutions and organisations that shape and misshape the world are rarely interested in transparency, and journalism’s decline has been a boon for the powerful. They have their ‘information warriors’, but WikiLeaks can make us all into information guerillas.

If we want to understand our world better, if we want to manage our own perception, we should support WikiLeaks, we should support whistleblowers, and we should find ways to make journalism work for the people, not for power.

brazil/guyana/suriname/fguiana / the left Thursday December 02, 2010 19:57 by Felipe Corrêa
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São Paulo, 1917: Greve Geral

O artigo conceitua os movimentos sociais, situando-os na história e busca um método de análise para pensá-los. Discutindo diferentes teorias dos movimentos sociais, o autor chega à Teoria do Confronto e a partir dela analisa os mecanismos e processos que envolvem a burocratização dos movimentos.

Depois, ele propõe contra-mecanismos e contra-processos para a desburocratização dos movimentos (um programa antiburocrático), juntamente com um projeto de poder popular. Ao final, discute problemas colocados pela prática.

eastern asia / imperialism / war Wednesday November 24, 2010 00:06 by Wayne Price
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Sth Korean soldiers walk among dead political prisoners in Daejon

In recent days we have seen an escalation in tension betwen the two Koreas which is being presented by Western countries as an intolerable aggression on the part of the dictatorial, bellicose northern State against their democratic, peaceful neighbours. We think it might be interesting to present to our readers a text from our regular contributor Wayne Price, as a way to better understand the current situation and the reasons behind today's divided Korea.

At this stage we would support a mediated solution which sees the Korean people themselves, on both sides of the border, as main players, with no external interference or decisions made behind their backs. Such a solution would be the only way to open the door to a united, socialist, democratic and free Korea and guarantee, in this way, a sustainable peace with social justice.

[Italiano] [Castellano] [Türkçe] [Català]

ireland / britain / economy Friday November 19, 2010 15:23 by Andrew Flood
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Ireland in the sights of the IMF

It's now official, the Irish state is in talks with the European Union and the International Monetary Fund about a so called "rescue plan" to bail out the Irish capitalist class from the disaster created by the international crash of the capitalist economic system.

A crisis that was magnified in Ireland by the corruption of local crony capitalism on the one hand and the dependency of the economy on "globalization" on the other. Trapped between such a cast of crooks and idiots it is perhaps not surprising that many in Ireland hope things will be improved when the running of our lives will be handed over to those who many hope might have a clue.

More articles on the Irish crisis

[Italiano] [Ελληνικά] [Castellano] [Nederlands] [Català]

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E' uscito Alternativa Libertaria, 16-31 dicembre 2010

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Wed 22 Dec, 17:11

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