How to set-up Audio & MIDI Recording on a PC
How to set-up Audio & MIDI Recording on a PC
How to plug-in cables, and set up audio and MIDI for optimized recording and playback on a PC. This video shows the process in SONAR Home Studio 6, but the concepts can be applied to most Cakewalk software.
How to plug-in cables, and set up audio and MIDI for optimized recording and playback on a PC. This video shows the process in SONAR Home Studio 6, but the concepts can be applied to most Cakewalk software.
- Duration: 3:29
- Published: 2007-02-16
- Uploaded: 2010-11-05
- Author: CakewalkSoftware
Axis 64 Midi Controller
Axis 64 Midi Controller
Designer Peter Davies threw out preconceptions of what a music keyboard should be and designed a layout based on the Harmonic Table. According to C-Thru Musiic, the arrangement of notes helps you understand note relationships and create as you never have before.
Designer Peter Davies threw out preconceptions of what a music keyboard should be and designed a layout based on the Harmonic Table. According to C-Thru Musiic, the arrangement of notes helps you understand note relationships and create as you never have before.
- Duration: 9:46
- Published: 2007-02-14
- Uploaded: 2010-11-11
- Author: drbrainwork
Midi Guitar Fun
Midi Guitar Fun for free video lessons for free video lessons
- Duration: 4:58
- Published: 2007-05-08
- Uploaded: 2010-11-12
- Author: vanderbilly
STANTON SCS.3M.... What is a midi controller?
STANTON SCS.3M.... What is a midi controller?
midi controller STANTON SCS.3M.... What is a midi controller? ------------------- The SCS.3M can be used in conjunction with a PC program like Traktor to manipulate the music off your PC. This unit has no moving parts so it's life span theoretically should be longer than a unit with some moving parts... but at the end of the day a lot is down to the end user and how he/ she looks after the item. ------------ toon is by Enzyme Black " Take it" Danny J Lewis This unit has no moving parts so it's life span
midi controller STANTON SCS.3M.... What is a midi controller? ------------------- The SCS.3M can be used in conjunction with a PC program like Traktor to manipulate the music off your PC. This unit has no moving parts so it's life span theoretically should be longer than a unit with some moving parts... but at the end of the day a lot is down to the end user and how he/ she looks after the item. ------------ toon is by Enzyme Black " Take it" Danny J Lewis This unit has no moving parts so it's life span
- Duration: 5:50
- Published: 2009-12-02
- Uploaded: 2010-09-30
- Author: ellaskins
axiom midi controller keyboard demo review
axiom midi controller keyboard demo review demo of m-audios axiom 25 software controller keyboard demo of m-audios axiom 25 software controller keyboard
Sequencer and Synthesizer MIDI Tutorial
Sequencer and Synthesizer MIDI Tutorial
This is a short tutorial on how to hook up a MIDI handshake. MPC MIDI OUT to the Synth MIDI IN Synth MIDI OUT to the MPC MIDI IN' Also, when I said "polyphonic" what I meant to say was "multi-timbral".
This is a short tutorial on how to hook up a MIDI handshake. MPC MIDI OUT to the Synth MIDI IN Synth MIDI OUT to the MPC MIDI IN' Also, when I said "polyphonic" what I meant to say was "multi-timbral".
- Duration: 7:23
- Published: 2007-10-23
- Uploaded: 2010-11-05
- Author: lithion
KP3 as a MIDI Controller
KP3 as a MIDI Controller
Ableton Live with KORG KAOSS PAD KP3. Stage6 version: In "EXT CTRL" mode, KP3 acts as a MIDI controller. It has eight virtual sliders, fourteen keys, one slider and volume. These controllers are assignable to any MIDI notes or CCs using KP3-Editor (PC software). KP3 is not just a multi effector; It is also a MIDI controller with nice LED illumination :) I think KP3 is one of most cost-effective gears in the current market.
Ableton Live with KORG KAOSS PAD KP3. Stage6 version: In "EXT CTRL" mode, KP3 acts as a MIDI controller. It has eight virtual sliders, fourteen keys, one slider and volume. These controllers are assignable to any MIDI notes or CCs using KP3-Editor (PC software). KP3 is not just a multi effector; It is also a MIDI controller with nice LED illumination :) I think KP3 is one of most cost-effective gears in the current market.
- Duration: 5:37
- Published: 2007-01-28
- Uploaded: 2010-11-11
- Author: Denkitribe
Drums & Percussion : What Is MIDI Used For?
Drums & Percussion : What Is MIDI Used For?
