Technopranks: Carving out a message in electronic space

An infamous subliminal image in a Disney film

Jesse Drew writes for Processed World magazine on how workers and citizens have used modern technology to assert their humanity, from using subliminal images to blogging.

I knelt to examine the floor, and there it was, in tiny writing, quite fresh it seemed, scratched with a pin or maybe just a fingernail, in the corner where the darkest shadow fell:
Nolite te bastardes carborundorum.

On the Bleeding Edge

A tale of toil of a database administrator for an imaging company.

It’s a decent job—lots of “bleeding-edge” technology and every day is a learning experience. Of course, half the time I would tell you it’s horrible. On balance, since I sometimes refer to the company as “we,” it is apparently a good enough job to seduce my on-and-off allegiance.

"A Strike By Any Other Name"

Natasha Moss-Dedrick analyses the huge, five months strike of 70,000 California grocery workers in 2004 and the role the union played in their defeat.

Everyday terror: the national insecurity state

Adam Cornford on the fears of American workers.

Trauma Tango - Tom Messmer

A tale of toil from a San Francisco hospital social worker.

“The apocalypse has been announced so many times that it cannot occur. And even if it did it would be hard to distinguish it from the everyday fate already reserved for individual and community alike.”
Raoul Vaneigem, The Movement of the Free Spirit

[I] “They hang the man and flog the woman
who steal the goose from off the common

A spectre is haunting Europe

A text written by the Evangelismos squat in Heraklion, Crete, in support of the student and other social struggles in Britain, Italy and elsewhere.

Οn the 24th November, many student demonstrations took place in Britain, in which participated over 50,000 people. The march was called in response to the new educational measures announced by the British government. By now, the tuition fees, for someone who wanted to attend a british university, run into 3,000 pounds per year.

The Spanish CGT: the new anarcho-syndicalism - Larry Gambone

2004 opinion and assessment of the CGT in Spain by a Canadian anarchist, with which we do not agree but reproduce here for reference and discussion.

by Larry Gambone

Anarchism, anthropology and Andalucia: An Analysis of the CNT and the ‘New Capitalism’

A CNT militant attempts to analyze the union's strengths and weaknesses.


They Can't Extinguish The Fire!

yet another leaflet about cuts and the student riots...

The outbreaks of rebellion on November 10th/24th, and the (right royal) fun on December 9th gave us all a boost – there’s nothing like rioting to warm up a chilly winter. Hopefully the demolition of Millbank, the tugs of war with the police and the attacks on government buildings and random royals, as well as the wildfire of college occupations around the country are just the opening round, not only for the students, but for the rest of us facing grim years of cuts, losing our jobs, homes or services… Can we look forward to defiance of the austerity program spreading to public sector workers, council tenants, and beyond?

So far many local or not so local anti-cuts campaigns have sprung up to try to work together to resist. The writers of this leaflet have been involved in anti-cuts campaigns before. For years, in fact three decades, each Spring seemed to bring new rounds of threats to this service or that community centre in our localities.

If they block our future, we’ll block the city!

If they block our future, we’ll block the city! Notes on the university mobilizations in the Italian autumn of 2010

Friday, December 3, 2010  

by Gian Luca Pittavino

The image of the Leaning Tower of Pisa occupied by students traveled the world over, ending up on the BBC and the front page of the Financial Times in a matter of hours.

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