MIDI stands for musical instrument digital interface, and it is used by different musical devices that need to communicate, such as sound cards, electronic keyboards or electronic drums. Discover how MIDI can be used to make an acoustic instrument an electronic instrument with help from an experienced drummer in this free video on musical instrument digital interfaces. Expert: David Pakman Contact: Bio: David Pakman is a longtime drummer trained in rock, funk, jazz, blues and music theory, and is also a casual piano/keyboard player. Filmmaker: David Pakman
MIDI stands for musical instrument digital interface, and it is used by different musical devices that need to communicate, such as sound cards, electronic keyboards or electronic drums. Discover how MIDI can be used to make an acoustic instrument an electronic instrument with help from an experienced drummer in this free video on musical instrument digital interfaces. Expert: David Pakman Contact: Bio: David Pakman is a longtime drummer trained in rock, funk, jazz, blues and music theory, and is also a casual piano/keyboard player. Filmmaker: David Pakman
- Duration: 1:38
- Published: 2009-04-10
- Uploaded: 2010-10-24
- Author: expertvillage
Station MIDI controller by Ander
Station MIDI controller by Ander
Do you want to know more? Go to
Do you want to know more? Go to
- Duration: 4:35
- Published: 2010-06-01
- Uploaded: 2010-11-11
- Author: egonander
1987 Apple Computer Reseller Training Video - Apple MIDI Interface - First Half
1987 Apple Computer Reseller Training Video - Apple MIDI Interface - First Half
Clip 5 of 6 clips from a 1987 Apple training Video for resellers. Parts 1-4 are titled "Training for the Laserwriter II Family of Printers." 1. Extending the Lead 2. The Print Controller 3. Imaging 4. Xerography Part 5 on the tape is "An Introduction to the Apple MIDI Interface" which I have split into clips 5 and 6.
Clip 5 of 6 clips from a 1987 Apple training Video for resellers. Parts 1-4 are titled "Training for the Laserwriter II Family of Printers." 1. Extending the Lead 2. The Print Controller 3. Imaging 4. Xerography Part 5 on the tape is "An Introduction to the Apple MIDI Interface" which I have split into clips 5 and 6.
- Duration: 6:14
- Published: 2009-03-05
- Uploaded: 2010-09-29
- Author: jafafah0ts
FUNK General midi
FUNK General midi
My favorite song from general midi, I've added some silly pics to the video as well.
My favorite song from general midi, I've added some silly pics to the video as well.
- Duration: 6:17
- Published: 2008-10-13
- Uploaded: 2010-10-24
- Author: syd86
The Piano - Amazing Short - Animation by Aidan Gibbons, Music by Yann Tiersen
The Piano - Amazing Short - Animation by Aidan Gibbons, Music by Yann Tiersen
Watch 3d animation and more at An old man shares his life story with his young grandchild through evocative music. The song is "Comptine d'un autre été: l'après midi" composed by: Yann Tiersen Animation by Aidan Gibbons Contact me if you wanna get personal: facebook: MySpace - Twitter - Don't forget to subscribe to our channel for more great cartoons.
Watch 3d animation and more at An old man shares his life story with his young grandchild through evocative music. The song is "Comptine d'un autre été: l'après midi" composed by: Yann Tiersen Animation by Aidan Gibbons Contact me if you wanna get personal: facebook: MySpace - Twitter - Don't forget to subscribe to our channel for more great cartoons.
- Duration: 2:22
- Published: 2007-11-14
- Uploaded: 2010-11-12
- Author: aniBOOM
multitouch general midi
multitouch general midi
multitouch surface as a MIDI controller
multitouch surface as a MIDI controller
- Duration: 1:22
- Published: 2007-01-07
- Uploaded: 2010-10-26
- Author: cladclad
Mini MIDI Keyboard Review: M-Audio Oxygen8 v2
Mini MIDI Keyboard Review: M-Audio Oxygen8 v2 takes a look at the 25 key MIDI usb keyboard. There's nifty a Logic Pro tip too takes a look at the 25 key MIDI usb keyboard. There's nifty a Logic Pro tip too
- Duration: 10:34
- Published: 2006-05-17
- Uploaded: 2010-09-08
- Author: sonicstate
Debussy: L'après-midi d'un faune (Stokowski) part 1/2
Debussy: L'après-midi d'un faune (Stokowski) part 1/2
A celebrated performance conducted by Leopold Stokowski with the London Symphony Orchestra, Royal Festival Hall, London, 14 June 1972. Part 2 here: "Prélude à l'après-midi d'un faune" by Claude Debussy. Performed on the double occassion of Stokowski's 90th birthday, and 60th anniversary of his LSO debut. Though he conducted the entire program from that 1912 concert, it was this Debussy performance folks recall most memorably. "Prélude à l'après-midi d'un faune" was a specialty of Stokowski over the years, but he and his soloists surpassed themselves on this night, as you will see! Christopher Palmer wrote in "The Musical Times" that "My most treasured memory of the evening is undoubtedly 'Prélude à l'après-midi d'un faune', which received a reading of exceptional refinement with all the tensions and relaxations effortlessly and beautifully graded, and unerringly poetic solo work from all the woodwind. A flawless performance." in "The Daily Telegraph" Peter Stadlen wrote "Stokowski's legendary hands, though batonless, are put to the strictest functional use. His angular, almost ungainly movements are the simple tools for some of he most masterly conducting the century has what seemingly incongruous flicks of the wrist did he promote the fabulously sensitve solos in 'Prélude à l'après-midi d'un faune'? Never has lifelong global fame rested on more solid foundations." adapted from the liner notes by Edward Johnson Debussy: Prelude to "The <b>...</b>
A celebrated performance conducted by Leopold Stokowski with the London Symphony Orchestra, Royal Festival Hall, London, 14 June 1972. Part 2 here: "Prélude à l'après-midi d'un faune" by Claude Debussy. Performed on the double occassion of Stokowski's 90th birthday, and 60th anniversary of his LSO debut. Though he conducted the entire program from that 1912 concert, it was this Debussy performance folks recall most memorably. "Prélude à l'après-midi d'un faune" was a specialty of Stokowski over the years, but he and his soloists surpassed themselves on this night, as you will see! Christopher Palmer wrote in "The Musical Times" that "My most treasured memory of the evening is undoubtedly 'Prélude à l'après-midi d'un faune', which received a reading of exceptional refinement with all the tensions and relaxations effortlessly and beautifully graded, and unerringly poetic solo work from all the woodwind. A flawless performance." in "The Daily Telegraph" Peter Stadlen wrote "Stokowski's legendary hands, though batonless, are put to the strictest functional use. His angular, almost ungainly movements are the simple tools for some of he most masterly conducting the century has what seemingly incongruous flicks of the wrist did he promote the fabulously sensitve solos in 'Prélude à l'après-midi d'un faune'? Never has lifelong global fame rested on more solid foundations." adapted from the liner notes by Edward Johnson Debussy: Prelude to "The <b>...</b>
Comptine d'un autre ete : L'apres midi (Planet Earth Video)
Comptine d'un autre ete : L'apres midi (Planet Earth Video)
This footage is from the Discovery Channel special, Planet Earth. The song is from the soundtrack from Amélie and called Comptine D'un Autre EteL'apres Midi by Yann Tiersen who is a brilliant musician. The song is I love this song and whenever I listen to it this is kind of what I picture. :) Enjoy download this video here:
This footage is from the Discovery Channel special, Planet Earth. The song is from the soundtrack from Amélie and called Comptine D'un Autre EteL'apres Midi by Yann Tiersen who is a brilliant musician. The song is I love this song and whenever I listen to it this is kind of what I picture. :) Enjoy download this video here:
- Duration: 2:20
- Published: 2007-07-15
- Uploaded: 2010-11-11
- Author: Psyeraph
MIDI Animation "Final Fantsy Ⅳ" 【MIDIアニメ】劣化FF4メドレー
MIDI Animation "Final Fantsy Ⅳ" 【MIDIアニメ】劣化FF4メドレー
executor: jinja- (the fifth work) software: The Music Animation Machine reprint from NicoNicoDouga http *Stereo
executor: jinja- (the fifth work) software: The Music Animation Machine reprint from NicoNicoDouga http *Stereo
- Duration: 2:24
- Published: 2007-11-15
- Uploaded: 2010-11-11
- Author: hattariyaro
The Mad Capsule Markets - Midi Surf
The Mad Capsule Markets - Midi Surf
Not sure if this video is up already or not, can't remember, but this is one of my favourite Mad Capsules songs for sure, completely awesome song. This is tbe version with the shorter intro.
Not sure if this video is up already or not, can't remember, but this is one of my favourite Mad Capsules songs for sure, completely awesome song. This is tbe version with the shorter intro.
- Duration: 4:21
- Published: 2006-07-26
- Uploaded: 2010-11-03
- Author: Destroyder
Driver's License as Ableton Live MIDI Controller
Driver's License as Ableton Live MIDI Controller
Using the magnetic strip on the back of my driver's license to make a ribbon controller which then controls Autofilter in Live 6 via MIDI.
Using the magnetic strip on the back of my driver's license to make a ribbon controller which then controls Autofilter in Live 6 via MIDI.
- Duration: 1:13
- Published: 2007-01-15
- Uploaded: 2010-11-09
- Author: db3ll
The Flashbulb - Improvised MIDI Guitar
The Flashbulb - Improvised MIDI Guitar
Music: Booking While attempting to write up an accurate description of my live performances to various promoters, my booking agency and myself thought it'd be fun to simply make a demonstration video. After converting my rehearsal room into a poor-man's film studio, I decided that I might as well use some sleek cameras and make a psuedo-music video for a song that hasn't been recorded yet. I hope you enjoy the results! **Note: I do not endorse the gear, brands, or products used in this video. Some of them even suck. :) **
Music: Booking While attempting to write up an accurate description of my live performances to various promoters, my booking agency and myself thought it'd be fun to simply make a demonstration video. After converting my rehearsal room into a poor-man's film studio, I decided that I might as well use some sleek cameras and make a psuedo-music video for a song that hasn't been recorded yet. I hope you enjoy the results! **Note: I do not endorse the gear, brands, or products used in this video. Some of them even suck. :) **
- Duration: 2:26
- Published: 2009-10-31
- Uploaded: 2010-11-08
- Author: angeldvst